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//===- CPASupport.h - Support types and utilities for CPA -----------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// Support types and utilities for the Cartesian Product Algorithm for
// Type Inference.
// See:
#include "mlir/IR/Types.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Value.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallPtrSet.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Allocator.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
namespace mlir {
namespace NPCOMP {
namespace Typing {
namespace CPA {
class Context;
/// A uniqued string identifier.
class Identifier {
StringRef getValue() const { return value; }
void print(raw_ostream &os, bool brief = false);
friend raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &os, Identifier ident) {
return os;
Identifier(StringRef value) : value(value) {}
StringRef value;
friend class Context;
/// Base class for the CPA type hierarchy.
class ObjectBase {
enum class Kind {
// Type
TypeNode = FIRST_TYPE,
// ValueType
LAST_VALUE_TYPE = ObjectValueType,
LAST_TYPE = TypeVar,
// Constraint
ObjectBase(Kind kind) : kind(kind) {}
virtual ~ObjectBase();
Kind getKind() const { return kind; }
virtual void print(Context &context, raw_ostream &os, bool brief = false) = 0;
const Kind kind;
/// Base class for types.
/// This type hierarchy is adapted from section 2.1 of:
/// Precise Constraint-Based Type Inference for Java
/// Referred to as: 'τ' (tau)
class TypeNode : public ObjectBase {
TypeNode(Kind kind, unsigned hashValue)
: ObjectBase(kind),
hashValue(llvm::hash_combine(static_cast<int>(kind), hashValue)) {}
static bool classof(const ObjectBase *tb) {
return tb->getKind() >= Kind::FIRST_TYPE &&
tb->getKind() <= Kind::LAST_TYPE;
bool operator==(const TypeNode &that) const;
void print(Context &context, raw_ostream &os, bool brief = false) override;
struct PtrInfo : llvm::DenseMapInfo<TypeNode *> {
static TypeNode *getEmptyKey() {
static TypeNode empty(Kind::TypeNode, 0);
return &empty;
static TypeNode *getTombstoneKey() {
static TypeNode tombstone(Kind::TypeNode, 1);
return &tombstone;
static unsigned getHashValue(TypeNode *key) { return key->hashValue; }
static bool isEqual(TypeNode *lhs, TypeNode *rhs) {
if (lhs->getKind() == Kind::TypeNode ||
rhs->getKind() == Kind::TypeNode) {
// Base class is only created for special static values.
return lhs == rhs;
if (lhs == rhs)
return true;
return *lhs == *rhs;
unsigned hashValue;
friend struct PtrInfo;
/// A unique type variable.
/// Both the pointer and the ordinal will be unique within a context.
/// Referred to as 't'
class TypeVar : public TypeNode {
static bool classof(const ObjectBase *tb) {
return tb->getKind() == Kind::TypeVar;
int getOrdinal() const { return ordinal; }
void print(Context &context, raw_ostream &os, bool brief = false) override;
/// Every instantiated type can be anchored. This is purely used for
/// re-association at a later time with the originaing IR.
Value getAnchorValue() { return anchorValue; }
void setAnchorValue(Value anchorValue) { this->anchorValue = anchorValue; }
TypeVar(int ordinal)
: TypeNode(Kind::TypeVar, llvm::hash_code(ordinal)), ordinal(ordinal) {}
int ordinal;
Value anchorValue;
friend class Context;
/// A type-cast type.
/// Referred to as: 'cast(δ, t)'
class CastType : public TypeNode {
static bool classof(const ObjectBase *tb) {
return tb->getKind() == Kind::CastType;
Identifier *getTypeIdentifier() const { return typeIdentifier; }
TypeVar *getTypeVar() const { return typeVar; }
void print(Context &context, raw_ostream &os, bool brief = false) override;
CastType(Identifier *typeIdentifier, TypeVar *typeVar)
: TypeNode(Kind::CastType, llvm::hash_combine(typeIdentifier, typeVar)),
typeIdentifier(typeIdentifier), typeVar(typeVar) {}
Identifier *typeIdentifier;
TypeVar *typeVar;
friend class Context;
/// Type representing a read-field operation.
/// Referred to as: 'read τ'
class ReadType : public TypeNode {
static bool classof(const ObjectBase *tb) {
return tb->getKind() == Kind::ReadType;
TypeNode *getType() const { return type; }
void print(Context &context, raw_ostream &os, bool brief = false) override;
ReadType(TypeNode *type)
: TypeNode(Kind::ReadType, llvm::hash_combine(type)), type(type) {}
TypeNode *type;
friend class Context;
/// Type representing a read-field operation.
