# Some older pip installs may not be able to handle the recent PyTorch deps
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
# Install latest PyTorch nightlies and build requirements.
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
## Build Python Packages
We have preliminary support for building Python packages. This can be done
with the following commands:
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
CMAKE_GENERATOR=Ninja python setup.py bdist_wheel
## CMake Build
Two setups are possible to build: in-tree and out-of-tree. The in-tree setup is the most straightforward, as it will build LLVM dependencies as well.
### Building torch-mlir in-tree
The following command generates configuration files to build the project *in-tree*, that is, using llvm/llvm-project as the main build. This will build LLVM as well as torch-mlir and its subprojects.
# Use --ld-path= instead of -fuse-ld=lld for clang > 13
### Building against a pre-built LLVM
If you have built llvm-project separately in the directory `$LLVM_INSTALL_DIR`, you can also build the project *out-of-tree* using the following command as template:
cmake -GNinja -Bbuild \
-DMLIR_DIR="$LLVM_INSTALL_DIR/lib/cmake/mlir/" \
-DLLVM_DIR="$LLVM_INSTALL_DIR/lib/cmake/llvm/" \
The same QoL CMake flags can be used to enable ccache and lld. Be sure to have built LLVM with `-DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS=mlir`.
Be aware that the installed version of LLVM needs in general to match the committed version in `externals/llvm-project`. Using a different version may or may not work.
### Build commands
After either cmake run (in-tree/out-of-tree), use one of the following commands to build the project:
[Example IR](https://gist.github.com/silvasean/e74780f8a8a449339aac05c51e8b0caa) for a simple 1 layer MLP to show the compilation steps from TorchScript.