
jackfrued 2019-05-16 00:36:47 +08:00
parent 0d2f07087d
commit 4dde38106a
3 changed files with 3613 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
drop database if exists fangtx;
create database fangtx default charset utf8 collate utf8_bin;
use fangtx;
/* 创建用户表 */
create table `tb_user`
`userid` int auto_increment comment '编号',
`username` varchar(20) not null comment '用户名',
`password` char(32) not null comment '用户口令',
`realname` varchar(20) not null comment '真实姓名',
`sex` bool default 1 comment '性别',
`tel` varchar(20) not null comment '手机号',
`email` varchar(255) default '' comment '邮箱',
`regdate` datetime default now() comment '注册日期',
`point` int default 0 comment '积分',
`lastvisit` datetime default now() comment '最后访问时间',
`is_authenticated` bit default 0 comment '是否认证',
primary key (`userid`)
/* 创建地区表 */
create table `tb_district`
`distid` int not null comment '编号',
`pid` int comment '父级行政单位',
`name` varchar(255) not null comment '名称',
`ishot` bool default 0 comment '是否为热门城市',
`intro` varchar(255) default '' comment '介绍',
primary key (distid)
/* 创建经理人表 */
create table `tb_agent`
`agentid` int not null auto_increment comment '编号',
`name` varchar(255) not null comment '姓名',
`tel` varchar(20) not null comment '电话',
`servstar` int not null default 0 comment '满意度星级',
`realstar` int not null default 0 comment '真实度星级',
`profstar` int not null default 0 comment '专业度星级',
`certificated` bool not null default 0 comment '是否持有专业认证',
primary key (`agentid`)
/* 创建用户登录日志表 */
create table `tb_login_log`
`logid` bigint auto_increment comment '编号',
`userid` int not null comment '用户',
`ipaddr` varchar(255) not null comment 'IP地址',
`logdate` datetime default now() comment '登录时间日期',
`devcode` varchar(255) default '' comment '设备代码',
primary key (`logid`)
/* 创建楼盘表 */
create table `tb_estate`
`estateid` int not null auto_increment comment '编号',
`distid` int not null comment '所在三级行政区域',
`name` varchar(255) not null comment '名称',
`hot` int default 0 comment '热度',
`intro` varchar(511) default '' comment '介绍',
primary key (`estateid`)
/* 创建经理人楼盘中间表 */
create table `tb_agent_estate`
`agent_estate_id` int not null auto_increment comment '编号',
`agentid` int not null comment '经理人',
`estateid` int not null comment '楼盘',
primary key (`agent_estate_id`)
/* 创建户型表 */
create table `tb_house_type`
`typeid` int comment '编号',
`name` varchar(255) not null comment '名称',
primary key (`typeid`)
/* 创建房源信息表 */
create table `tb_house_info`
`houseid` int not null auto_increment comment '编号',
`title` varchar(50) not null comment '标题',
`area` int not null comment '面积',
`floor` int not null comment '楼层',
`totalfloor` int not null comment '总楼层',
`direction` varchar(10) not null comment '朝向',
`price` int not null comment '价格',
`priceunit` varchar(10) not null comment '价格单位',
`detail` varchar(511) default '' comment '详情',
`mainphoto` varchar(255) not null comment '主图',
`pubdate` date not null comment '发布日期',
`street` varchar(255) not null comment '街道',
`hassubway` bool default 0 comment '是否有地铁',
`isshared` bool default 0 comment '是否支持合租',
`hasagentfees` bool default 0 comment '是否有中介费',
`typeid` int not null comment '户型',
`userid` int not null comment '发布用户',
`distid2` int not null comment '所在二级行政区域',
`distid3` int not null comment '所在三级行政区域',
`estateid` int comment '楼盘',
`agentid` int comment '经理人',
primary key (`houseid`)
/* 创建房源照片表 */
create table `tb_house_photo`
`photoid` int not null auto_increment comment '编号',
`houseid` int not null comment '房源',
`path` varchar(255) not null comment '资源路径',
primary key (`photoid`)
/* 创建标签表 */
create table `tb_tag`
`tagid` int auto_increment comment '编号',
`content` varchar(20) not null comment '内容',
primary key (`tagid`)
/* 创建房源标签中间表 */
create table `tb_house_tag`
`house_tag_id` int auto_increment comment '编号',
`houseid` int not null comment '房源',
`tagid` int not null comment '标签',
primary key (`house_tag_id`)
/* 创建用户浏览历史记录表 */
create table `tb_record`
`recordid` bigint auto_increment comment '编号',
`userid` int not null comment '用户',
`houseid` int not null comment '房源',
`recorddate` datetime not null comment '浏览时间日期',
primary key (`recordid`)
/* 创建用户令牌表 */
create table `tb_user_token`
`tokenid` int auto_increment comment '编号',
`token` char(32) not null comment '令牌',
`userid` int not null comment '用户',
primary key (`tokenid`)
/* 创建角色表 */
create table `tb_role`
