stages: - moderator - unit-tests - deploy-gce-part1 - deploy-gce-part2 - deploy-gce-special variables: FAILFASTCI_NAMESPACE: 'kargo-ci' # DOCKER_HOST: tcp://localhost:2375 ANSIBLE_FORCE_COLOR: "true" # asia-east1-a # asia-northeast1-a # europe-west1-b # us-central1-a # us-east1-b # us-west1-a before_script: - pip install ansible== - pip install netaddr - pip install apache-libcloud==0.20.1 - pip install boto==2.9.0 - mkdir -p /.ssh - cp tests/ansible.cfg . .job: &job tags: - kubernetes - docker image: .docker_service: &docker_service services: - docker:dind .create_cluster: &create_cluster <<: *job <<: *docker_service .gce_variables: &gce_variables GCE_USER: travis SSH_USER: $GCE_USER TEST_ID: "$CI_PIPELINE_ID-$CI_BUILD_ID" CONTAINER_ENGINE: docker PRIVATE_KEY: $GCE_PRIVATE_KEY GS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: $GS_KEY GS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: $GS_SECRET ANSIBLE_KEEP_REMOTE_FILES: "1" ANSIBLE_CONFIG: ./tests/ansible.cfg BOOTSTRAP_OS: none IDEMPOT_CHECK: "false" UPGRADE_TEST: "false" RESOLVCONF_MODE: docker_dns LOG_LEVEL: "-vv" ETCD_DEPLOYMENT: "docker" KUBELET_DEPLOYMENT: "docker" VAULT_DEPLOYMENT: "docker" WEAVE_CPU_LIMIT: "100m" MAGIC: "ci check this" .gce: &gce <<: *job <<: *docker_service cache: key: "$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME" paths: - downloads/ - $HOME/.cache before_script: - docker info - pip install ansible== - pip install netaddr - pip install apache-libcloud==0.20.1 - pip install boto==2.9.0 - mkdir -p /.ssh - mkdir -p $HOME/.ssh - echo $PRIVATE_KEY | base64 -d > $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa - echo $GCE_PEM_FILE | base64 -d > $HOME/.ssh/gce - echo $GCE_CREDENTIALS > $HOME/.ssh/gce.json - chmod 400 $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa - ansible-playbook --version - export PYPATH=$([ $BOOTSTRAP_OS = none ] && echo /usr/bin/python || echo /opt/bin/python) script: - pwd - ls - echo ${PWD} - > ansible-playbook tests/cloud_playbooks/create-gce.yml -i tests/local_inventory/hosts.cfg -c local ${LOG_LEVEL} -e cloud_image=${CLOUD_IMAGE} -e cloud_region=${CLOUD_REGION} -e gce_credentials_file=${HOME}/.ssh/gce.json -e gce_project_id=${GCE_PROJECT_ID} -e gce_service_account_email=${GCE_ACCOUNT} -e inventory_path=${PWD}/inventory/inventory.ini -e kube_network_plugin=${KUBE_NETWORK_PLUGIN} -e mode=${CLUSTER_MODE} -e test_id=${TEST_ID} # Check out latest tag if testing upgrade # Uncomment when gitlab kargo repo has tags #- test "${UPGRADE_TEST}" != "false" && git fetch --all && git checkout $(git describe --tags $(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1)) - test "${UPGRADE_TEST}" != "false" && git checkout 031cf565ec3ccd3ebbe80eeef3454c3780e5c598 && pip install ansible==2.2.0 # Create cluster - > ansible-playbook -i inventory/inventory.ini -b --become-user=root --private-key=${HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa -u $SSH_USER ${SSH_ARGS} ${LOG_LEVEL} -e ansible_python_interpreter=${PYPATH} -e ansible_ssh_user=${SSH_USER} -e