--- - name: certs | write openssl config template: src: "openssl.conf.j2" dest: "{{ kube_config_dir }}/openssl.conf" run_once: yes when: inventory_hostname == groups['kube-master'][0] and gen_certs|default(false) - name: certs | copy certs generation script copy: src: "make-ssl.sh" dest: "{{ kube_script_dir }}/make-ssl.sh" mode: 0700 run_once: yes when: inventory_hostname == groups['kube-master'][0] and gen_certs|default(false) - name: certs | run cert generation script command: "{{ kube_script_dir }}/make-ssl.sh -f {{ kube_config_dir }}/openssl.conf -d {{ kube_cert_dir }}" run_once: yes when: inventory_hostname == groups['kube-master'][0] and gen_certs|default(false) notify: set secret_changed - set_fact: master_certs: ['ca-key.pem', 'admin.pem', 'admin-key.pem', 'apiserver-key.pem', 'apiserver.pem'] node_certs: ['ca.pem', 'node.pem', 'node-key.pem'] - name: certs | Get the certs from first master slurp: src: "{{ kube_cert_dir }}/{{ item }}" delegate_to: "{{groups['kube-master'][0]}}" register: slurp_certs with_items: '{{ master_certs + node_certs }}' when: sync_certs|default(false) run_once: true notify: set secret_changed - name: certs | Copy certs on masters copy: content: "{{ item.content|b64decode }}" dest: "{{ item.source }}" with_items: '{{slurp_certs.results}}' when: item.item in master_certs and inventory_hostname in groups['kube-master'] and sync_certs|default(false) and inventory_hostname != groups['kube-master'][0] - name: certs | Copy certs on nodes copy: content: "{{ item.content|b64decode }}" dest: "{{ item.source }}" with_items: '{{slurp_certs.results}}' when: item.item in node_certs and inventory_hostname in groups['kube-node'] and sync_certs|default(false) and inventory_hostname != groups['kube-master'][0] - name: certs | check certificate permissions file: path={{ kube_cert_dir }} group={{ kube_cert_group }} owner=kube recurse=yes - shell: ls {{ kube_cert_dir}}/*key.pem register: keyfiles changed_when: false - name: certs | set permissions on keys file: path: "{{ item }}" mode: 0600 with_items: "{{ keyfiles.stdout_lines }}"