# MetalLB MetalLB hooks into your Kubernetes cluster, and provides a network load-balancer implementation. It allows you to create Kubernetes services of type "LoadBalancer" in clusters that don't run on a cloud provider, and thus cannot simply hook into 3rd party products to provide load-balancers. The default operating mode of MetalLB is in ["Layer2"](https://metallb.universe.tf/concepts/layer2/) but it can also operate in ["BGP"](https://metallb.universe.tf/concepts/bgp/) mode. ## Prerequisites You have to configure arp_ignore and arp_announce to avoid answering ARP queries from kube-ipvs0 interface for MetalLB to work. ```yaml kube_proxy_strict_arp: true ``` ## Install You have to explicitly enable the MetalLB extension. ```yaml metallb_enabled: true metallb_speaker_enabled: true ``` By default only the MetalLB BGP speaker is allowed to run on control plane nodes. If you have a single node cluster or a cluster where control plane are also worker nodes you may need to enable tolerations for the MetalLB controller: ```yaml metallb_config: controller: nodeselector: kubernetes.io/os: linux tolerations: - key: "node-role.kubernetes.io/master" operator: "Equal" value: "" effect: "NoSchedule" - key: "node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane" operator: "Equal" value: "" effect: "NoSchedule" ``` If you'd like to set additional nodeSelector and tolerations values, you can do so in the following fasion: ```yaml metallb_config: controller: nodeselector: kubernetes.io/os: linux tolerations: - key: "node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane" operator: "Equal" value: "" effect: "NoSchedule" speaker: nodeselector: kubernetes.io/os: linux tolerations: - key: "node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane" operator: "Equal" value: "" effect: "NoSchedule" ``` ## Pools First you need to specify all of the pools you are going to use: ```yaml metallb_config: address_pools: primary: ip_range: - auto_assign: true pool1: ip_range: - auto_assign: false # When set to false, you need to explicitly set the loadBalancerIP in the service! pool2: ip_range: - auto_assign: false ``` ## Layer2 Mode Pools that need to be configured in layer2 mode, need to be specified in a list: ```yaml metallb_config: layer2: - primary ``` ## BGP Mode When operating in BGP Mode MetalLB needs to have defined upstream peers and link the pool(s) specified above to the correct peer: ```yaml metallb_config: layer3: defaults: peer_port: 179 # The TCP port to talk to. Defaults to 179, you shouldn't need to set this in production. hold_time: 120s # Requested BGP hold time, per RFC4271. communities: vpn-only: "1234:1" NO_ADVERTISE: "65535:65282" metallb_peers: peer1: peer_address: peer_asn: 64512 my_asn: 4200000000 communities: - vpn-only address_pool: - pool1 # (optional) The source IP address to use when establishing the BGP session. In most cases the source-address field should only be used with per-node peers, i.e. peers with node selectors which select only one node. CURRENTLY NOT SUPPORTED source_address: # (optional) The router ID to use when connecting to this peer. Defaults to the node IP address. # Generally only useful when you need to peer with another BGP router running on the same machine as MetalLB. router_id: # (optional) Password for TCPMD5 authenticated BGP sessions offered by some peers. password: "changeme" peer2: peer_address: peer_asn: 64513 my_asn: 4200000000 communities: - NO_ADVERTISE address_pool: - pool2 # (optional) The source IP address to use when establishing the BGP session. In most cases the source-address field should only be used with per-node peers, i.e. peers with node selectors which select only one node. CURRENTLY NOT SUPPORTED source_address: # (optional) The router ID to use when connecting to this peer. Defaults to the node IP address. # Generally only useful when you need to peer with another BGP router running on the same machine as MetalLB. router_id: # (optional) Password for TCPMD5 authenticated BGP sessions offered by some peers. password: "changeme" ``` When using calico >= 3.18 you can replace MetalLB speaker by calico Service LoadBalancer IP advertisement. See [calico service IPs advertisement documentation](https://docs.projectcalico.org/archive/v3.18/networking/advertise-service-ips#advertise-service-load-balancer-ip-addresses). In this scenario you should disable the MetalLB speaker and configure the `calico_advertise_service_loadbalancer_ips` to match your `ip_range` ```yaml metallb_speaker_enabled: false metallb_config: address_pools: primary: ip_range: - auto_assign: true layer2: - primary calico_advertise_service_loadbalancer_ips: "{{ metallb_config.address_pools.primary.ip_range }}" ``` If you have additional loadbalancer IP pool in `metallb_config.address_pools` , ensure to add them to the list. ```yaml metallb_speaker_enabled: false metallb_config: address_pools: primary: ip_range: - auto_assign: true pool1: ip_range: - auto_assign: true pool2: ip_range: - auto_assign: true layer2: - primary layer3: defaults: peer_port: 179 hold_time: 120s communities: vpn-only: "1234:1" NO_ADVERTISE: "65535:65282" metallb_peers: peer1: peer_address: peer_asn: 64512 my_asn: 4200000000 communities: - vpn-only address_pool: - pool1 peer2: peer_address: peer_asn: 64513 my_asn: 4200000000 communities: - NO_ADVERTISE address_pool: - pool2 calico_advertise_service_loadbalancer_ips: - - - ```