bootstrap_os=${BOOTSTRAP_OS} -e cert_management=${CERT_MGMT:-script} -e cloud_provider=gce -e deploy_netchecker=true -e download_localhost=true -e download_run_once=true -e etcd_deployment_type=${ETCD_DEPLOYMENT} -e kube_network_plugin=${KUBE_NETWORK_PLUGIN} -e kubelet_deployment_type=${KUBELET_DEPLOYMENT} -e local_release_dir=${PWD}/downloads -e resolvconf_mode=${RESOLVCONF_MODE} -e vault_deployment_type=${VAULT_DEPLOYMENT} cluster.yml # Repeat deployment if testing upgrade - > if [ "${UPGRADE_TEST}" != "false" ]; then test "${UPGRADE_TEST}" == "basic" && PLAYBOOK="cluster.yml"; test "${UPGRADE_TEST}" == "graceful" && PLAYBOOK="upgrade-cluster.yml"; pip install ansible==; git checkout "${CI_BUILD_REF}"; ansible-playbook -i inventory/inventory.ini -b --become-user=root --private-key=${HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa -u $SSH_USER ${SSH_ARGS} ${LOG_LEVEL} -e ansible_python_interpreter=${PYPATH} -e ansible_ssh_user=${SSH_USER} -e bootstrap_os=${BOOTSTRAP_OS} -e cloud_provider=gce -e deploy_netchecker=true -e download_localhost=true -e download_run_once=true -e etcd_deployment_type=${ETCD_DEPLOYMENT} -e kube_network_plugin=${KUBE_NETWORK_PLUGIN} -e kubelet_deployment_type=${KUBELET_DEPLOYMENT} -e local_release_dir=${PWD}/downloads -e resolvconf_mode=${RESOLVCONF_MODE} -e weave_cpu_requests=${WEAVE_CPU_LIMIT} -e weave_cpu_limit=${WEAVE_CPU_LIMIT} $PLAYBOOK; fi # Tests Cases ## Test Master API - ansible-playbook -i inventory/inventory.ini -e ansible_python_interpreter=${PYPATH} -u $SSH_USER -e ansible_ssh_user=$SSH_USER $SSH_ARGS -b --become-user=root tests/testcases/010_check-apiserver.yml $LOG_LEVEL ## Ping the between 2 pod - ansible-playbook -i inventory/inventory.ini -e ansible_python_interpreter=${PYPATH} -u $SSH_USER -e ansible_ssh_user=$SSH_USER $SSH_ARGS -b --become-user=root tests/testcases/030_check-network.yml $LOG_LEVEL ## Advanced DNS checks - ansible-playbook -i inventory/inventory.ini -e ansible_python_interpreter=${PYPATH} -u $SSH_USER -e ansible_ssh_user=$SSH_USER $SSH_ARGS -b --become-user=root tests/testcases/040_check-network-adv.yml $LOG_LEVEL ## Idempotency checks 1/5 (repeat deployment) - > if [ "${IDEMPOT_CHECK}" = "true" ]; then ansible-playbook -i inventory/inventory.ini -u $SSH_USER -e ansible_ssh_user=$SSH_USER $SSH_ARGS -b --become-user=root -e cloud_provider=gce $LOG_LEVEL -e kube_network_plugin=${KUBE_NETWORK_PLUGIN} --private-key=${HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa -e bootstrap_os=${BOOTSTRAP_OS} -e ansible_python_interpreter=${PYPATH} -e download_run_once=true -e download_localhost=true -e deploy_netchecker=true -e resolvconf_mode=${RESOLVCONF_MODE} -e local_release_dir=${PWD}/downloads -e etcd_deployment_type=${ETCD_DEPLOYMENT} -e kubelet_deployment_type=${KUBELET_DEPLOYMENT} cluster.yml; fi ## Idempotency checks 2/5 (Advanced DNS checks) - > if [ "${IDEMPOT_CHECK}" = "true" ]; then ansible-playbook -i inventory/inventory.ini -e ansible_python_interpreter=${PYPATH} -u $SSH_USER -e ansible_ssh_user=$SSH_USER $SSH_ARGS -b --become-user=root tests/testcases/040_check-network-adv.yml $LOG_LEVEL; fi ## Idempotency checks 3/5 (reset deployment) - > if [ "${IDEMPOT_CHECK}" = "true" ]; then ansible-playbook -i inventory/inventory.ini -u $SSH_USER -e ansible_ssh_user=$SSH_USER $SSH_ARGS -b --become-user=root -e cloud_provider=gce $LOG_LEVEL -e kube_network_plugin=${KUBE_NETWORK_PLUGIN} --private-key=${HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa -e bootstrap_os=${BOOTSTRAP_OS} -e ansible_python_interpreter=${PYPATH} -e reset_confirmation=yes reset.yml; fi ## Idempotency checks 4/5 (redeploy after reset) - > if [ "${IDEMPOT_CHECK}" = "true" ]; then ansible-playbook -i inventory/inventory.ini -u $SSH_USER -e ansible_ssh_user=$SSH_USER $SSH_ARGS -b --become-user=root -e cloud_provider=gce $LOG_LEVEL -e kube_network_plugin=${KUBE_NETWORK_PLUGIN} --private-key=${HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa -e bootstrap_os=${BOOTSTRAP_OS} -e ansible_python_interpreter=${PYPATH} -e download_run_once=true -e download_localhost=true -e deploy_netchecker=true -e resolvconf_mode=${RESOLVCONF_MODE} -e local_release_dir=${PWD}/downloads -e etcd_deployment_type=${ETCD_DEPLOYMENT} -e kubelet_deployment_type=${KUBELET_DEPLOYMENT} cluster.yml; fi ## Idempotency checks 5/5 (Advanced DNS checks) - > if [ "${IDEMPOT_CHECK}" = "true" ]; then ansible-playbook -i inventory/inventory.ini -e ansible_python_interpreter=${PYPATH} -u $SSH_USER -e ansible_ssh_user=$SSH_USER $SSH_ARGS -b --become-user=root tests/testcases/040_check-network-adv.yml $LOG_LEVEL; fi after_script: - > ansible-playbook -i inventory/inventory.ini tests/cloud_playbooks/delete-gce.yml -c local $LOG_LEVEL -e mode=${CLUSTER_MODE} -e test_id=${TEST_ID} -e kube_network_plugin=${KUBE_NETWORK_PLUGIN} -e gce_project_id=${GCE_PROJECT_ID} -e gce_service_account_email=${GCE_ACCOUNT} -e gce_credentials_file=${HOME}/.ssh/gce.json -e cloud_image=${CLOUD_IMAGE} -e inventory_path=${PWD}/inventory/inventory.ini -e cloud_region=${CLOUD_REGION} # Test matrix. Leave the comments for markup scripts. .coreos_calico_sep_variables: &coreos_calico_sep_variables # stage: deploy-gce-part1 KUBE_NETWORK_PLUGIN: calico CLOUD_IMAGE: coreos-stable-1235-6-0-v20170111 CLOUD_REGION: us-west1-b CLUSTER_MODE: separate BOOTSTRAP_OS: coreos RESOLVCONF_MODE: host_resolvconf # This is required as long as the CoreOS stable channel uses docker < 1.12 .debian8_canal_ha_variables: &debian8_canal_ha_variables # stage: deploy-gce-part1 KUBE_NETWORK_PLUGIN: canal CLOUD_IMAGE: debian-8-kubespray CLOUD_REGION: us-east1-b UPGRADE_TEST: "basic" CLUSTER_MODE: ha .rhel7_weave_variables: &rhel7_weave_variables # stage: deploy-gce-part1 KUBE_NETWORK_PLUGIN: weave CLOUD_IMAGE: rhel-7 CLOUD_REGION: europe-west1-b CLUSTER_MODE: default .centos7_flannel_variables: ¢os7_flannel_variables # stage: deploy-gce-part2 KUBE_NETWORK_PLUGIN: flannel CLOUD_IMAGE: centos-7 CLOUD_REGION: us-west1-a CLUSTER_MODE: default .debian8_calico_variables: &debian8_calico_variables # stage: deploy-gce-part2 KUBE_NETWORK_PLUGIN: calico CLOUD_IMAGE: debian-8-kubespray CLOUD_REGION: us-central1-b CLUSTER_MODE: default UPGRADE_TEST: "graceful" .coreos_canal_variables: &coreos_canal_variables # stage: deploy-gce-part2 KUBE_NETWORK_PLUGIN: canal CLOUD_IMAGE: coreos-stable-1235-6-0-v20170111 CLOUD_REGION: us-east1-b CLUSTER_MODE: default BOOTSTRAP_OS: coreos RESOLVCONF_MODE: host_resolvconf # This is required as long as the CoreOS stable channel uses docker < 1.12 IDEMPOT_CHECK: "true" .rhel7_canal_sep_variables: &rhel7_canal_sep_variables # stage: deploy-gce-special KUBE_NETWORK_PLUGIN: canal CLOUD_IMAGE: rhel-7 CLOUD_REGION: us-east1-b CLUSTER_MODE: separate .ubuntu_weave_sep_variables: &ubuntu_weave_sep_variables # stage: deploy-gce-special KUBE_NETWORK_PLUGIN: weave CLOUD_IMAGE: ubuntu-1604-xenial CLOUD_REGION: us-central1-b CLUSTER_MODE: separate IDEMPOT_CHECK: "false" .centos7_calico_ha_variables: ¢os7_calico_ha_variables # stage: deploy-gce-special KUBE_NETWORK_PLUGIN: calico CLOUD_IMAGE: centos-7 CLOUD_REGION: europe-west1-b CLUSTER_MODE: ha IDEMPOT_CHECK: "true" .coreos_alpha_weave_ha_variables: &coreos_alpha_weave_ha_variables # stage: deploy-gce-special KUBE_NETWORK_PLUGIN: weave CLOUD_IMAGE: coreos-alpha CLOUD_REGION: us-west1-a CLUSTER_MODE: ha BOOTSTRAP_OS: coreos .ubuntu_rkt_sep_variables: &ubuntu_rkt_sep_variables # stage: deploy-gce-part1 KUBE_NETWORK_PLUGIN: flannel CLOUD_IMAGE: ubuntu-1604-xenial CLOUD_REGION: us-central1-b CLUSTER_MODE: separate ETCD_DEPLOYMENT: rkt KUBELET_DEPLOYMENT: rkt .ubuntu_vault_sep_variables: &ubuntu_vault_sep_variables # stage: deploy-gce-part1 KUBE_NETWORK_PLUGIN: canal CERT_MGMT: vault CLOUD_IMAGE: ubuntu-1604-xenial CLOUD_REGION: us-central1-b CLUSTER_MODE: separate # Builds for PRs only (premoderated by unit-tests step) and triggers (auto) coreos-calico-sep: stage: deploy-gce-part1 <<: *job <<: *gce variables: <<: *gce_variables <<: *coreos_calico_sep_variables when: on_success except: ['triggers'] only: [/^pr-.*$/] coreos-calico-sep-triggers: stage: deploy-gce-part1 <<: *job <<: *gce variables: <<: *gce_variables <<: *coreos_calico_sep_variables when: on_success only: ['triggers'] centos7-flannel: stage: deploy-gce-part2 <<: *job <<: *gce variables: <<: *gce_variables <<: *centos7_flannel_variables when: on_success except: ['triggers'] only: [/^pr-.*$/] centos7-flannel-triggers: stage: deploy-gce-part1 <<: *job <<: *gce variables: <<: *gce_variables <<: *centos7_flannel_variables when: on_success only: ['triggers'] ubuntu-weave-sep: stage: deploy-gce-special <<: *job <<: *gce variables: <<: *gce_variables <<: *ubuntu_weave_sep_variables when: on_success except: ['triggers'] only: [/^pr-.*$/] ubuntu-weave-sep-triggers: stage: deploy-gce-part1 <<: *job <<: *gce variables: <<: *gce_variables <<: *ubuntu_weave_sep_variables when: on_success only: ['triggers'] # More builds for PRs/merges (manual) and triggers (auto) debian8-canal-ha: stage: deploy-gce-part1 <<: *job <<: *gce variables: <<: *gce_variables <<: *debian8_canal_ha_variables when: manual except: ['triggers'] only: ['master', /^pr-.