--- - name: Update package management cache (zypper) - SUSE command: zypper -n --gpg-auto-import-keys ref register: make_cache_output until: make_cache_output is succeeded retries: 4 delay: "{{ retry_stagger | random + 3 }}" when: - ansible_pkg_mgr == 'zypper' tags: bootstrap-os - name: Add debian 10 required repos when: - ansible_distribution == "Debian" - ansible_distribution_version == "10" tags: - bootstrap-os block: - name: Add Debian Backports apt repo apt_repository: repo: "deb http://deb.debian.org/debian {{ ansible_distribution_release }}-backports main" state: present filename: debian-backports - name: Set libseccomp2 pin priority to apt_preferences on Debian buster copy: content: | Package: libseccomp2 Pin: release a={{ ansible_distribution_release }}-backports Pin-Priority: 1001 dest: "/etc/apt/preferences.d/libseccomp2" owner: "root" mode: 0644 - name: Update package management cache (APT) apt: update_cache: yes cache_valid_time: 3600 when: ansible_os_family == "Debian" tags: - bootstrap-os - name: Remove legacy docker repo file file: path: "{{ yum_repo_dir }}/docker.repo" state: absent when: - ansible_os_family == "RedHat" - not is_fedora_coreos - name: Install python3-dnf for latest RedHat versions command: dnf install -y python3-dnf register: dnf_task_result until: dnf_task_result is succeeded retries: 4 delay: "{{ retry_stagger | random + 3 }}" when: - ansible_distribution == "Fedora" - ansible_distribution_major_version | int >= 30 - not is_fedora_coreos changed_when: False tags: - bootstrap-os - name: Install epel-release on RHEL derivatives package: name: epel-release state: present when: - ansible_os_family == "RedHat" - not is_fedora_coreos - epel_enabled | bool tags: - bootstrap-os - name: Update common_required_pkgs with ipvsadm when kube_proxy_mode is ipvs set_fact: common_required_pkgs: "{{ common_required_pkgs | default([]) + ['ipvsadm', 'ipset'] }}" when: kube_proxy_mode == 'ipvs' - name: Install packages requirements package: name: "{{ required_pkgs | default([]) | union(common_required_pkgs | default([])) }}" state: present register: pkgs_task_result until: pkgs_task_result is succeeded retries: "{{ pkg_install_retries }}" delay: "{{ retry_stagger | random + 3 }}" when: not (ansible_os_family in ["Flatcar", "Flatcar Container Linux by Kinvolk", "ClearLinux"] or is_fedora_coreos) tags: - bootstrap-os - name: Install ipvsadm for ClearLinux package: name: ipvsadm state: present when: - ansible_os_family in ["ClearLinux"] - kube_proxy_mode == 'ipvs'