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2016-02-10 18:51:39 +08:00
- name: Testcases for network
hosts: kube_control_plane[0]
test_image_repo: registry.k8s.io/e2e-test-images/agnhost
test_image_tag: "2.40"
2016-02-10 18:51:39 +08:00
- name: Force binaries directory for Flatcar Container Linux by Kinvolk
bin_dir: "/opt/bin"
when: ansible_os_family in ["Flatcar", "Flatcar Container Linux by Kinvolk"]
2019-05-16 15:27:43 +08:00
- name: Force binaries directory for other hosts
bin_dir: "/usr/local/bin"
when: not ansible_os_family in ["Flatcar", "Flatcar Container Linux by Kinvolk"]
- name: Check kubelet serving certificates approved with kubelet_csr_approver
- kubelet_rotate_server_certificates | default(false)
- kubelet_csr_approver_enabled | default(kubelet_rotate_server_certificates | default(false))
- name: Get certificate signing requests
command: "{{ bin_dir }}/kubectl get csr"
register: get_csr
changed_when: false
- debug: # noqa name[missing]
msg: "{{ get_csr.stdout.split('\n') }}"
- name: Check there are csrs
that: get_csr.stdout_lines | length > 0
fail_msg: kubelet_rotate_server_certificates is {{ kubelet_rotate_server_certificates }} but no csr's found
- name: Get Denied/Pending certificate signing requests
Upgrade ansible (#10190) * project: update all dependencies including ansible Upgrade to ansible 7.x and ansible-core 2.14.x. There seems to be issue with ansible 8/ansible-core 2.15 so we remain on those versions for now. It's quite a big bump already anyway. Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch> * tests: install aws galaxy collection Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch> * ansible-lint: disable various rules after ansible upgrade Temporarily disable a bunch of linting action following ansible upgrade. Those should be taken care of separately. Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch> * project: resolve deprecated-module ansible-lint error Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch> * project: resolve no-free-form ansible-lint error Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch> * project: resolve schema[meta] ansible-lint error Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch> * project: resolve schema[playbook] ansible-lint error Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch> * project: resolve schema[tasks] ansible-lint error Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch> * project: resolve risky-file-permissions ansible-lint error Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch> * project: resolve risky-shell-pipe ansible-lint error Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch> * project: remove deprecated warn args Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch> * project: use fqcn for non builtin tasks Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch> * project: resolve syntax-check[missing-file] for contrib playbook Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch> * project: use arithmetic inside jinja to fix ansible 6 upgrade Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch> --------- Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch>
2023-06-26 18:15:45 +08:00
shell: "set -o pipefail && {{ bin_dir }}/kubectl get csr | grep -e Denied -e Pending || true"
register: get_csr_denied_pending
changed_when: false
- name: Check there are Denied/Pending csrs
that: get_csr_denied_pending.stdout_lines | length == 0
fail_msg: kubelet_csr_approver is enabled but CSRs are not approved
- name: Approve kubelet serving certificates
- kubelet_rotate_server_certificates | default(false)
- not (kubelet_csr_approver_enabled | default(kubelet_rotate_server_certificates | default(false)))
- name: Get certificate signing requests
command: "{{ bin_dir }}/kubectl get csr -o name"
register: get_csr
changed_when: false
- name: Check there are csrs
that: get_csr.stdout_lines | length > 0
fail_msg: kubelet_rotate_server_certificates is {{ kubelet_rotate_server_certificates }} but no csr's found
- name: Approve certificates
command: "{{ bin_dir }}/kubectl certificate approve {{ get_csr.stdout_lines | join(' ') }}"
register: certificate_approve
when: get_csr.stdout_lines | length > 0
changed_when: certificate_approve.stdout
- debug: # noqa name[missing]
msg: "{{ certificate_approve.stdout.split('\n') }}"
- name: Create test namespace
command: "{{ bin_dir }}/kubectl create namespace test"
changed_when: false
- name: Wait for API token of test namespace
shell: "set -o pipefail && {{ bin_dir }}/kubectl describe serviceaccounts default --namespace test | grep Tokens | awk '{print $2}'"
executable: /bin/bash
changed_when: false
register: default_token
until: default_token.stdout | length > 0
retries: 5
delay: 5
- name: Run 2 agnhost pods in test ns
cmd: |
Upgrade ansible (#10190) * project: update all dependencies including ansible Upgrade to ansible 7.x and ansible-core 2.14.x. There seems to be issue with ansible 8/ansible-core 2.15 so we remain on those versions for now. It's quite a big bump already anyway. Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch> * tests: install aws galaxy collection Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch> * ansible-lint: disable various rules after ansible upgrade Temporarily disable a bunch of linting action following ansible upgrade. Those should be taken care of separately. Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch> * project: resolve deprecated-module ansible-lint error Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch> * project: resolve no-free-form ansible-lint error Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch> * project: resolve schema[meta] ansible-lint error Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch> * project: resolve schema[playbook] ansible-lint error Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch> * project: resolve schema[tasks] ansible-lint error Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch> * project: resolve risky-file-permissions ansible-lint error Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch> * project: resolve risky-shell-pipe ansible-lint error Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch> * project: remove deprecated warn args Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch> * project: use fqcn for non builtin tasks Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch> * project: resolve syntax-check[missing-file] for contrib playbook Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch> * project: use arithmetic inside jinja to fix ansible 6 upgrade Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch> --------- Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch>
