--- - name: trust_ca | pull CA from cert from groups.vault|first command: "cat {{ vault_cert_dir }}/ca.pem" register: vault_cert_file_cat when: inventory_hostname == groups.vault|first # This part is mostly stolen from the etcd role - name: trust_ca | target ca-certificate store file set_fact: ca_cert_path: >- {% if ansible_os_family == "Debian" -%} /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/kube-cluster-ca.crt {%- elif ansible_os_family == "RedHat" -%} /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/kube-cluster-ca.crt {%- elif ansible_os_family == "CoreOS" -%} /etc/ssl/certs/kube-cluster-ca.pem {%- endif %} - name: trust_ca | add CA to trusted CA dir copy: content: "{{ hostvars[groups.vault|first]['vault_cert_file_cat']['stdout'] }}" dest: "{{ ca_cert_path }}" register: vault_ca_cert - name: trust_ca | update ca-certificates (Debian/Ubuntu/CoreOS) command: update-ca-certificates when: vault_ca_cert.changed and ansible_os_family in ["Debian", "CoreOS"] - name: trust_ca | update ca-certificates (RedHat) command: update-ca-trust extract when: vault_ca_cert.changed and ansible_os_family == "RedHat"