Add support for reflection_pad1d (#2706)

Adds a lowering to Linalg for reflection_pad1d. Based on ideas/code from draft PR


Co-authored-by: Kumar Deepak <>
kumardeepakamd 2024-01-02 11:05:11 -08:00 committed by GitHub
parent 6660a26594
commit 9adad9bc40
No known key found for this signature in database
6 changed files with 313 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -7869,6 +7869,30 @@ def Torch_AtenConstantPadNdOp : Torch_Op<"aten.constant_pad_nd", [
def Torch_AtenReflectionPad1dOp : Torch_Op<"aten.reflection_pad1d", [
]> {
let summary = "Generated op for `aten::reflection_pad1d : (Tensor, int[]) -> (Tensor)`";
let arguments = (ins
let results = (outs
let hasCustomAssemblyFormat = 1;
let extraClassDefinition = [{
ParseResult AtenReflectionPad1dOp::parse(OpAsmParser &parser, OperationState &result) {
return parseDefaultTorchOp(parser, result, 2, 1);
void AtenReflectionPad1dOp::print(OpAsmPrinter &printer) {
printDefaultTorchOp(printer, *this, 2, 1);
def Torch_AtenPadOp : Torch_Op<"aten.pad", [

View File

@ -107,6 +107,143 @@ LogicalResult prepareArgumentsForSlicingOp(OpTy op, OpAdaptor adaptor,
return success();
// Example:
// input = tensor([[[0., 1., 2., 3.],
// [4., 5., 6., 7.]]])
// torch.ops.aten.reflection_pad1d(input, (3,1)) ; padding_left = 3, padding_right = 1
// tensor([[[3., 2., 1., 0., 1., 2., 3., 2.],
// [7., 6., 5., 4., 5., 6., 7., 6.]]])
// Checks: 1) Each of padding_left and padding_right must be non-negative less than size of last dimension
// Implementation: a) Construct a result tensor of shape of input tensor except for the last dimension.
// The last dimension of the result tensor should be last dimension of input tensor +
// left padding size + right padding size. INitialize result tensor to all zeros
// b) Setup affine map to take slice from input tensor of size left padding starting from
// second column onwards as first column is reflection boundary
// c) Reflect the affine map to have resultant slice reflected
// d) Take the slice and write from begining in result tensor
// e) write the original tensor next into result tensor
// f) Setup affine map to take slice from input tensor of right padding size ending
// at second last column as last column is reflection boundary for right padding
// g) Reflect the affine map to have resultant slice reflected
// h) Take the slice and write from left padding size + orignal tensor last dim size
// into result tensor
// Uses the ideas/code used for AtenReflectionPad2dOp
namespace {
class ConvertAtenReflectionPad1dOp
: public OpConversionPattern<AtenReflectionPad1dOp> {
using OpConversionPattern::OpConversionPattern;
matchAndRewrite(AtenReflectionPad1dOp op, OpAdaptor adaptor,
ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
if (failed(verifyLinalgCompatibleTypes(op, rewriter)))
return failure();
SmallVector<int64_t> padInts;
if (!matchPattern(op.getPadding(), m_TorchListOfConstantInts(padInts)))
return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(
op, "only constant int padding range is supported");
MLIRContext *context = rewriter.getContext();
Location loc = op.getLoc();
// Lambda Unitility Functions
// Create an Integer expression of x + y
auto createIAdd = [&](Value x, Value y) {
return rewriter.create<arith::AddIOp>(loc, x, y);
// Create an integer expression of x - y
auto createISub = [&](Value x, Value y) {
return rewriter.create<arith::SubIOp>(loc, x, y);
enum PadLocation {PAD_LEFT = 0, PAD_RIGHT = 1, PAD_CENTER=2};
Value input = adaptor.getSelf();
Type indexType = rewriter.getIndexType();
Value zero = getConstant(rewriter, loc, 0, indexType);
Value one = getConstant(rewriter, loc, 1, indexType);
auto inputType = llvm::cast<RankedTensorType>(input.getType());
auto outputType = llvm::cast<RankedTensorType>(getTypeConverter()->convertType(op->getResult(0).getType()));
unsigned numDims = inputType.getRank();
assert(numDims >= 2 && "Not enough input dimensions");
int64_t lastDim = numDims - 1;
SmallVector<Value> inputShape = getTensorSizes(rewriter, loc, input);
Value lastDimSize = inputShape[lastDim]; // input [1,2,4], then lastDim = 2, inputShape[2] will give 4
Value tileWidth[3], extractOffset[3], insertOffset[3];
tileWidth[PAD_LEFT] = getConstant(rewriter, loc, padInts[PAD_LEFT], indexType);
tileWidth[PAD_RIGHT] = getConstant(rewriter, loc, padInts[PAD_RIGHT], indexType);
tileWidth[PAD_CENTER] = lastDimSize;
extractOffset[PAD_LEFT] = one;
// for (1,2,4) input, padding (3,1) lastDimSize=4, 4 - 1 - 1 = 2 [3,5, 6,7], so start offset to 6, which is right
// lasDimSize - (tileWidth[PAD_RIGHT] + one)
extractOffset[PAD_RIGHT] = createISub(lastDimSize, createIAdd(tileWidth[PAD_RIGHT], one));
extractOffset[PAD_CENTER] = zero;
insertOffset[PAD_LEFT] = zero;
insertOffset[PAD_RIGHT] = createIAdd(lastDimSize, tileWidth[PAD_LEFT]);
insertOffset[PAD_CENTER] = tileWidth[PAD_LEFT];
SmallVector<Value> resultShape{inputShape};
// Result's last dimension will have shape lastDimSize + left padding size + right padding size
resultShape[lastDim] = createIAdd(resultShape[lastDim], createIAdd(tileWidth[PAD_LEFT], tileWidth[PAD_RIGHT]));
Value resultTensor = createZeroInitTensor(rewriter, loc, resultShape, inputType.getElementType());
// Helper to reflect/reverse the i-th dimension of an affine map without symbols. This only works if applied on a tensor
// for which the corresponding dimension has a statically known size
auto reflectDim = [](AffineMap map, unsigned numDims, int64_t i, int64_t size) {
AffineExpr d = map.getResult(i);
return map.replace(d, size - d - 1, numDims, 0); // left reflect for (3,1) on input shape (1,2,4). size = 3, lastDim=2, numDims=3
SmallVector<utils::IteratorType> iteratorTypes{numDims, utils::IteratorType::parallel};
auto idMap = AffineMap::getMultiDimIdentityMap(numDims, context);
SmallVector<Value> allOneStrides(numDims, one);
auto addTileToResult = [&](PadLocation padPosition) {
// Create the tile by extracting a slice from the input tensor.
SmallVector<Value> extractShape{inputShape};
extractShape[lastDim] = tileWidth[padPosition];
SmallVector<Value> extractOffsets(numDims, zero);
extractOffsets[lastDim] = extractOffset[padPosition];
Value tile = rewriter.create<tensor::ExtractSliceOp>(
loc, input, extractOffsets, extractShape, allOneStrides);
auto inputMap = AffineMap::getMultiDimIdentityMap(numDims, context);
// Setup the affine map function to resverse the tile along the horizontal for left and right slices
if(padPosition < PAD_CENTER) {
inputMap = reflectDim(inputMap, numDims, lastDim, padInts[padPosition]);
// Take reflected slice as per inputMap
tile = rewriter.create<linalg::GenericOp>(loc, llvm::cast<RankedTensorType>(tile.getType()), tile,
tile, ArrayRef({inputMap, idMap}), iteratorTypes,
[](OpBuilder &b, Location nestedLoc, ValueRange args) {
b.create<linalg::YieldOp>(nestedLoc, args[0]);
// Insert the tile in the resultTensor
SmallVector<Value> insertOffsets(numDims, zero);
insertOffsets[lastDim] = insertOffset[padPosition];
resultTensor = rewriter.create<tensor::InsertSliceOp>(loc, tile, resultTensor, insertOffsets, extractShape, allOneStrides);
if(padInts[PAD_LEFT] > 0)
if(padInts[PAD_RIGHT] > 0)
rewriter.replaceOpWithNewOp<tensor::CastOp>(op, outputType, resultTensor);
return success();
namespace {
class ConvertAtenFlattenUsingIntsOp
: public OpConversionPattern<AtenFlattenUsingIntsOp> {
@ -1413,6 +1550,8 @@ void mlir::torch::torch_to_linalg::populateDataMovementPatternsAndLegality(
TypeConverter &typeConverter, RewritePatternSet &patterns,
ConversionTarget &target) {
MLIRContext *context = patterns.getContext();
patterns.add<ConvertAtenReflectionPad1dOp>(typeConverter, context);
patterns.add<ConvertAtenFlattenUsingIntsOp>(typeConverter, context);

