--- - name: Gen_certs | create etcd cert dir file: path: "{{ etcd_cert_dir }}" group: "{{ etcd_cert_group }}" state: directory owner: "{{ etcd_owner }}" mode: "{{ etcd_cert_dir_mode }}" recurse: yes - name: "Gen_certs | create etcd script dir (on {{ groups['etcd'][0] }})" file: path: "{{ etcd_script_dir }}" state: directory owner: root mode: 0700 run_once: yes when: inventory_hostname == groups['etcd'][0] - name: Gen_certs | write openssl config template: src: "openssl.conf.j2" dest: "{{ etcd_config_dir }}/openssl.conf" mode: 0640 run_once: yes delegate_to: "{{ groups['etcd'][0] }}" when: - gen_certs | default(false) - inventory_hostname == groups['etcd'][0] - name: Gen_certs | copy certs generation script template: src: "make-ssl-etcd.sh.j2" dest: "{{ etcd_script_dir }}/make-ssl-etcd.sh" mode: 0700 run_once: yes when: - gen_certs | default(false) - inventory_hostname == groups['etcd'][0] - name: Gen_certs | run cert generation script for etcd and kube control plane nodes command: "bash -x {{ etcd_script_dir }}/make-ssl-etcd.sh -f {{ etcd_config_dir }}/openssl.conf -d {{ etcd_cert_dir }}" environment: MASTERS: |- {% for m in groups['etcd'] %} {% if gen_master_certs[m] %} {{ m }} {% endif %} {% endfor %} HOSTS: |- {% for h in groups['kube_control_plane'] %} {% if gen_node_certs[h] %} {{ h }} {% endif %} {% endfor %} run_once: yes delegate_to: "{{ groups['etcd'][0] }}" when: gen_certs | default(false) notify: set etcd_secret_changed - name: Gen_certs | run cert generation script for all clients command: "bash -x {{ etcd_script_dir }}/make-ssl-etcd.sh -f {{ etcd_config_dir }}/openssl.conf -d {{ etcd_cert_dir }}" environment: HOSTS: |- {% for h in groups['k8s_cluster'] %} {% if gen_node_certs[h] %} {{ h }} {% endif %} {% endfor %} run_once: yes delegate_to: "{{ groups['etcd'][0] }}" when: - kube_network_plugin in ["calico", "flannel", "cilium"] or cilium_deploy_additionally | default(false) | bool - kube_network_plugin != "calico" or calico_datastore == "etcd" - gen_certs | default(false) notify: set etcd_secret_changed - name: Gen_certs | Gather etcd member/admin and kube_control_plane client certs from first etcd node slurp: src: "{{ item }}" register: etcd_master_certs with_items: - "{{ etcd_cert_dir }}/ca.pem" - "{{ etcd_cert_dir }}/ca-key.pem" - "[{% for node in groups['etcd'] %} '{{ etcd_cert_dir }}/admin-{{ node }}.pem', '{{ etcd_cert_dir }}/admin-{{ node }}-key.pem', '{{ etcd_cert_dir }}/member-{{ node }}.pem', '{{ etcd_cert_dir }}/member-{{ node }}-key.pem', {% endfor %}]" - "[{% for node in (groups['kube_control_plane']) %} '{{ etcd_cert_dir }}/node-{{ node }}.pem', '{{ etcd_cert_dir }}/node-{{ node }}-key.pem', {% endfor %}]" delegate_to: "{{ groups['etcd'][0] }}" when: - inventory_hostname in groups['etcd'] - sync_certs | default(false) - inventory_hostname != groups['etcd'][0] notify: set etcd_secret_changed - name: Gen_certs | Write etcd member/admin and kube_control_plane client certs to other etcd nodes copy: dest: "{{ item.item }}" content: "{{ item.content | b64decode }}" group: "{{ etcd_cert_group }}" owner: "{{ etcd_owner }}" mode: 0640 with_items: "{{ etcd_master_certs.results }}" when: - inventory_hostname in groups['etcd'] - sync_certs | default(false) - inventory_hostname != groups['etcd'][0] loop_control: label: "{{ item.item }}" - name: Gen_certs | Gather node certs from first etcd node slurp: src: "{{ item }}" register: etcd_master_node_certs with_items: - "[{% for node in groups['k8s_cluster'] %} '{{ etcd_cert_dir }}/node-{{ node }}.pem', '{{ etcd_cert_dir }}/node-{{ node }}-key.pem', {% endfor %}]" delegate_to: "{{ groups['etcd'][0] }}" when: - inventory_hostname in groups['etcd'] - inventory_hostname != groups['etcd'][0] - kube_network_plugin in ["calico", "flannel", "cilium"] or cilium_deploy_additionally | default(false) | bool - kube_network_plugin != "calico" or calico_datastore == "etcd" notify: set etcd_secret_changed - name: Gen_certs | Write node certs to other etcd nodes copy: dest: "{{ item.item }}" content: "{{ item.content | b64decode }}" group: "{{ etcd_cert_group }}" owner: "{{ etcd_owner }}" mode: 0640 with_items: "{{ etcd_master_node_certs.results }}" when: - inventory_hostname in groups['etcd'] - inventory_hostname != groups['etcd'][0] - kube_network_plugin in ["calico", "flannel", "cilium"] or cilium_deploy_additionally | default(false) | bool - kube_network_plugin != "calico" or calico_datastore == "etcd" loop_control: label: "{{ item.item }}" - include_tasks: gen_nodes_certs_script.yml when: - inventory_hostname in groups['kube_control_plane'] and sync_certs | default(false) and inventory_hostname not in groups['etcd'] - include_tasks: gen_nodes_certs_script.yml when: - kube_network_plugin in ["calico", "flannel", "cilium"] or cilium_deploy_additionally | default(false) | bool - kube_network_plugin != "calico" or calico_datastore == "etcd" - inventory_hostname in groups['k8s_cluster'] and sync_certs | default(false) and inventory_hostname not in groups['etcd'] - name: Gen_certs | check certificate permissions file: path: "{{ etcd_cert_dir }}" group: "{{ etcd_cert_group }}" state: directory owner: "{{ etcd_owner }}" mode: "{{ etcd_cert_dir_mode }}" recurse: yes