/// Referred to as: 'read τ'
class WriteType : public TypeNode {
static bool classof(const ObjectBase *tb) {
return tb->getKind() == Kind::WriteType;
TypeNode *getType() const { return type; }
void print(Context &context, raw_ostream &os, bool brief = false) override;
WriteType(TypeNode *type)
: TypeNode(Kind::WriteType, llvm::hash_combine(type)), type(type) {}
TypeNode *type;
friend class Context;
/// A legal value type in the language. We represent this as one of:
/// IRValueType: Wraps a primitive MLIR type
/// ObjectValueType: Defines an object.
/// Referred to as 'τv' (tau-v)
class ValueType : public TypeNode {
using TypeNode::TypeNode;
static bool classof(const ObjectBase *ob) {
return ob->getKind() >= Kind::FIRST_VALUE_TYPE &&
ob->getKind() <= Kind::LAST_VALUE_TYPE;
/// Concrete ValueType that wraps an MLIR Type.
class IRValueType : public ValueType {
IRValueType(mlir::Type irType)
: ValueType(Kind::IRValueType, llvm::hash_combine(irType)),
irType(irType) {}
static bool classof(const ObjectBase *ob) {
return ob->getKind() == Kind::IRValueType;
mlir::Type getIrType() const { return irType; }
void print(Context &context, raw_ostream &os, bool brief = false) override;
const mlir::Type irType;
/// ValueType for an object.
/// Referred to as 'obj(δ, [ li : τi ])'
class ObjectValueType : public ValueType {
static bool classof(const ObjectBase *ob) {
return ob->getKind() == Kind::ObjectValueType;
Identifier *getTypeIdentifier() { return typeIdentifier; }
size_t getFieldCount() { return fieldCount; }
llvm::ArrayRef<Identifier *> getFieldIdentifiers() {
return llvm::ArrayRef<Identifier *>(fieldIdentifiers, fieldCount);
llvm::ArrayRef<TypeNode *> getFieldTypes() {
return llvm::ArrayRef<TypeNode *>(fieldTypes, fieldCount);
void print(Context &context, raw_ostream &os, bool brief = false) override;
ObjectValueType(Identifier *typeIdentifier, size_t fieldCount,
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Identifier *const *fieldIdentifiers,
TypeNode *const *fieldTypes)
// TODO: Real hashcode.
: ValueType(Kind::ObjectValueType, 0), typeIdentifier(typeIdentifier),
fieldCount(fieldCount), fieldIdentifiers(fieldIdentifiers),
fieldTypes(fieldTypes) {}
Identifier *typeIdentifier;
size_t fieldCount;
2020-07-04 07:38:10 +08:00
Identifier *const *fieldIdentifiers;
TypeNode *const *fieldTypes;
friend class Context;
/// A Constraint between two types.
/// Referred to as: 'τ1 <: τ2'
class Constraint : public ObjectBase {
static bool classof(ObjectBase *ob) {
return ob->getKind() == Kind::Constraint;
TypeNode *getFrom() { return from; }
TypeNode *getTo() { return to; }
void setContextOp(Operation *contextOp) { this->contextOp = contextOp; }
void print(Context &context, raw_ostream &os, bool brief = false) override;
bool operator==(const Constraint &that) const {
return from == that.from && to ==;
struct PtrInfo : llvm::DenseMapInfo<TypeNode *> {
static Constraint *getEmptyKey() {
auto emptyType = TypeNode::PtrInfo::getEmptyKey();
static Constraint empty(emptyType, emptyType);
return &empty;
static Constraint *getTombstoneKey() {
auto tombstoneType = TypeNode::PtrInfo::getTombstoneKey();
static Constraint tombstone(tombstoneType, tombstoneType);
return &tombstone;
static unsigned getHashValue(Constraint *key) {
return llvm::hash_combine(key->from, key->to);
static bool isEqual(Constraint *lhs, Constraint *rhs) {
return *lhs == *rhs;
Constraint(TypeNode *from, TypeNode *to)
: ObjectBase(Kind::Constraint), from(from), to(to) {}
TypeNode *from;
TypeNode *to;
Operation *contextOp = nullptr;
friend class Context;
/// A set of constraints.
/// Referred to as: 'C'
class ConstraintSet : public llvm::SmallPtrSet<Constraint *, 4> {
static const ConstraintSet &getEmptySet();
using SmallPtrSet::SmallPtrSet;
void print(Context &context, raw_ostream &os, bool brief = false);
/// A set of TypeVar.
