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# kube-node 节点成员不能同时是 ex-lb 节点,因为它们都需要安装 haproxy
- name: fail info1
fail: msg="an 'kube-node' node CAN NOT be a 'ex-lb' node at the same time"
when: "inventory_hostname in groups['ex-lb']"
tags: restart_lb
- name: 安装 haproxy
package: name=haproxy state=present
when: 'INSTALL_SOURCE != "offline"'
# 离线安装 haproxy
- import_tasks: offline.yml
when: 'INSTALL_SOURCE == "offline"'
- name: 创建haproxy配置目录
file: name=/etc/haproxy state=directory
- name: 修改centos的haproxy.service
template: src=haproxy.service.j2 dest=/usr/lib/systemd/system/haproxy.service
- 'ansible_distribution in ["CentOS","RedHat","Amazon"]'
- 'ansible_distribution_major_version == "7"'
tags: restart_lb
- name: 配置 haproxy
template: src=haproxy.cfg.j2 dest=/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
tags: restart_lb
- name: daemon-reload for haproxy.service
shell: systemctl daemon-reload
tags: restart_lb
- name: 开机启用haproxy服务
shell: systemctl enable haproxy
ignore_errors: true
- name: 停止haproxy服务
shell: systemctl stop haproxy
tags: restart_lb
# 仅 master 节点数大于1时才启动haproxy
- name: 开启haproxy服务
shell: systemctl start haproxy
when: "groups['kube-master']|length > 1"
tags: restart_lb
# master 节点从1个增加到2个时候,需要修改如下配置
# master 节点从2个减少到1个时候,也需要修改
- block:
- name: 替换 kubeconfig 的 apiserver 地址
dest: "{{ item }}"
regexp: "^ server"
line: " server: {{ KUBE_APISERVER }}"
- "/root/.kube/config"
- "/etc/kubernetes/kubelet.kubeconfig"
- "/etc/kubernetes/kube-proxy.kubeconfig"
- name: restart kube-node service
service: name={{ item }} state=restarted
- kubelet
- kube-proxy
ignore_errors: true
when: "MASTER_CHG == 'yes' and groups['kube-master']|length < 3"
tags: restart_lb