--- - name: Cilium | Ensure BPFFS mounted ansible.posix.mount: fstype: bpf path: /sys/fs/bpf src: bpffs state: mounted - name: Cilium | Create Cilium certs directory file: dest: "{{ cilium_cert_dir }}" state: directory mode: 0750 owner: root group: root when: - cilium_identity_allocation_mode == "kvstore" - name: Cilium | Link etcd certificates for cilium file: src: "{{ etcd_cert_dir }}/{{ item.s }}" dest: "{{ cilium_cert_dir }}/{{ item.d }}" mode: 0644 state: hard force: yes loop: - {s: "{{ kube_etcd_cacert_file }}", d: "ca_cert.crt"} - {s: "{{ kube_etcd_cert_file }}", d: "cert.crt"} - {s: "{{ kube_etcd_key_file }}", d: "key.pem"} when: - cilium_identity_allocation_mode == "kvstore" - name: Cilium | Create hubble dir file: path: "{{ kube_config_dir }}/addons/hubble" state: directory owner: root group: root mode: 0755 when: - inventory_hostname == groups['kube_control_plane'][0] - cilium_hubble_install - name: Cilium | Create Cilium node manifests template: src: "{{ item.name }}/{{ item.file }}.j2" dest: "{{ kube_config_dir }}/{{ item.name }}-{{ item.file }}" mode: 0644 loop: - {name: cilium, file: config.yml, type: cm} - {name: cilium-operator, file: crb.yml, type: clusterrolebinding} - {name: cilium-operator, file: cr.yml, type: clusterrole} - {name: cilium, file: crb.yml, type: clusterrolebinding} - {name: cilium, file: cr.yml, type: clusterrole} - {name: cilium, file: secret.yml, type: secret, when: "{{ cilium_encryption_enabled and cilium_encryption_type == 'ipsec' }}"} - {name: cilium, file: ds.yml, type: ds} - {name: cilium-operator, file: deploy.yml, type: deploy} - {name: cilium-operator, file: sa.yml, type: sa} - {name: cilium, file: sa.yml, type: sa} register: cilium_node_manifests when: - inventory_hostname in groups['kube_control_plane'] - item.when | default(True) | bool - name: Cilium | Create Cilium Hubble manifests template: src: "{{ item.name }}/{{ item.file }}.j2" dest: "{{ kube_config_dir }}/addons/hubble/{{ item.name }}-{{ item.file }}" mode: 0644 loop: - {name: hubble, file: config.yml, type: cm} - {name: hubble, file: crb.yml, type: clusterrolebinding} - {name: hubble, file: cr.yml, type: clusterrole} - {name: hubble, file: cronjob.yml, type: cronjob, when: "{{ cilium_hubble_tls_generate }}"} - {name: hubble, file: deploy.yml, type: deploy} - {name: hubble, file: job.yml, type: job, when: "{{ cilium_hubble_tls_generate }}"} - {name: hubble, file: sa.yml, type: sa} - {name: hubble, file: service.yml, type: service} register: cilium_hubble_manifests when: - inventory_hostname == groups['kube_control_plane'][0] - cilium_enable_hubble and cilium_hubble_install - item.when | default(True) | bool - name: Cilium | Enable portmap addon template: src: 000-cilium-portmap.conflist.j2 dest: /etc/cni/net.d/000-cilium-portmap.conflist mode: 0644 when: cilium_enable_portmap - name: Cilium | Copy Ciliumcli binary from download dir copy: src: "{{ downloads.ciliumcli.dest }}" dest: "{{ bin_dir }}/cilium" mode: 0755 remote_src: yes