/// Referred to as 't_bar'
class TypeVarSet : public llvm::SmallPtrSet<TypeVar *, 4> {
static const TypeVarSet &getEmptySet();
using SmallPtrSet::SmallPtrSet;
void print(Context &context, raw_ostream &os, bool brief = false);
/// Set for managing TypeNodes.
class TypeNodeSet : public llvm::SmallPtrSet<TypeNode *, 4> {
static const TypeNodeSet &getEmptySet();
using SmallPtrSet::SmallPtrSet;
/// Set for managing ValueTypes associated with a TypeVar.
class ValueTypeSet : public llvm::SmallPtrSet<ValueType *, 4> {
static const ValueTypeSet &getEmptySet();
using SmallPtrSet::SmallPtrSet;
/// Represents an evaluation scope (i.e. a "countour" in the literature) that
/// tracks type variables, IR associations and constraints.
class Environment {
Environment(Context &context);
Context &getContext() { return context; }
ConstraintSet &getConstraints() { return constraints; }
TypeVarSet &getTypeVars() { return typeVars; }
/// Maps an IR value to a CPA type by applying an IR Type -> CPA Type
/// transfer function if not already mapped.
TypeNode *mapValueToType(Value value);
Context &context;
ConstraintSet constraints;
TypeVarSet typeVars;
llvm::DenseMap<Value, TypeNode *> valueTypeMap;
/// Manages instances and containers needed for the lifetime of a CPA
/// analysis.
class Context {
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/// Gets the current environment (roughly call scope).
Environment *getCurrentEnvironment() { return currentEnvironment; }
/// Maps an IR Type to a CPA TypeNode.
/// This is currently not overridable but a hook may need to be provided
/// eventually.
TypeNode *mapIrType(::mlir::Type irType);
// Create a new (non-uniqued) type var. These are not uniqued because by
// construction, we only ever ask for new type variables when needed.
TypeVar *newTypeVar() {
TypeVar *tv = allocator.Allocate<TypeVar>(1);
new (tv) TypeVar(++typeVarCounter);
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return tv;
/// Gets a uniqued Identifier for the given value.
Identifier *getIdentifier(StringRef value) {
auto it = identifierMap.find(value);
if (it != identifierMap.end())
return it->second;
auto *chars = allocator.Allocate<char>(value.size());
std::memcpy(chars,, value.size());
StringRef uniquedValue(chars, value.size());
Identifier *id = allocator.Allocate<Identifier>(1);
new (id) Identifier(uniquedValue);
identifierMap[uniquedValue] = id;
return id;
/// Gets a uniqued IRValueType for the IR Type.
IRValueType *getIRValueType(Type irType) {
return getUniquedTypeNode<IRValueType>(irType);
/// Creates a new ObjectValueType.
/// Object value types are not uniqued.
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ObjectValueType *
newObjectValueType(Identifier *typeIdentifier,
llvm::ArrayRef<Identifier *> fieldIdentifiers,
llvm::ArrayRef<TypeNode *> fieldTypes) {
assert(fieldIdentifiers.size() == fieldTypes.size());
size_t n = fieldIdentifiers.size();
Identifier **allocFieldIdentifiers = allocator.Allocate<Identifier *>(n);
std::copy_n(fieldIdentifiers.begin(), n, allocFieldIdentifiers);
TypeNode **allocFieldTypes = allocator.Allocate<TypeNode *>(n);
std::copy_n(fieldTypes.begin(), n, allocFieldTypes);
auto *ovt = allocator.Allocate<ObjectValueType>(1);
new (ovt) ObjectValueType(typeIdentifier, n, allocFieldIdentifiers,
return ovt;
/// Creates an array object type with a possibly unknown element type.
/// By convention, arrays have a single type slot for the element type
/// named 'e'.
ObjectValueType *newArrayType(Identifier *typeIdentifier,
llvm::Optional<TypeNode *> elementType);
/// Gets a CastType.
CastType *getCastType(Identifier *typeIdentifier, TypeVar *typeVar) {
return getUniquedTypeNode<CastType>(typeIdentifier, typeVar);
/// Gets a ReadType.
ReadType *getReadType(TypeNode *type) {
return getUniquedTypeNode<ReadType>(type);
/// Gets a WriteType.
WriteType *getWriteType(TypeNode *type) {
return getUniquedTypeNode<WriteType>(type);
/// Creates a Constraint.
