2021-04-02 14:20:11 +08:00
version = 2
2021-05-19 23:24:53 +08:00
root = "{{ containerd_storage_dir }}"
state = "{{ containerd_state_dir }}"
oom_score = {{ containerd_oom_score }}
2021-01-05 23:13:58 +08:00
2021-04-02 14:20:11 +08:00
max_recv_message_size = {{ containerd_grpc_max_recv_message_size | default(16777216) }}
max_send_message_size = {{ containerd_grpc_max_send_message_size | default(16777216) }}
2019-06-30 05:09:20 +08:00
2021-04-02 14:20:11 +08:00
level = "{{ containerd_debug_level | default('info') }}"
2019-06-30 05:09:20 +08:00
2021-04-02 14:20:11 +08:00
address = "{{ containerd_metrics_address | default('') }}"
grpc_histogram = {{ containerd_metrics_grpc_histogram | default(false) | lower }}
sandbox_image = "{{ pod_infra_image_repo }}:{{ pod_infra_image_tag }}"
max_container_log_line_size = {{ containerd_max_container_log_line_size }}
default_runtime_name = "{{ containerd_default_runtime | default('runc') }}"
snapshotter = "{{ containerd_snapshotter | default('overlayfs') }}"
2021-11-05 22:59:54 +08:00
[plugins."io.containerd.grpc.v1.cri".containerd.runtimes.{{ containerd_runc_runtime.name }}]
runtime_type = "{{ containerd_runc_runtime.type }}"
runtime_engine = "{{ containerd_runc_runtime.engine}}"
runtime_root = "{{ containerd_runc_runtime.root }}"
[plugins."io.containerd.grpc.v1.cri".containerd.runtimes.{{ containerd_runc_runtime.name }}.options]
{% for key, value in containerd_runc_runtime.options.items() %}
{{ key }} = {{ value }}
{% endfor %}
{% for runtime in containerd_additional_runtimes %}
2021-04-02 14:20:11 +08:00
[plugins."io.containerd.grpc.v1.cri".containerd.runtimes.{{ runtime.name }}]
runtime_type = "{{ runtime.type }}"
runtime_engine = "{{ runtime.engine }}"
runtime_root = "{{ runtime.root }}"
[plugins."io.containerd.grpc.v1.cri".containerd.runtimes.{{ runtime.name }}.options]
{% for key, value in runtime.options.items() %}
{{ key }} = {{ value }}
2019-06-30 05:09:20 +08:00
{% endfor %}
2020-02-17 18:15:29 +08:00
{% endfor %}
2020-06-22 15:28:39 +08:00
{% if kata_containers_enabled %}
2021-04-02 14:20:11 +08:00
runtime_type = "io.containerd.kata-qemu.v2"
2021-06-21 20:18:51 +08:00
{% endif %}
{% if gvisor_enabled %}
runtime_type = "io.containerd.runsc.v1"
2020-06-22 15:28:39 +08:00
{% endif %}
2021-04-02 14:20:11 +08:00
{% for registry, addr in containerd_registries.items() %}
[plugins."io.containerd.grpc.v1.cri".registry.mirrors."{{ registry }}"]
endpoint = ["{{ ([ addr ] | flatten ) | join('","') }}"]
2019-06-30 05:09:20 +08:00
{% endfor %}
2022-01-05 18:56:33 +08:00
{% if containerd_insecure_registries is defined and containerd_insecure_registries|length>0 %}
{% for registry, addr in containerd_insecure_registries.items() %}
[plugins."io.containerd.grpc.v1.cri".registry.mirrors."{{ registry }}"]
2021-12-13 16:41:58 +08:00
endpoint = ["{{ ([ addr ] | flatten ) | join('","') }}"]
2022-08-23 14:13:23 +08:00
{% endfor %}
{% for addr in containerd_insecure_registries.values() | flatten | unique %}
[plugins."io.containerd.grpc.v1.cri".registry.configs."{{ addr }}".tls]
2021-12-13 16:41:58 +08:00
insecure_skip_verify = true
{% endfor %}
2022-01-05 18:56:33 +08:00
{% endif %}
2021-08-23 21:40:00 +08:00
{% for registry in containerd_registry_auth if registry['registry'] is defined %}
{% if (registry['username'] is defined and registry['password'] is defined) or registry['auth'] is defined %}
[plugins."io.containerd.grpc.v1.cri".registry.configs."{{ registry['registry'] }}".auth]
{% if registry['username'] is defined and registry['password'] is defined %}
password = "{{ registry['password'] }}"
username = "{{ registry['username'] }}"
{% else %}
auth = "{{ registry['auth'] }}"
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
2021-04-12 16:02:00 +08:00
{% if containerd_extra_args is defined %}
{{ containerd_extra_args }}
{% endif %}