During code-review, reviwers needed to take care of README.md also
should be updated when the pull request updated component versions.
This adds the corresponding check to reduce reviwer's burden.
* [ansible] make ansible 5.x the new default version and move different versions tested to nightly jobs
* [CI] jobs were missing proper ansible cleanup
* [calico] make vxlan encapsulation the default
* don't enable ipip encapsulation by default
* set calico_network_backend by default to vxlan
* update sample inventory and documentation
* [CI] pin default calico parameters for upgrade tests to ensure proper upgrade
* [CI] improve netchecker connectivity testing
* [CI] show logs for tests
* [calico] tweak task name
* [CI] Don't run the provisioner from vagrant since we run it in testcases_run.sh
* [CI] move kube-router tests to vagrant to avoid network connectivity issues during netchecker check
* service proxy mode still fails connectivity tests so keeping it manual mode
* [kube-router] account for containerd use-case
This fixes the following types of failures:
- empty-string-compare
- literal-compare
- risky-file-permissions
- risky-shell-pipe
- var-spacing
In addition, this changes .gitlab-ci/lint.yml to block the same issue
by using the same method at Kubespray CI.
* containerd: change default resolvconf_mode to host_resolvconf
* Wait for kube-apiserver to come back after pod refresh
* Handle resolv.conf gracefully
* Retain currently configured DNS entries to ensure we don't break the resolvers
* Suse uses wickedd for network management so no dhcp hooks
* Molecule: increase ansible timeout
* CI: Increase ansible timeout to 120s for Packet jobs
* Defaults: replace docker with containerd as our default container_manager
* CI: Use docker for download_localhost test
* Defaults: with container_manager=containerd we need etcd_deployment_type=host
* CI: Run weave jobs with docker
* CI: Vagrant don't download_force_cache
* CI: Fix upgrade tests
* should run compatible with old settings, this means docker
* we need to run with a distro that has at least modern containerd,
this means move from debian9 to debian10 to allow `containerd_version`
to match between 2.17 and master
* Ansible: separate requirements files for supported ansible versions
* Ansible: allow using ansible 2.11
* CI: Exercise Ansible 2.9 and Ansible 2.11 in a basic AIO CI job
* CI: Allow running a reset test outside of idempotency tests and running it in stage1
* CI: move ubuntu18-calico-aio job to stage2 and relay only on ubuntu20 with the variously supported ansible versions for stage1
* CI: add capability to install collections or roles from ansible-galaxy to mitigate missing behavior in older ansible versions
* Fedora and RHEL use etc_t and the convention is <type_name>_t
* Docs: specify all values for preinstall_selinux_state
* CI: Add Fedora 34 with SELinux in enforcing mode
tf-elax_ubuntu18-calico is so flake today. The test job is failed
due to SSH connectivity check error after deploying virtual machines
which are used for Kubernetes nodes.
This allows failure on the job to see the test situation without
pull request merger failures.
* Ansible: move to Ansible 3.4.0 which uses ansible-base 2.10.10
* Docs: add a note about ansible upgrade post 2.9.x
* CI: ensure ansible is removed before ansible 3.x is installed to avoid pip failures
* Ansible: use newer ansible-lint
* Fix ansible-lint 5.0.11 found issues
* syntax issues
* risky-file-permissions
* var-naming
* role-name
* molecule tests
* Mitogen: use 0.3.0rc1 which adds support for ansible 2.10+
* Pin ansible-base to 2.10.11 to get package fix on RHEL8
This replaces kube-master with kube_control_plane because of [1]:
The Kubernetes project is moving away from wording that is
considered offensive. A new working group WG Naming was created
to track this work, and the word "master" was declared as offensive.
A proposal was formalized for replacing the word "master" with
"control plane". This means it should be removed from source code,
documentation, and user-facing configuration from Kubernetes and
its sub-projects.
NOTE: The reason why this changes it to kube_control_plane not
kube-control-plane is for valid group names on ansible.
[1]: https://github.com/kubernetes/enhancements/blob/master/keps/sig-cluster-lifecycle/kubeadm/2067-rename-master-label-taint/README.md#motivation
* terraform support for UpCloud
* terraform support for UpCloud
* terraform support for UpCloud
* terraform support for UpCloud
* terraform support for UpCloud
* terraform support for UpCloud
* terraform support for UpCloud
* Updates to README.md and main.tf files
* formatting and updating readme
* added a .terraform_validate CI job
* fixed format issue
* added sample inventory
* added symbolic link to group_vars
* added missing tf variables and minor fixes
* added text formatting
* minor formatting fixes
* Add terraform scripts for vSphere
* Fixup: Add terraform scripts for vSphere
* Add inventory generation
* Use machines var to provide IPs
* Add README file
* Add default.tfvars file
* Fix newlines at the end of files
* Remove master.count and worker.count variables
* Fixup cloud-init formatting
* Fixes after initial review
* Add warning about disabled DHCP
* Fixes after second review
* Add sample-inventory