*$/] debian8-canal-ha-triggers: stage: deploy-gce-part1 <<: *job <<: *gce variables: <<: *gce_variables <<: *debian8_canal_ha_variables when: on_success only: ['triggers'] rhel7-weave: stage: deploy-gce-part1 <<: *job <<: *gce variables: <<: *gce_variables <<: *rhel7_weave_variables when: manual except: ['triggers'] only: ['master', /^pr-.*$/] rhel7-weave-triggers: stage: deploy-gce-part1 <<: *job <<: *gce variables: <<: *gce_variables <<: *rhel7_weave_variables when: on_success only: ['triggers'] debian8-calico-upgrade: stage: deploy-gce-part2 <<: *job <<: *gce variables: <<: *gce_variables <<: *debian8_calico_variables when: manual except: ['triggers'] only: ['master', /^pr-.*$/] debian8-calico-triggers: stage: deploy-gce-part1 <<: *job <<: *gce variables: <<: *gce_variables <<: *debian8_calico_variables when: on_success only: ['triggers'] coreos-canal: stage: deploy-gce-part2 <<: *job <<: *gce variables: <<: *gce_variables <<: *coreos_canal_variables when: manual except: ['triggers'] only: ['master', /^pr-.*$/] coreos-canal-triggers: stage: deploy-gce-part1 <<: *job <<: *gce variables: <<: *gce_variables <<: *coreos_canal_variables when: on_success only: ['triggers'] rhel7-canal-sep: stage: deploy-gce-special <<: *job <<: *gce variables: <<: *gce_variables <<: *rhel7_canal_sep_variables when: manual except: ['triggers'] only: ['master', /^pr-.*$/,] rhel7-canal-sep-triggers: stage: deploy-gce-part1 <<: *job <<: *gce variables: <<: *gce_variables <<: *rhel7_canal_sep_variables when: on_success only: ['triggers'] centos7-calico-ha: stage: deploy-gce-special <<: *job <<: *gce variables: <<: *gce_variables <<: *centos7_calico_ha_variables when: manual except: ['triggers'] only: ['master', /^pr-.*$/] centos7-calico-ha-triggers: stage: deploy-gce-part1 <<: *job <<: *gce variables: <<: *gce_variables <<: *centos7_calico_ha_variables when: on_success only: ['triggers'] # no triggers yet coreos-alpha-weave-ha: stage: deploy-gce-special <<: *job <<: *gce variables: <<: *gce_variables <<: *coreos_alpha_weave_ha_variables when: manual except: ['triggers'] only: ['master', /^pr-.*$/] ubuntu-rkt-sep-upgrade: stage: deploy-gce-part1 <<: *job <<: *gce variables: <<: *gce_variables <<: *ubuntu_rkt_sep_variables when: manual except: ['triggers'] only: ['master', /^pr-.*$/] ubuntu-vault-sep: stage: deploy-gce-part1 <<: *job <<: *gce variables: <<: *gce_variables <<: *ubuntu_vault_sep_variables when: manual except: ['triggers'] only: ['master', /^pr-.*$/] # Premoderated with manual actions ci-authorized: <<: *job stage: moderator before_script: - apt-get -y install jq script: - /bin/sh scripts/ except: ['triggers', 'master'] syntax-check: <<: *job stage: unit-tests script: - ansible-playbook -i inventory/local-tests.cfg -u root -e ansible_ssh_user=root -b --become-user=root cluster.yml -vvv --syntax-check except: ['triggers', 'master'] tox-inventory-builder: stage: unit-tests <<: *job script: - pip install tox - cd contrib/inventory_builder && tox when: manual except: ['triggers', 'master']