* *kube_service_addresses_ipv6* - Subnet for cluster IPv6 IPs (default is ``fd85:ee78:d8a6:8607::1000/116``). Must not overlap with ``kube_pods_subnet_ipv6``.
* *kube_pods_subnet_ipv6* - Subnet for Pod IPv6 IPs (default is ``fd85:ee78:d8a6:8607::1:0000/112``). Must not overlap with ``kube_service_addresses_ipv6``.
* *kube_network_node_prefix_ipv6* - Subnet allocated per-node for pod IPv6 IPs. Remaining bits in ``kube_pods_subnet_ipv6`` dictates how many kube_nodes can be in cluster.
alpha/experimental Kubernetes features. (defaults is `[]`).
Additionally, you can use also the following variables to individually customize your kubernetes components installation (they works exactly like `kube_feature_gates`):
If *enable_dual_stack_networks* is set to ``true``, Dual Stack networking will be enabled in the cluster. This will use the default IPv4 and IPv6 subnets specified in the defaults file in the ``kubespray-defaults`` role, unless overridden of course. The default config will give you room for up to 256 nodes with 126 pods per node, and up to 4096 services.
[Default config](https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kubespray/blob/master/roles/container-engine/containerd/defaults/main.yml) can be overridden in inventory vars.
* *crio_criu_support_enabled* - When set to `true`, enables the container checkpoint/restore in CRI-O. It's required to install [CRIU](https://criu.org/Installation) on the host when dumping/restoring checkpoints. And it's recommended to enable the feature gate `ContainerCheckpoint` so that the kubelet get a higher level API to simplify the operations (**Note**: It's still in experimental stage, just for container analytics so far). You can follow the [documentation](https://kubernetes.io/blog/2022/12/05/forensic-container-checkpointing-alpha/).
* *kubelet_cgroup_driver* - Allows manual override of the cgroup-driver option for Kubelet.
By default autodetection is used to match container manager configuration.
`systemd` is the preferred driver for `containerd` though it can have issues with `cgroups v1` and `kata-containers` in which case you may want to change to `cgroupfs`.
* *kubelet_max_parallel_image_pulls* - Sets the maximum number of image pulls in parallel. The value is `1` by default which means the default is serial image pulling, set it to a integer great than `1` to enable image pulling in parallel.
* *kubelet_cpu_manager_policy* - If set to `static`, allows pods with certain resource characteristics to be granted increased CPU affinity and exclusivity on the node. And it should be set with `kube_reserved` or `system-reserved`, enable this with the following guide:[Control CPU Management Policies on the Node](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/cpu-management-policies/)
* *kubelet_cpu_manager_policy_options* - A dictionary of cpuManagerPolicyOptions to enable. Keep in mind to enable the corresponding feature gates and make sure to pass the booleans as string (i.e. don't forget the quotes)!
* *kubelet_topology_manager_policy* - Control the behavior of the allocation of CPU and Memory from different [NUMA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-uniform_memory_access) Nodes. Enable this with the following guide: [Control Topology Management Policies on a node](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/topology-manager).
* *kubelet_topology_manager_scope* - The Topology Manager can deal with the alignment of resources in a couple of distinct scopes: `container` and `pod`. See [Topology Manager Scopes](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/topology-manager/#topology-manager-scopes).
**N.B.** To enable this feature, ensure you are using the **`cgroup v2`** on your system. Check it out with command: `sudo ls -l /sys/fs/cgroup/*.slice`. If directory does not exist, enable this with the following guide: [enable cgroup v2](https://rootlesscontaine.rs/getting-started/common/cgroup2/#enabling-cgroup-v2).
* *kubelet_secure_addresses* - By default *kubelet_systemd_hardening* set the **control plane**`ansible_host` IPs as the `kubelet_secure_addresses`. In case you have multiple interfaces in your control plane nodes and the `kube-apiserver` is not bound to the default interface, you can override them with this variable.
By default the `kubelet_secure_addresses` is set with the `` the ansible control host uses `eth0` to connect to the machine. In case you want to use `eth1` as the outgoing interface on which `kube-apiserver` connects to the `kubelet`s, you should override the variable in this way: `kubelet_secure_addresses: ""`.
* *kubelet_systemd_wants_dependencies* - List of kubelet service dependencies, other than container runtime.
If you use nfs dynamically mounted volumes, sometimes rpc-statd does not start within the kubelet. You can fix it with this parameter : `kubelet_systemd_wants_dependencies: ["rpc-statd.service"]` This will add `Wants=rpc-statd.service` in `[Unit]` section of /etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service
By default, the `audit_policy_file` contains [default rules](https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kubespray/blob/master/roles/kubernetes/control-plane/templates/apiserver-audit-policy.yaml.j2) that can be overridden with the `audit_policy_custom_rules` variable.
* *remove_anonymous_access* - When set to `true`, removes the `kubeadm:bootstrap-signer-clusterinfo` rolebinding created by kubeadm.
By default, kubeadm creates a rolebinding in the `kube-public` namespace which grants permissions to anonymous users. This rolebinding allows kubeadm to discover and validate cluster information during the join phase.
In a nutshell, this option removes the rolebinding after the init phase of the first control plane node and then configures kubeadm to use file discovery for the join phase of other nodes.
This option does not remove the anonymous authentication feature of the API server.
For all kube components, custom flags can be passed in. This allows for edge cases where users need changes to the default deployment that may not be applicable to all deployments.
Extra flags for the kubelet can be specified using these variables,
in the form of dicts of key-value pairs of configuration parameters that will be inserted into the kubelet YAML config file. The `kubelet_node_config_extra_args` apply kubelet settings only to nodes and not control planes. Example: