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# Stop temporary Vault if it's running (can linger if playbook fails out)
- name: stop vault-temp container
shell: docker stop {{ vault_temp_container_name }} || rkt stop {{ vault_temp_container_name }}
failed_when: false
register: vault_temp_stop
changed_when: vault_temp_stop|succeeded
# Check if vault is reachable on the localhost
- name: check_vault | Attempt to pull local https Vault health
command: /bin/true
notify: wait for vault up nowait
- meta: flush_handlers
- name: check_vault | Set facts about local Vault health
vault_is_running: "{{ vault_health_check.get('status', '-1') in vault_successful_http_codes }}"
- name: check_vault | Set facts about local Vault health
vault_is_initialized: "{{ vault_health_check.get('json', {}).get('initialized', false) }}"
vault_is_sealed: "{{ vault_health_check.get('json', {}).get('sealed', true) }}"
# vault_in_standby: "{{ vault_health_check.get('json', {}).get('standby', true) }}"
# vault_run_version: "{{ vault_local_service_health.get('json', {}).get('version', '') }}"
- name: check_vault | Check is vault is initialized in etcd if vault is not running
command: |-
curl \
--cacert {{ etcd_cert_dir }}/ca.pem \
--cert {{ etcd_cert_dir}}/node-{{ inventory_hostname }}.pem \
--key {{ etcd_cert_dir }}/node-{{ inventory_hostname }}-key.pem \
-X POST -d '{"key": "{{ "/vault/core/seal-config" | b64encode }}"}' \
{{ etcd_access_addresses.split(',') | first }}/v3alpha/kv/range
register: vault_etcd_exists
retries: 4
delay: "{{ retry_stagger | random + 3 }}"
run_once: true
when: not vault_is_running and vault_etcd_available
changed_when: false
- name: check_vault | Set fact about the Vault cluster's initialization state
vault_cluster_is_initialized: >-
{{ vault_is_initialized or
hostvars[item]['vault_is_initialized'] or
'Key not found' not in vault_etcd_exists.stdout|default('Key not found') }}
with_items: "{{ groups.vault }}"
run_once: true