variable "region" { description = "The region" type = string } variable "az" { description = "The availability zone" type = string } variable "private_ip_bn" { description = "Private IP of bastion server" type = string } variable "private_network_cidr" { description = "The subnet of private network" type = string validation { condition = can(cidrnetmask(var.private_network_cidr)) error_message = "Must be a valid IPv4 CIDR block address." } } variable "instances_cp" { type = map(object({ private_ip = string })) } variable "instances_wk" { type = map(object({ private_ip = string })) } variable "instance_key_name" { description = "The key name of the Key Pair to use for the instance" type = string } variable "instance_type_bn" { description = "The instance type of bastion server" type = string } variable "instance_type_wk" { description = "The instance type of worker" type = string } variable "instance_type_cp" { description = "The instance type of control plane" type = string } variable "image_name" { description = "The name of image" type = string } variable "working_instance_ip" { description = "The IP address to connect to bastion server." type = string } variable "accounting_type" { type = string default = "2" validation { condition = anytrue([ var.accounting_type == "1", // Monthly var.accounting_type == "2", // Pay per use ]) error_message = "Must be a 1 or 2." } }