2023-06-26 18:15:45 +08:00
set -o pipefail
cat <<EOF | {{ bin_dir }}/kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: {{ item }}
namespace: test
- name: agnhost
image: {{ test_image_repo }}:{{ test_image_tag }}
command: ['/agnhost', 'netexec', '--http-port=8080']
allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
drop: ['ALL']
runAsUser: 1000
runAsNonRoot: true
type: RuntimeDefault
Upgrade ansible (#10190) * project: update all dependencies including ansible Upgrade to ansible 7.x and ansible-core 2.14.x. There seems to be issue with ansible 8/ansible-core 2.15 so we remain on those versions for now. It's quite a big bump already anyway. Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch> * tests: install aws galaxy collection Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch> * ansible-lint: disable various rules after ansible upgrade Temporarily disable a bunch of linting action following ansible upgrade. Those should be taken care of separately. Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch> * project: resolve deprecated-module ansible-lint error Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch> * project: resolve no-free-form ansible-lint error Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch> * project: resolve schema[meta] ansible-lint error Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch> * project: resolve schema[playbook] ansible-lint error Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch> * project: resolve schema[tasks] ansible-lint error Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch> * project: resolve risky-file-permissions ansible-lint error Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch> * project: resolve risky-shell-pipe ansible-lint error Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch> * project: remove deprecated warn args Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch> * project: use fqcn for non builtin tasks Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch> * project: resolve syntax-check[missing-file] for contrib playbook Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch> * project: use arithmetic inside jinja to fix ansible 6 upgrade Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch> --------- Signed-off-by: Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre <arthur.outhenin-chalandre@proton.ch>
2023-06-26 18:15:45 +08:00
executable: /bin/bash
changed_when: false
- agnhost1
- agnhost2
- import_role: # noqa name[missing]
name: cluster-dump
- name: Check that all pods are running and ready
command: "{{ bin_dir }}/kubectl get pods --namespace test --no-headers -o yaml"
changed_when: false
register: run_pods_log
# Check that all pods are running
- '(run_pods_log.stdout | from_yaml)["items"] | map(attribute = "status.phase") | unique | list == ["Running"]'
# Check that all pods are ready
- '(run_pods_log.stdout | from_yaml)["items"] | map(attribute = "status.containerStatuses") | map("map", attribute = "ready") | map("min") | min'
retries: 18
delay: 10
failed_when: false
no_log: true
- name: Get pod names
command: "{{ bin_dir }}/kubectl get pods -n test -o json"
changed_when: false
register: pods
no_log: true
- debug: # noqa name[missing]
2019-05-16 15:27:43 +08:00
msg: "{{ pods.stdout.split('\n') }}"
failed_when: not run_pods_log is success
- name: Get hostnet pods
command: "{{ bin_dir }}/kubectl get pods -n test -o
2020-06-30 03:39:59 +08:00
jsonpath='{range .items[?(.spec.hostNetwork)]}{.metadata.name} {.status.podIP} {.status.containerStatuses} {end}'"
changed_when: false
register: hostnet_pods
ignore_errors: true # noqa ignore-errors
no_log: true
- name: Get running pods
command: "{{ bin_dir }}/kubectl get pods -n test -o
2020-06-30 03:39:59 +08:00
jsonpath='{range .items[?(.status.phase==\"Running\")]}{.metadata.name} {.status.podIP} {.status.containerStatuses} {end}'"
changed_when: False
register: running_pods
no_log: true
- name: Check kubectl output
command: "{{ bin_dir }}/kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -owide"
changed_when: False
register: get_pods
no_log: true
- debug: # noqa name[missing]
2019-05-16 15:27:43 +08:00
msg: "{{ get_pods.stdout.split('\n') }}"
2016-02-10 18:51:39 +08:00
2019-05-16 15:27:43 +08:00
- name: Set networking facts
2017-02-23 22:14:28 +08:00
pod_names: "{{ (pods.stdout | from_json)['items'] | map(attribute='metadata.name') | list }}"
pod_ips: "{{ (pods.stdout | from_json)['items'] | selectattr('status.podIP', 'defined') | map(attribute='status.podIP') | list }}"
pods_hostnet: |
{% set list = hostnet_pods.stdout.split(" ") %}
{{ list }}
pods_running: |
{% set list = running_pods.stdout.split(" ") %}
{{ list }}
2016-02-10 18:51:39 +08:00
- name: Check pods IP are in correct network
that: item | ipaddr(kube_pods_subnet)
2019-05-16 15:27:43 +08:00
- not item in pods_hostnet
- item in pods_running
with_items: "{{ pod_ips }}"
2016-02-10 18:51:39 +08:00
- name: Curl between pods is working
command: "{{ bin_dir }}/kubectl -n test exec {{ item[0] }} -- curl {{ item[1] }}:8080"
2019-05-16 15:27:43 +08:00
- not item[0] in pods_hostnet
- not item[1] in pods_hostnet
- "{{ pod_names }}"
- "{{ pod_ips }}"
- name: Curl between hostnet pods is working
command: "{{ bin_dir }}/kubectl -n test exec {{ item[0] }} -- curl {{ item[1] }}:8080"
2019-05-16 15:27:43 +08:00
- item[0] in pods_hostnet
- item[1] in pods_hostnet
- "{{ pod_names }}"
- "{{ pod_ips }}"