`roleid` int auto_increment comment '编号',
`rolename` varchar(255) not null comment '角色名',
primary key (`roleid`)
/* 创建权限表 */
create table `tb_privilege`
`privid` int auto_increment comment '编号',
`method` varchar(15) not null comment '请求方法',
`url` varchar(1024) not null comment '资源的URL',
PRIMARY KEY (`privid`)
/* 创建用户角色中间表 */
create table `tb_user_role`
`urid` int auto_increment comment '编号',
`userid` int not null comment '用户',
`roleid` int not null comment '角色',
primary key (`urid`)
/* 创建角色权限中间表 */
create table `tb_role_privilege`
`rpid` int auto_increment comment '编号',
`roleid` int not null comment '角色',
`privid` int not null comment '权限',
primary key (`rpid`)
create unique index `uni_idx_agent_estate` on `tb_agent_estate` (`agentid`, `estateid`);
create unique index `uni_idx_record` on `tb_record` (`userid`, `houseid`);
create unique index `uni_idx_userid` on `tb_user_token` (`userid`);
create unique index `uni_idx_username` on `tb_user` (`username`);
create unique index `uni_idx_tel` on `tb_user` (`tel`);
create unique index `uni_idx_email` on `tb_user` (`email`);
create unique index `uni_idx_house_tag` on `tb_house_tag` (`houseid`, `tagid`);
alter table `tb_agent_estate` add constraint `fk_agent_estate_agentid` foreign key (`agentid`) references `tb_agent` (`agentid`);
alter table `tb_agent_estate` add constraint `fk_agent_estate_estateid` foreign key (`estateid`) references `tb_estate` (`estateid`);
alter table `tb_district` add constraint `fk_district_pid` foreign key (`pid`) references `tb_district` (`distid`);
alter table `tb_estate` add constraint `fk_estate_distid` foreign key (`distid`) references `tb_district` (`distid`);
alter table `tb_house_info` add constraint `fk_house_info_agentid` foreign key (`agentid`) references tb_agent (`agentid`);
alter table `tb_house_info` add constraint `fk_house_info_distid2` foreign key (`distid2`) references tb_district (`distid`);
alter table `tb_house_info` add constraint `fk_house_info_distid3` foreign key (`distid3`) references tb_district (`distid`);
alter table `tb_house_info` add constraint `fk_house_info_estateid` foreign key (`estateid`) references tb_estate (`estateid`);
alter table `tb_house_info` add constraint `fk_house_info_typeid` foreign key (`typeid`) references tb_house_type (`typeid`);
alter table `tb_house_info` add constraint `fk_house_info_userid` foreign key (`userid`) references tb_user (`userid`);
alter table `tb_house_photo` add constraint `fk_house_photo_houseid` foreign key (`houseid`) references `tb_house_info` (`houseid`);
alter table `tb_house_tag` add constraint `fk_house_tag_houseid` foreign key (`houseid`) references `tb_house_info` (`houseid`);
alter table `tb_house_tag` add constraint `fk_house_tag_tagid` foreign key (`tagid`) references `tb_tag` (`tagid`);
alter table `tb_login_log` add constraint `fk_login_log_userid` foreign key (`userid`) references `tb_user` (`userid`);
alter table `tb_record` add constraint `fk_record_houseid` foreign key (`houseid`) references `tb_house_info` (`houseid`);
alter table `tb_record` add constraint `fk_record_userid` foreign key (`userid`) references `tb_user` (`userid`);
alter table `tb_user_token` add constraint `fk_token_userid` foreign key (`userid`) references `tb_user` (`userid`);
alter table `tb_user_role` add constraint `uni_user_role` unique (`userid`, `roleid`);
alter table `tb_role_privilege` add constraint `uni_role_priv` unique (`roleid`, `privid`);
alter table `tb_role_privilege` add constraint `fk_role_privilege_privid` foreign key (`privid`) references `tb_privilege` (`privid`);
alter table `tb_role_privilege` add constraint `fk_role_privilege_roleid` foreign key (`roleid`) references `tb_role` (`roleid`);
alter table `tb_user_role` add constraint `fk_user_role_roleid` foreign key (`roleid`) references `tb_role` (`roleid`);
alter table `tb_user_role` add constraint `fk_user_role_userid` foreign key (`userid`) references `tb_user` (`userid`);

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ API接口返回的数据通常都是JSON或XML格式我们这里不讨论后
| 10003 | 评论已被删除 | 查看评论时评论因不和谐因素已被删除 |
| 10004 | …… | …… |
1. **GET** `/comments/{article-id}`
1. **GET** `/articles/{article-id}/comments/`
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ API接口返回的数据通常都是JSON或XML格式我们这里不讨论后
2. **POST** `/comments/{article-id}`
2. **POST** `/articles/{article-id}/comments`