Added terraform support for Exoscale (#7141)

* Added terraform support for Exoscale

* Fixed markdown lint error on exoscale terraform
Fredrik Liv 2021-01-23 05:37:39 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent ef939dee74
commit 404ea0270e
No known key found for this signature in database
12 changed files with 675 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
# Kubernetes on Exoscale with Terraform
Provision a Kubernetes cluster on [Exoscale]( using Terraform and Kubespray
## Overview
The setup looks like following
Kubernetes cluster
+---------------+ | +--------------+ |
| | | | +--------------+ |
| API server LB +---------> | | | |
| | | | | Master/etcd | |
+---------------+ | | | node(s) | |
| +-+ | |
| +--------------+ |
| ^ |
| | |
| v |
+---------------+ | +--------------+ |
| | | | +--------------+ |
| Ingress LB +---------> | | | |
| | | | | Worker | |
+---------------+ | | | node(s) | |
| +-+ | |
| +--------------+ |
## Requirements
* Terraform 0.13.0 or newer
*0.12 also works if you modify the provider block to include version and remove all `` files*
## Quickstart
NOTE: *Assumes you are at the root of the kubespray repo*
Copy the sample inventory for your cluster and copy the default terraform variables.
cp -r inventory/sample inventory/$CLUSTER
cp contrib/terraform/exoscale/default.tfvars inventory/$CLUSTER/
cd inventory/$CLUSTER
Edit `default.tfvars` to match your setup
# Ensure $EDITOR points to your favorite editor, e.g., vim, emacs, VS Code, etc.
$EDITOR default.tfvars
For authentication you can use the credentials file `~/.cloudstack.ini` or `./cloudstack.ini`.
The file should look like something like this:
key = <API key>
secret = <API secret>
Follow the [Exoscale IAM Quick-start]( to learn how to generate API keys.
### Encrypted credentials
To have the credentials encrypted at rest, you can use [sops]( and only decrypt the credentials at runtime.
cat << EOF > cloudstack.ini
key =
secret =
sops --encrypt --in-place --pgp <PGP key fingerprint> cloudstack.ini
sops cloudstack.ini
Run terraform to create the infrastructure
terraform init ../../contrib/terraform/exoscale
terraform apply -var-file default.tfvars ../../contrib/terraform/exoscale
If your cloudstack credentials file is encrypted using sops, run the following:
terraform init ../../contrib/terraform/exoscale
sops exec-file -no-fifo cloudstack.ini 'CLOUDSTACK_CONFIG={} terraform apply -var-file default.tfvars ../../contrib/terraform/exoscale'
You should now have a inventory file named `inventory.ini` that you can use with kubespray.
You can now copy your inventory file and use it with kubespray to set up a cluster.
You can type `terraform output` to find out the IP addresses of the nodes, as well as control-plane and data-plane load-balancer.
It is a good idea to check that you have basic SSH connectivity to the nodes. You can do that by:
ansible -i inventory.ini -m ping all
Example to use this with the default sample inventory:
ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini ../../cluster.yml -b -v
## Teardown
The Kubernetes cluster cannot create any load-balancers or disks, hence, teardown is as simple as Terraform destroy:
terraform destroy -var-file default.tfvars ../../contrib/terraform/exoscale
## Variables
### Required
* `ssh_pub_key`: Path to public ssh key to use for all machines
* `zone`: The zone where to run the cluster
* `machines`: Machines to provision. Key of this object will be used as the name of the machine
* `node_type`: The role of this node *(master|worker)*
* `size`: The size to use
* `boot_disk`: The boot disk to use
* `image_name`: Name of the image
* `root_partition_size`: Size *(in GB)* for the root partition
* `ceph_partition_size`: Size *(in GB)* for the partition for rook to use as ceph storage. *(Set to 0 to disable)*
* `node_local_partition_size`: Size *(in GB)* for the partition for node-local-storage. *(Set to 0 to disable)*
* `ssh_whitelist`: List of IP ranges (CIDR) that will be allowed to ssh to the nodes
* `api_server_whitelist`: List of IP ranges (CIDR) that will be allowed to connect to the API server
* `nodeport_whitelist`: List of IP ranges (CIDR) that will be allowed to connect to the kubernetes nodes on port 30000-32767 (kubernetes nodeports)
### Optional
* `prefix`: Prefix to use for all resources, required to be unique for all clusters in the same project *(Defaults to `default`)*
An example variables file can be found `default.tfvars`
## Known limitations
### Only single disk
Since Exoscale doesn't support additional disks to be mounted onto an instance, this script has the ability to create partitions for [Rook]( and [node-local-storage](
### No Kubernetes API
The current solution doesn't use the [Exoscale Kubernetes cloud controller](
This means that we need to set up a HTTP(S) loadbalancer in front of all workers and set the Ingress controller to DaemonSet mode.

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@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
prefix = "default"
zone = "ch-gva-2"
inventory_file = "inventory.ini"
ssh_pub_key = "~/.ssh/"
machines = {
"master-0": {
"node_type": "master",
"size": "Small",
"boot_disk": {
"image_name": "Linux Ubuntu 20.04 LTS 64-bit",
"root_partition_size": 50,
"node_local_partition_size": 0,
"ceph_partition_size": 0
"worker-0": {
"node_type": "worker",
"size": "Large",
"boot_disk": {
"image_name": "Linux Ubuntu 20.04 LTS 64-bit",
"root_partition_size": 50,
"node_local_partition_size": 0,
"ceph_partition_size": 0
"worker-1": {
"node_type": "worker",
"size": "Large",
"boot_disk": {
"image_name": "Linux Ubuntu 20.04 LTS 64-bit",
"root_partition_size": 50,
"node_local_partition_size": 0,
"ceph_partition_size": 0
"worker-2": {
"node_type": "worker",
"size": "Large",
"boot_disk": {
"image_name": "Linux Ubuntu 20.04 LTS 64-bit",
"root_partition_size": 50,
"node_local_partition_size": 0,
"ceph_partition_size": 0
nodeport_whitelist = [
ssh_whitelist = [
api_server_whitelist = [

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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
provider "exoscale" {}
module "kubernetes" {
source = "./modules/kubernetes-cluster"
prefix = var.prefix
machines = var.machines
ssh_pub_key = var.ssh_pub_key
ssh_whitelist = var.ssh_whitelist
api_server_whitelist = var.api_server_whitelist
nodeport_whitelist = var.nodeport_whitelist
# Generate ansible inventory
data "template_file" "inventory" {
template = file("${path.module}/templates/inventory.tpl")
vars = {
connection_strings_master = join("\n", formatlist("%s ansible_user=ubuntu ansible_host=%s ip=%s etcd_member_name=etcd%d",
range(1, length(module.kubernetes.master_ip_addresses) + 1)))
connection_strings_worker = join("\n", formatlist("%s ansible_user=ubuntu ansible_host=%s ip=%s",
list_master = join("\n", keys(module.kubernetes.master_ip_addresses))
list_worker = join("\n", keys(module.kubernetes.worker_ip_addresses))
api_lb_ip_address = module.kubernetes.control_plane_lb_ip_address
resource "null_resource" "inventories" {
provisioner "local-exec" {
command = "echo '${data.template_file.inventory.rendered}' > ${var.inventory_file}"
triggers = {
template = data.template_file.inventory.rendered

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@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
data "exoscale_compute_template" "os_image" {
for_each = var.machines
zone =
name = each.value.boot_disk.image_name
data "exoscale_compute" "master_nodes" {
for_each = exoscale_compute.master
id =
# Since private IP address is not assigned until the nics are created we need this
depends_on = [exoscale_nic.master_private_network_nic]
data "exoscale_compute" "worker_nodes" {
for_each = exoscale_compute.worker
id =
# Since private IP address is not assigned until the nics are created we need this
depends_on = [exoscale_nic.worker_private_network_nic]
resource "exoscale_network" "private_network" {
zone =
name = "${var.prefix}-network"
start_ip = cidrhost(var.private_network_cidr, 1)
# cidr -1 = Broadcast address
# cidr -2 = DHCP server address (exoscale specific)
end_ip = cidrhost(var.private_network_cidr, -3)
netmask = cidrnetmask(var.private_network_cidr)
resource "exoscale_compute" "master" {
for_each = {
for name, machine in var.machines :
name => machine
if machine.node_type == "master"
display_name = "${var.prefix}-${each.key}"
template_id = data.exoscale_compute_template.os_image[each.key].id
size = each.value.size
disk_size = each.value.boot_disk.root_partition_size + each.value.boot_disk.node_local_partition_size + each.value.boot_disk.ceph_partition_size
key_pair =
state = "Running"
zone =
security_groups = []
user_data = templatefile(
eip_ip_address = exoscale_ipaddress.ingress_controller_lb.ip_address
node_local_partition_size = each.value.boot_disk.node_local_partition_size
ceph_partition_size = each.value.boot_disk.ceph_partition_size
root_partition_size = each.value.boot_disk.root_partition_size
node_type = "master"
resource "exoscale_compute" "worker" {
for_each = {
for name, machine in var.machines :
name => machine
if machine.node_type == "worker"
display_name = "${var.prefix}-${each.key}"
template_id = data.exoscale_compute_template.os_image[each.key].id
size = each.value.size
disk_size = each.value.boot_disk.root_partition_size + each.value.boot_disk.node_local_partition_size + each.value.boot_disk.ceph_partition_size
key_pair =
state = "Running"
zone =
security_groups = []
user_data = templatefile(
eip_ip_address = exoscale_ipaddress.ingress_controller_lb.ip_address
node_local_partition_size = each.value.boot_disk.node_local_partition_size
ceph_partition_size = each.value.boot_disk.ceph_partition_size
root_partition_size = each.value.boot_disk.root_partition_size
node_type = "worker"
resource "exoscale_nic" "master_private_network_nic" {
for_each = exoscale_compute.master
compute_id =
network_id =
resource "exoscale_nic" "worker_private_network_nic" {
for_each = exoscale_compute.worker
compute_id =
network_id =
resource "exoscale_security_group" "master_sg" {
name = "${var.prefix}-master-sg"
description = "Security group for Kubernetes masters"
resource "exoscale_security_group_rules" "master_sg_rules" {
security_group_id =
ingress {
protocol = "TCP"
cidr_list = var.ssh_whitelist
ports = ["22"]
# Kubernetes API
ingress {
protocol = "TCP"
cidr_list = var.api_server_whitelist
ports = ["6443"]
resource "exoscale_security_group" "worker_sg" {
name = "${var.prefix}-worker-sg"
description = "security group for kubernetes worker nodes"
resource "exoscale_security_group_rules" "worker_sg_rules" {
security_group_id =
ingress {
protocol = "TCP"
cidr_list = var.ssh_whitelist
ports = ["22"]
ingress {
protocol = "TCP"
cidr_list = [""]
ports = ["80", "443"]
# Kubernetes Nodeport
ingress {
protocol = "TCP"
cidr_list = var.nodeport_whitelist
ports = ["30000-32767"]
resource "exoscale_ipaddress" "ingress_controller_lb" {
zone =
healthcheck_mode = "http"
healthcheck_port = 80
healthcheck_path = "/healthz"
healthcheck_interval = 10
healthcheck_timeout = 2
healthcheck_strikes_ok = 2
healthcheck_strikes_fail = 3
resource "exoscale_secondary_ipaddress" "ingress_controller_lb" {
for_each = exoscale_compute.worker
compute_id =
ip_address = exoscale_ipaddress.ingress_controller_lb.ip_address
resource "exoscale_ipaddress" "control_plane_lb" {
zone =
healthcheck_mode = "tcp"
healthcheck_port = 6443
healthcheck_interval = 10
healthcheck_timeout = 2
healthcheck_strikes_ok = 2
healthcheck_strikes_fail = 3
resource "exoscale_secondary_ipaddress" "control_plane_lb" {
for_each = exoscale_compute.master
compute_id =
ip_address = exoscale_ipaddress.control_plane_lb.ip_address
resource "exoscale_ssh_keypair" "ssh_key" {
name = "${var.prefix}-ssh-key"
public_key = trimspace(file(pathexpand(var.ssh_pub_key)))

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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
output "master_ip_addresses" {
value = {
for key, instance in exoscale_compute.master : => {
"private_ip" = contains(keys(data.exoscale_compute.master_nodes), key) ? data.exoscale_compute.master_nodes[key].private_network_ip_addresses[0] : ""
"public_ip" = exoscale_compute.master[key].ip_address
output "worker_ip_addresses" {
value = {
for key, instance in exoscale_compute.worker : => {
"private_ip" = contains(keys(data.exoscale_compute.worker_nodes), key) ? data.exoscale_compute.worker_nodes[key].private_network_ip_addresses[0] : ""
"public_ip" = exoscale_compute.worker[key].ip_address
output "cluster_private_network_cidr" {
value = var.private_network_cidr
output "ingress_controller_lb_ip_address" {
value = exoscale_ipaddress.ingress_controller_lb.ip_address
output "control_plane_lb_ip_address" {
value = exoscale_ipaddress.control_plane_lb.ip_address

