# Default values for elasticsearch. # This is a YAML-formatted file. # Declare variables to be passed into your templates. appVersion: "6.4.0" image: repository: "docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-oss" tag: "6.4.0" pullPolicy: "IfNotPresent" # If specified, use these secrets to access the image # pullSecrets: # - registry-secret cluster: name: "elasticsearch" # If you want X-Pack installed, switch to an image that includes it, enable this option and toggle the features you want # enabled in the environment variables outlined in the README xpackEnable: false # Some settings must be placed in a keystore, so they need to be mounted in from a secret. # Use this setting to specify the name of the secret # keystoreSecret: eskeystore config: {} env: # IMPORTANT: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/important-settings.html#minimum_master_nodes # To prevent data loss, it is vital to configure the discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes setting so that each master-eligible # node knows the minimum number of master-eligible nodes that must be visible in order to form a cluster. MINIMUM_MASTER_NODES: "2" client: name: client replicas: 2 serviceType: ClusterIP loadBalancerIP: {} loadBalancerSourceRanges: {} ## (dict) If specified, apply these annotations to the client service # serviceAnnotations: # example: client-svc-foo heapSize: "512m" antiAffinity: "soft" nodeSelector: {} tolerations: [] resources: limits: cpu: "1" # memory: "1024Mi" requests: cpu: "25m" memory: "512Mi" priorityClassName: "" ## (dict) If specified, apply these annotations to each client Pod # podAnnotations: # example: client-foo podDisruptionBudget: enabled: false minAvailable: 1 # maxUnavailable: 1 master: name: master exposeHttp: false replicas: 3 heapSize: "512m" persistence: enabled: true accessMode: ReadWriteOnce name: data size: "4Gi" # storageClass: "ssd" antiAffinity: "soft" nodeSelector: {} tolerations: [] resources: limits: cpu: "1" # memory: "1024Mi" requests: cpu: "25m" memory: "512Mi" priorityClassName: "" ## (dict) If specified, apply these annotations to each master Pod # podAnnotations: # example: master-foo podDisruptionBudget: enabled: false minAvailable: 2 # Same as `cluster.env.MINIMUM_MASTER_NODES` # maxUnavailable: 1 updateStrategy: type: OnDelete data: name: data exposeHttp: false replicas: 2 heapSize: "1536m" persistence: enabled: true accessMode: ReadWriteOnce name: data size: "30Gi" # storageClass: "ssd" terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 3600 antiAffinity: "soft" nodeSelector: {} tolerations: [] resources: limits: cpu: "1" # memory: "2048Mi" requests: cpu: "25m" memory: "1536Mi" priorityClassName: "" ## (dict) If specified, apply these annotations to each data Pod # podAnnotations: # example: data-foo podDisruptionBudget: enabled: false # minAvailable: 1 maxUnavailable: 1 updateStrategy: type: OnDelete