#!/usr/bin/env python3 # After a new version of Kubernetes has been released, # run this script to update roles/kubespray-defaults/defaults/main/download.yml # with new hashes. import sys from itertools import count from collections import defaultdict import requests from ruamel.yaml import YAML from packaging.version import Version CHECKSUMS_YML = "../roles/kubespray-defaults/defaults/main/checksums.yml" def open_checksums_yaml(): yaml = YAML() yaml.explicit_start = True yaml.preserve_quotes = True yaml.width = 4096 with open(CHECKSUMS_YML, "r") as checksums_yml: data = yaml.load(checksums_yml) return data, yaml def download_hash(minors): architectures = ["arm", "arm64", "amd64", "ppc64le"] downloads = ["kubelet", "kubectl", "kubeadm"] data, yaml = open_checksums_yaml() if not minors: minors = {'.'.join(minor.split('.')[:-1]) for minor in data["kubelet_checksums"]["amd64"].keys()} for download in downloads: checksum_name = f"{download}_checksums" data[checksum_name] = defaultdict(dict, data[checksum_name]) for arch in architectures: for minor in minors: if not minor.startswith("v"): minor = f"v{minor}" for release in (f"{minor}.{patch}" for patch in count(start=0, step=1)): if release in data[checksum_name][arch]: continue hash_file = requests.get(f"https://dl.k8s.io/release/{release}/bin/linux/{arch}/{download}.sha256", allow_redirects=True) if hash_file.status_code == 404: print(f"Unable to find {download} hash file for release {release} (arch: {arch})") break hash_file.raise_for_status() sha256sum = hash_file.content.decode().strip() if len(sha256sum) != 64: raise Exception(f"Checksum has an unexpected length: {len(sha256sum)} (binary: {download}, arch: {arch}, release: 1.{minor}.{patch})") data[checksum_name][arch][release] = sha256sum data[checksum_name] = {arch : {r : releases[r] for r in sorted(releases.keys(), key=lambda v : Version(v[1:]), reverse=True)} for arch, releases in data[checksum_name].items()} with open(CHECKSUMS_YML, "w") as checksums_yml: yaml.dump(data, checksums_yml) print(f"\n\nUpdated {CHECKSUMS_YML}\n") def usage(): print(f"USAGE:\n {sys.argv[0]} [k8s_version1] [[k8s_version2]....[k8s_versionN]]") def main(argv=None): download_hash(sys.argv[1:]) return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())