# [optional] to set up a HARBOR, and to integrate the HARBOR with k8s cluster # read the guide: 'guide/harbor.md' - hosts: harbor roles: - { role: chrony, when: "NEW_INSTALL == 'yes' and groups['chrony']|length > 0" } - { role: prepare, when: "NEW_INSTALL == 'yes'" } - { role: docker, when: "NEW_INSTALL == 'yes'" } - { role: harbor, when: "NEW_INSTALL == 'yes'" } tasks: - name: Fetching the HARBOR SERVER's CA cert fetch: src: "{{ ca_dir }}/ca.pem" dest: "{{ base_dir }}/down/" flat: yes when: hostvars[groups.harbor[0]]['SELF_SIGNED_CERT'] == 'yes' - hosts: - kube-master - kube-node tasks: - name: Define 'harbor_hostname', a domain name set_fact: harbor_hostname={{ hostvars[groups.harbor[0]]['HARBOR_DOMAIN'] }} - name: Define 'harbor_hostname', an IP Addr set_fact: harbor_hostname={{ groups['harbor'][0] }} when: hostvars[groups.harbor[0]]['HARBOR_DOMAIN'] == '' - block: - block: - name: Creating cert dir for the docker daemon file: name=/etc/docker/certs.d/{{ harbor_hostname }} state=directory - name: Installing the HARBOR SERVER's CA cert for docker copy: src={{ base_dir }}/down/ca.pem dest=/etc/docker/certs.d/{{ harbor_hostname }}/ca.crt when: CONTAINER_RUNTIME == 'docker' - block: - name: Installing the HARBOR SERVER's CA cert on k8s nodes copy: src={{ base_dir }}/down/ca.pem dest=/usr/share/ca-certificates/harbor-ca.crt - name: Add the HARBOR SERVER's CA cert lineinfile: dest: /etc/ca-certificates.conf state: present regexp: 'harbor-ca' line: 'harbor-ca.crt' - name: Update the trusted ca-certificates shell: 'update-ca-certificates' - name: restart containerd service: name=containerd state=restarted when: - 'CONTAINER_RUNTIME == "containerd"' - 'ansible_distribution == "Ubuntu"' - block: - name: Installing the HARBOR SERVER's CA cert on k8s nodes copy: src={{ base_dir }}/down/ca.pem dest=/etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/harbor-ca.crt - name: Update the trusted ca-certificates shell: 'update-ca-trust' - name: restart containerd service: name=containerd state=restarted when: - 'CONTAINER_RUNTIME == "containerd"' - 'ansible_distribution in ["CentOS","RedHat","Amazon"]' when: hostvars[groups.harbor[0]]['SELF_SIGNED_CERT'] == 'yes' # [optional] if you have a DNS server, add an 'A record' instead - name: Adding an '/etc/hosts' entry for the HARBOR DOMAIN lineinfile: dest: /etc/hosts state: present regexp: '{{ harbor_hostname }}' line: "{{ groups['harbor'][0] }} {{ harbor_hostname }}" when: "hostvars[groups.harbor[0]]['HARBOR_DOMAIN'] != ''" # [optional] 使用 cloud-init 初始化的虚拟机,/etc/hosts 后会重启时被替换,需修改对应的模板文件 - name: Adding cloud-init hosts template (debian) entry for the HARBOR DOMAIN lineinfile: dest: /etc/cloud/templates/hosts.debian.tmpl state: present regexp: '{{ harbor_hostname }}' line: "{{ groups['harbor'][0] }} {{ harbor_hostname }}" when: 'ansible_distribution in ["Ubuntu","Debian"]' - name: Adding cloud-init hosts template (redhat) entry for the HARBOR DOMAIN lineinfile: dest: /etc/cloud/templates/hosts.redhat.tmpl state: present regexp: '{{ harbor_hostname }}' line: "{{ groups['harbor'][0] }} {{ harbor_hostname }}" when: 'ansible_distribution in ["CentOS","RedHat","Amazon"]'