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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
%{ if ceph_partition_size > 0 || node_local_partition_size > 0}
- [ cloud-init-per, once, move-second-header, sgdisk, --move-second-header, /dev/vda ]
%{ if node_local_partition_size > 0 }
# Create partition for node local storage
- [ cloud-init-per, once, create-node-local-part, parted, --script, /dev/vda, 'mkpart extended ext4 ${root_partition_size}GB %{ if ceph_partition_size == 0 }-1%{ else }${root_partition_size + node_local_partition_size}GB%{ endif }' ]
- [ cloud-init-per, once, create-fs-node-local-part, mkfs.ext4, /dev/vda2 ]
%{ endif }
%{ if ceph_partition_size > 0 }
# Create partition for rook to use for ceph
- [ cloud-init-per, once, create-ceph-part, parted, --script, /dev/vda, 'mkpart extended ${root_partition_size + node_local_partition_size}GB -1' ]
%{ endif }
%{ endif }
- path: /etc/netplan/eth1.yaml
content: |
version: 2
dhcp4: true
- netplan apply
- /sbin/sysctl net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding=1
%{ if node_type == "worker" }
# TODO: When a VM is seen as healthy and is added to the EIP loadbalancer
# pool it no longer can send traffic back to itself via the EIP IP
# address.
# Remove this if it ever gets solved.
- iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -d ${eip_ip_address} -j DNAT --to
%{ endif }
%{ if node_local_partition_size > 0 }
- mkdir -p /mnt/disks/node-local-storage
- chown nobody:nogroup /mnt/disks/node-local-storage
- mount /dev/vda2 /mnt/disks/node-local-storage
%{ endif }

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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
variable "zone" {
type = string
# This is currently the only zone that is supposed to be supporting
# so called "managed private networks".
# See:
default = "ch-gva-2"
variable "prefix" {}
variable "machines" {
type = map(object({
node_type = string
size = string
boot_disk = object({
image_name = string
root_partition_size = number
ceph_partition_size = number
node_local_partition_size = number
variable "ssh_pub_key" {}
variable "ssh_whitelist" {
type = list(string)
variable "api_server_whitelist" {
type = list(string)
variable "nodeport_whitelist" {
type = list(string)
variable "private_network_cidr" {
default = ""

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
terraform {
required_providers {
exoscale = {
source = "exoscale/exoscale"
version = ">= 0.21"
required_version = ">= 0.13"

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
output "master_ips" {
value = module.kubernetes.master_ip_addresses
output "worker_ips" {
value = module.kubernetes.worker_ip_addresses
output "ingress_controller_lb_ip_address" {
value = module.kubernetes.ingress_controller_lb_ip_address
output "control_plane_lb_ip_address" {
value = module.kubernetes.control_plane_lb_ip_address

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
supplementary_addresses_in_ssl_keys = [ "${api_lb_ip_address}" ]

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@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
variable zone {
description = "The zone where to run the cluster"
variable prefix {
description = "Prefix for resource names"
default = "default"
variable machines {
description = "Cluster machines"
type = map(object({
node_type = string
size = string
boot_disk = object({
image_name = string
root_partition_size = number
ceph_partition_size = number
node_local_partition_size = number
variable ssh_pub_key {
description = "Path to public SSH key file which is injected into the VMs."
type = string
variable ssh_whitelist {
description = "List of IP ranges (CIDR) to whitelist for ssh"
type = list(string)
variable api_server_whitelist {
description = "List of IP ranges (CIDR) to whitelist for kubernetes api server"
type = list(string)
variable nodeport_whitelist {
description = "List of IP ranges (CIDR) to whitelist for kubernetes nodeports"
type = list(string)
variable "inventory_file" {
description = "Where to store the generated inventory file"

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
terraform {
required_providers {
exoscale = {
source = "exoscale/exoscale"
version = ">= 0.21"
null = {
source = "hashicorp/null"
template = {
source = "hashicorp/template"
required_version = ">= 0.13"