Constraint *getConstraint(TypeNode *t1, TypeNode *t2) {
// Lookup based on a stack allocated key.
Constraint v(t1, t2);
auto it = constraintUniquer.insert(&v);
if (!it.second)
return *it.first;
auto *av = allocator.Allocate<Constraint>(1);
new (av) Constraint(v); // Copy ctor
*it.first = av; // Replace key pointer with durable allocation.
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return av;
/// Creates a new ConstraintSet.
ConstraintSet *newConstraintSet() {
auto *cs = allocator.Allocate<ConstraintSet>(1);
new (cs) ConstraintSet();
return cs;
/// Creates a new TypeVarSet.
TypeVarSet *newTypeVarSet() {
auto *tvs = allocator.Allocate<TypeVarSet>(1);
new (tvs) TypeVarSet();
return tvs;
/// Gets a reference to the current members.
/// This is the actual backing set. Any modification to the graph can
/// invalidate iterators.
const ValueTypeSet &getMembers(TypeNode *node) {
return typeNodeMembers[node];
/// Generically creates a uniquable TypeNode subclass.
template <typename ConcreteTy, typename... Args>
ConcreteTy *getUniquedTypeNode(Args &&... args) {
// Lookup based on stack allocated key.
ConcreteTy v(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
auto it = typeUniquer.insert(&v);
if (!it.second) {
return static_cast<ConcreteTy *>(*it.first);
auto *av = allocator.Allocate<ConcreteTy>(1);
new (av) ConcreteTy(v); // Copy ctor
*it.first = av; // Replace key pointer with durable allocation.
return av;
/// Adds a constraint to the graph structure.
void addConstraintToGraph(Constraint *c);
/// Propagates any pending constraints.
void propagateConstraints();
// Allocation/uniquing management.
llvm::BumpPtrAllocator allocator;
llvm::DenseMap<StringRef, Identifier *> identifierMap;
llvm::DenseSet<TypeNode *, TypeNode::PtrInfo> typeUniquer;
llvm::DenseSet<Constraint *, Constraint::PtrInfo> constraintUniquer;
int typeVarCounter = 0;
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// Singletons created for the context.
Identifier *arrayElementIdent;
// Graph management.
llvm::DenseMap<TypeNode *, ConstraintSet> fwdNodeToConstraintMap;
llvm::DenseMap<Constraint *, TypeNodeSet> fwdConstraintToNodeMap;
llvm::DenseMap<TypeNode *, ConstraintSet> bakNodeToConstraintMap;
// Note that we track contents for all TypeNodes, not just vars, as this
// can be used to determine illegal dataflows.
llvm::DenseMap<TypeNode *, ValueTypeSet> typeNodeMembers;
// Propagation worklist.
/// Constraints that are pending propagation.
ConstraintSet pendingConstraints;
ConstraintSet pendingConstraintWorklist;
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// Environment management.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Environment>> environmentStack;
Environment *currentEnvironment;
inline bool TypeNode::operator==(const TypeNode &that) const {
if (getKind() != that.getKind())
return false;
switch (getKind()) {
case Kind::TypeVar: {
auto &thisCast = static_cast<const TypeVar &>(*this);
auto &thatCast = static_cast<const TypeVar &>(that);
return thisCast.getOrdinal() == thatCast.getOrdinal();
case Kind::CastType: {
auto &thisCast = static_cast<const CastType &>(*this);
auto &thatCast = static_cast<const CastType &>(that);
return thisCast.getTypeIdentifier() == thatCast.getTypeIdentifier() &&
thisCast.getTypeVar() == thatCast.getTypeVar();
case Kind::ReadType: {
auto &thisCast = static_cast<const ReadType &>(*this);
auto &thatCast = static_cast<const ReadType &>(that);
return thisCast.getType() == thatCast.getType();
case Kind::WriteType: {
auto &thisCast = static_cast<const WriteType &>(*this);
auto &thatCast = static_cast<const WriteType &>(that);
return thisCast.getType() == thatCast.getType();
case Kind::IRValueType: {
auto &thisCast = static_cast<const IRValueType &>(*this);
auto &thatCast = static_cast<const IRValueType &>(that);
return thisCast.getIrType() == thatCast.getIrType();
case Kind::ObjectValueType:
llvm_unreachable("ObjectValueType not implemented");
llvm_unreachable("unhandled TypeNode subclass");
return false;
} // namespace CPA
} // namespace Typing
} // namespace NPCOMP
} // namespace mlir