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Kube-proxy replacement with Cilium

Cilium can run without kube-proxy by setting cilium_kube_proxy_replacement to strict.

Without kube-proxy, cilium needs to know the address of the kube-apiserver and this must be set globally for all cilium components (agents and operators). Hence, in this configuration in Kubespray, Cilium will always contact the external loadbalancer (even from a node in the control plane) and if there is no external load balancer It will ignore any local load balancer deployed by Kubespray and only contacts the first master.

Choose Cilium version

cilium_version: v1.9.9

Add variable to config

Use following variables:


  enable-endpoint-routes: true

Install Cilium Hubble


cilium_enable_hubble: true ## enable support hubble in cilium
cilium_hubble_install: true ## install hubble-relay, hubble-ui
cilium_hubble_tls_generate: true ## install hubble-certgen and generate certificates

To validate that Hubble UI is properly configured, set up a port forwarding for hubble-ui service:

kubectl port-forward -n kube-system svc/hubble-ui 12000:80

and then open http://localhost:12000/.

Hubble metrics

cilium_enable_hubble_metrics: true
  - dns
  - drop
  - tcp
  - flow
  - icmp
  - http
