* Feat: bump CoreDNS version to v1.11.3
Signed-off-by: ChengHao Yang <17496418+tico88612@users.noreply.github.com>
* Docs: update README.md CoreDNS version to v1.11.3
Signed-off-by: ChengHao Yang <17496418+tico88612@users.noreply.github.com>
Signed-off-by: ChengHao Yang <17496418+tico88612@users.noreply.github.com>
Simplify registry mirror rendering in config.toml.
The map filter can extract the host list from mirrors so we can
just unique them and render them without needing to construct vars
for it.
For the registry mirror tls section, we can first extract mirrors
from the dict then filter on only the ones having skip_veridy defined
first and then filter on the ones having true (as the dict might not
have skip_verify defined and that would cause errors of undefined var).
This will speed up and simply the templating.
Signed-off-by: Seena Fallah <seenafallah@gmail.com>
* Update cluster-role for cilium to prevent errors in agent startup
ciliumloadbalancerippools permissions exists in the cilium helm chart for version 1.13.0
The agent also needs permissions to read/watch secrets for bgp auth secrets when using CiliumBGPPeeringPolicy with a secret.
* Remove list/watch permissions for secrets
* Remove secrets from list/watch permissions
The old repository for these has been deleted, leaving the previous
configuration not possible to deploy, and even currently running clusters
fail after a restart as the DeameonSet has ImagePullPolicy: Always. More
details can be found here: kubernetes-sigs/vsphere-csi-driver#3053
As of writing, only CSI driver versions 3.1.2 to 3.3.1 is available in
this registry. This "officially" supports Kubernetes 1.26 to 1.30. Since
older drivers are not available, I have removed some feature-gating for
those unavailable versions while I was at it. For the cloud provider,
the `latest` image is now missing, and only 1.28.0 to 1.31.0 are
available. I've set the latest of these as the new default.
I also updated the documented default versions, as they were all out of
date and not aligned with actual code defaults.
Nodes to api-server relies by default certificates, and bootstrap
tokens, and there should be no need to generate tokens for every nodes,
even when enabling static token auth.
Testing for group membership with group names makes Kubespray more
tolerant towards the structure of the inventory.
Where 'inventory_hostname in groups["some_group"] would fail if
"some_group" is not defined, '"some_group" in group_names' would not.