
49 lines
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# cluster-backup playbook
# read the guide: 'op/cluster_restore.md'
- hosts:
- localhost
# step1: find a healthy member in the etcd cluster
- name: set NODE_IPS of the etcd cluster
set_fact: NODE_IPS="{% for host in groups['etcd'] %}{{ host }} {% endfor %}"
- name: get etcd cluster status
shell: 'for ip in {{ NODE_IPS }};do \
ETCDCTL_API=3 {{ base_dir }}/bin/etcdctl \
--endpoints=https://"$ip":2379 \
--cacert={{ cluster_dir }}/ssl/ca.pem \
--cert={{ cluster_dir }}/ssl/etcd.pem \
--key={{ cluster_dir }}/ssl/etcd-key.pem \
endpoint health; \
ignore_errors: true
- debug: var="ETCD_CLUSTER_STATUS"
- name: get a running ectd node
shell: 'echo -e "{{ ETCD_CLUSTER_STATUS.stdout }}" \
"{{ ETCD_CLUSTER_STATUS.stderr }}" \
|grep "is healthy"|sed -n "1p"|cut -d: -f2|cut -d/ -f3'
register: RUNNING_NODE
- debug: var="RUNNING_NODE.stdout"
- name: get current time
shell: "date +'%Y%m%d%H%M'"
register: timestamp
# step2: backup data to the ansible node
- name: make a backup on the etcd node
shell: "mkdir -p {{ cluster_dir }}/backup && cd {{ cluster_dir }}/backup && \
ETCDCTL_API=3 {{ base_dir }}/bin/etcdctl \
--endpoints=https://{{ RUNNING_NODE.stdout }}:2379 \
--cacert={{ cluster_dir }}/ssl/ca.pem \
--cert={{ cluster_dir }}/ssl/etcd.pem \
--key={{ cluster_dir }}/ssl/etcd-key.pem \
snapshot save snapshot_{{ timestamp.stdout }}.db"
- name: update the latest backup
shell: 'cd {{ cluster_dir }}/backup/ && /bin/cp -f snapshot_{{ timestamp.stdout }}.db snapshot.db'