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# 先拉取下节点的ansible setup信息,起到缓存效果,否则后续when 判断可能失败
- name: 缓存ansilbe setup信息
setup: gather_subset=min
- name: apt更新缓存刷新
apt: update_cache=yes cache_valid_time=72000
when: ansible_distribution == "Ubuntu" and ansible_distribution_major_version == "16"
- name: apt安装 haproxy
apt: name=haproxy state=latest
when: ansible_distribution == "Ubuntu" and ansible_distribution_major_version == "16"
- name: yum安装 haproxy
yum: name=haproxy state=latest
when: ansible_distribution == "CentOS" and ansible_distribution_major_version == "7"
- name: 创建haproxy配置目录
file: name=/etc/haproxy state=directory
- name: 修改centos的haproxy.service
template: src=haproxy.service.j2 dest=/usr/lib/systemd/system/haproxy.service
when: ansible_distribution == "CentOS" and ansible_distribution_major_version == "7"
- name: 配置 haproxy
template: src=haproxy.cfg.j2 dest=/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
- name: apt安装 keepalived
apt: name=keepalived state=latest
when: ansible_distribution == "Ubuntu" and ansible_distribution_major_version == "16"
- name: yum安装 keepalived
yum: name=keepalived state=latest
when: ansible_distribution == "CentOS" and ansible_distribution_major_version == "7"
# CentOS 需要安装psmisc 才能使用命令killall,它在keepalive的监测脚本中使用到
- name: yum安装 psmisc
yum: name=psmisc state=latest
when: ansible_distribution == "CentOS" and ansible_distribution_major_version == "7"
- name: 创建keepalived配置目录
file: name=/etc/keepalived state=directory
- name: 配置 keepalived 主节点
template: src=keepalived-master.conf.j2 dest=/etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf
when: LB_ROLE == "master"
- name: 配置 keepalived 备节点
template: src=keepalived-backup.conf.j2 dest=/etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf
when: LB_ROLE == "backup"
- name: daemon-reload for haproxy.service
shell: systemctl daemon-reload
- name: 重启haproxy服务
shell: systemctl enable haproxy && systemctl restart haproxy
- name: 重启keepalived服务
shell: systemctl enable keepalived && systemctl restart keepalived