#jinja2: trim_blocks: True, lstrip_blocks: True # yamllint disable-file --- # Create layer3 configuration {% if metallb_config.layer3.communities is defined %} {% for community_name, community in metallb_config.layer3.communities.items() %} --- apiVersion: metallb.io/v1beta1 kind: Community metadata: name: "{{ community_name }}" namespace: metallb-system spec: communities: - name: "{{ community_name }}" value: "{{ community }}" {% endfor %} {% endif %} --- apiVersion: metallb.io/v1beta1 kind: Community metadata: name: well-known namespace: metallb-system spec: communities: - name: no-export value: 65535:65281 - name: no-advertise value: 65535:65282 - name: local-as value: 65535:65283 - name: nopeer value: 65535:65284 # BGPAdvertisement is used to advertise address pools to the BGP peer. Specific pools can be listed to be advertised. # Local BGP Advertisement specifies that the IP specified in the address pool will be used as remote source address for traffic entering your cluster from the remote peer. # When using this option, be sure to use a subnet and routable IP for your address pool. # This is good: This is also good: This is bad: This is also bad: # In this example, will be used as the remote source address. # This is also bad: Remember: you are working with aggregationLength, which specifies a subnet, not an IP range! # The no-advertise community is set on the local advertisement to prevent this route from being published to the BGP peer. # Your aggregationLength ideally is the same size as your address pool. {% for peer_name, peer in metallb_config.layer3.metallb_peers.items() %} {% if peer.aggregation_length is defined and peer.aggregation_length <= 30 %} --- apiVersion: metallb.io/v1beta1 kind: BGPAdvertisement metadata: name: "{{ peer_name }}-local" namespace: metallb-system spec: aggregationLength: 32 aggregationLengthV6: 128 communities: - no-advertise localpref: "{{ peer.localpref | default ("100") }}" ipAddressPools: {% for address_pool in peer.address_pool %} - "{{ address_pool }}" {% endfor %} {% endif %} # External BGP Advertisement. The IP range specied in the address pool is advertised to the BGP peer. --- apiVersion: metallb.io/v1beta1 kind: BGPAdvertisement metadata: name: "{{ peer_name }}-external" namespace: metallb-system spec: {% if peer.aggregation_length is defined and peer.aggregation_length <= 30 %} aggregationLength: {{ peer.aggregation_length }} {% endif %} ipAddressPools: {% for address_pool in peer.address_pool %} - "{{ address_pool }}" {% endfor %} {% if peer.communities is defined %} {% for community in peer.communities %} communities: - "{{ community }}" {% endfor %} {% endif %} # Configuration for the BGP peer. --- apiVersion: metallb.io/v1beta2 kind: BGPPeer metadata: name: "{{ peer_name }}" namespace: metallb-system spec: myASN: {{ peer.my_asn }} peerASN: {{ peer.peer_asn }} peerAddress: {{ peer.peer_address }} {% if peer.peer_port is defined %} peerPort: {{ peer.peer_port }} {% else %} peerPort: {{ metallb_config.layer3.defaults.peer_port }} {% endif -%} {% if peer.password is defined %} password: "{{ peer.password }}" {% endif -%} {% if peer.router_id is defined %} routerID: "{{ peer.router_id }}" {% endif -%} {% if peer.hold_time is defined %} holdTime: {{ peer.hold_time }} {% elif metallb_config.layer3.defaults.hold_time is defined %} holdTime: {{ metallb_config.layer3.defaults.hold_time }} {% endif -%} {% if peer.multihop is defined %} ebgpMultiHop: {{ peer.multihop }} {% endif -%} {% endfor %}