1.5.7 was released Aug 2, 2021 and 1.6.1 came out on Dec 13, 2022.
There's been a good amount of new features, improvements and fixes since
1.5.7 and the changelogs for each version are available in the docs:
* Update ansible-lint to 5.4.0 (#8607)
It seems that the Rich version 11.0.0 has a breaking change.
So need to update ansible-lint to 5.3.2 or later.
* Fix for ansible-lint no-changed-when rule (#8607)
* Ansible: separate requirements files for supported ansible versions
* Ansible: allow using ansible 2.11
* CI: Exercise Ansible 2.9 and Ansible 2.11 in a basic AIO CI job
* CI: Allow running a reset test outside of idempotency tests and running it in stage1
* CI: move ubuntu18-calico-aio job to stage2 and relay only on ubuntu20 with the variously supported ansible versions for stage1
* CI: add capability to install collections or roles from ansible-galaxy to mitigate missing behavior in older ansible versions