--- - name: Calico | Disable calico-node service if it exists service: name: calico-node state: stopped enabled: yes failed_when: false - name: Calico | Get kubelet hostname shell: >- kubectl get node -o custom-columns='NAME:.metadata.name,INTERNAL-IP:.status.addresses[?(@.type=="InternalIP")].address' | egrep "[[:space:]]{{ ansible_all_ipv4_addresses | join('[[:space:]]|[[:space:]]') }}[[:space:]]*$" | cut -d" " -f1 register: calico_kubelet_name when: cloud_provider is defined - name: Calico | Write Calico cni config template: src: "cni-calico.conf.j2" dest: "/etc/cni/net.d/10-calico.conf" owner: kube - name: Calico | Create calico certs directory file: dest: "{{ calico_cert_dir }}" state: directory mode: 0750 owner: root group: root - name: Calico | Link etcd certificates for calico-node file: src: "{{ etcd_cert_dir }}/{{ item.s }}" dest: "{{ calico_cert_dir }}/{{ item.d }}" state: hard force: yes with_items: - {s: "ca.pem", d: "ca_cert.crt"} - {s: "node-{{ inventory_hostname }}.pem", d: "cert.crt"} - {s: "node-{{ inventory_hostname }}-key.pem", d: "key.pem"} - name: Calico | Install calicoctl container script template: src: calicoctl-container.j2 dest: "{{ bin_dir }}/calicoctl" mode: 0755 owner: root group: root changed_when: false - name: Calico | Copy cni plugins from hyperkube command: "{{ docker_bin_dir }}/docker run --rm -v /opt/cni/bin:/cnibindir {{ hyperkube_image_repo }}:{{ hyperkube_image_tag }} /bin/cp -r /opt/cni/bin/. /cnibindir/" register: cni_task_result until: cni_task_result.rc == 0 retries: 4 delay: "{{ retry_stagger | random + 3 }}" changed_when: false tags: - hyperkube - upgrade - name: Calico | Copy cni plugins from calico/cni container command: "{{ docker_bin_dir }}/docker run --rm -v /opt/cni/bin:/cnibindir {{ calico_cni_image_repo }}:{{ calico_cni_image_tag }} sh -c 'cp -a /opt/cni/bin/* /cnibindir/'" register: cni_task_result until: cni_task_result.rc == 0 retries: 4 delay: "{{ retry_stagger | random + 3 }}" changed_when: false when: overwrite_hyperkube_cni|bool tags: - hyperkube - upgrade - name: Calico | Set cni directory permissions file: path: /opt/cni/bin state: directory owner: kube recurse: true mode: 0755 - name: Calico | wait for etcd uri: url: https://localhost:2379/health validate_certs: no register: result until: result.status == 200 or result.status == 401 retries: 10 delay: 5 delegate_to: "{{groups['etcd'][0]}}" run_once: true - name: Calico | Check if calico network pool has already been configured command: |- curl \ --cacert {{ etcd_cert_dir }}/ca.pem \ --cert {{ etcd_cert_dir}}/admin-{{ groups['etcd'][0] }}.pem \ --key {{ etcd_cert_dir }}/admin-{{ groups['etcd'][0] }}-key.pem \ https://localhost:2379/v2/keys/calico/v1/ipam/v4/pool register: calico_conf delegate_to: "{{groups['etcd'][0]}}" run_once: true changed_when: false - name: Calico | Configure calico network pool shell: > echo '{ "kind": "ipPool", "spec": {"disabled": false, "ipip": {"enabled": {{ ipip }}, "mode": "{{ ipip_mode }}"}, "nat-outgoing": {{ nat_outgoing|default(false) and not peer_with_router|default(false) }}}, "apiVersion": "v1", "metadata": {"cidr": "{{ kube_pods_subnet }}"} }' | {{ bin_dir }}/calicoctl create -f - environment: NO_DEFAULT_POOLS: true run_once: true when: ("Key not found" in calico_conf.stdout or "nodes" not in calico_conf.stdout) - name: Calico | Get calico configuration from etcd command: |- curl \ --cacert {{ etcd_cert_dir }}/ca.pem \ --cert {{ etcd_cert_dir}}/admin-{{ groups['etcd'][0] }}.pem \ --key {{ etcd_cert_dir }}/admin-{{ groups['etcd'][0] }}-key.pem \ https://localhost:2379/v2/keys/calico/v1/ipam/v4/pool register: calico_pools_raw delegate_to: "{{groups['etcd'][0]}}" run_once: true - set_fact: calico_pools: "{{ calico_pools_raw.stdout | from_json }}" run_once: true - name: Calico | Check if calico pool is properly configured fail: msg: 'Only one network pool must be configured and it must be the subnet {{ kube_pods_subnet }}. Please erase calico configuration and run the playbook again ("etcdctl rm --recursive /calico/v1/ipam/v4/pool")' when: ( calico_pools['node']['nodes'] | length > 1 ) or ( not calico_pools['node']['nodes'][0]['key'] | search(".*{{ kube_pods_subnet | ipaddr('network') }}.*") ) run_once: true - name: Calico | Set global as_num command: "{{ bin_dir}}/calicoctl config set asNumber {{ global_as_num }}" run_once: true - name: Calico | Disable node mesh shell: "{{ bin_dir }}/calicoctl config set nodeToNodeMesh off" when: ((peer_with_router|default(false) or peer_with_calico_rr|default(false)) and inventory_hostname in groups['k8s-cluster']) run_once: true - name: Calico | Configure peering with router(s) shell: > echo '{ "kind": "bgpPeer", "spec": {"asNumber": "{{ item.as }}"}, "apiVersion": "v1", "metadata": {"node": "{{ inventory_hostname }}", "scope": "node", "peerIP": "{{ item.router_id }}"} }' | {{ bin_dir }}/calicoctl create --skip-exists -f - with_items: "{{ peers|default([]) }}" when: peer_with_router|default(false) and inventory_hostname in groups['k8s-cluster'] - name: Calico | Configure peering with route reflectors shell: > echo '{ "kind": "bgpPeer", "spec": {"asNumber": "{{ local_as | default(global_as_num)}}"}, "apiVersion": "v1", "metadata": {"node": "{{ inventory_hostname }}", "scope": "node", "peerIP": "{{ hostvars[item]["calico_rr_ip"]|default(hostvars[item]["ip"])|default(hostvars[item]["ansible_default_ipv4.address"]) }}"} }' | {{ bin_dir }}/calicoctl create --skip-exists -f - with_items: "{{ groups['calico-rr'] | default([]) }}" when: (peer_with_calico_rr|default(false) and inventory_hostname in groups['k8s-cluster'] and hostvars[item]['cluster_id'] == cluster_id) - name: Calico | Create calico manifests template: src: "{{item.file}}.j2" dest: "{{kube_config_dir}}/{{item.file}}" with_items: - {name: calico-config, file: calico-config.yml, type: cm} - {name: calico-node, file: calico-node.yml, type: ds} - {name: calico, file: calico-node-sa.yml, type: sa} - {name: calico, file: calico-cr.yml, type: clusterrole} - {name: calico, file: calico-crb.yml, type: clusterrolebinding} register: calico_node_manifests when: - inventory_hostname in groups['kube-master'] - rbac_enabled or item.type not in rbac_resources