View File

@ -8331,6 +8331,41 @@ StringRef mlir::torch::Torch::getAbstractInterpLibrary() {
" %0 = call @__torch__.pad_shape_fn(%arg0, %arg1) : (!torch.list<int>, !torch.list<int>) -> !torch.list<int>\n"
" return %0 : !torch.list<int>\n"
" }\n"
" func.func @\"__torch_mlir_shape_fn.aten.reflection_pad1d\"(%arg0: !torch.list<int>, %arg1: !torch.list<int>) -> !torch.list<int> {\n"
" %false = torch.constant.bool false\n"
" %int-1 = -1\n"
" %none = torch.constant.none\n"
" %str = torch.constant.str \"AssertionError: \"\n"
" %int2 = 2\n"
" %int1 = 1\n"
" %int0 = 0\n"
" %0 = torch.aten.len.t %arg0 : !torch.list<int> -> !\n"
" %1 = %0, %int2 : !, ! -> !torch.bool\n"
" torch.prim.If %1 -> () {\n"
" torch.prim.If.yield\n"
" } else {\n"
" torch.prim.RaiseException %str, %none : !torch.str, !torch.none\n"
" torch.prim.If.yield\n"
" }\n"
" %2 = torch.aten.__getitem__.t %arg0, %int-1 : !torch.list<int>, ! -> !\n"
" %3 = torch.aten.__getitem__.t %arg1, %int0 : !torch.list<int>, ! -> !\n"
" %4 = torch.aten.__getitem__.t %arg1, %int1 : !torch.list<int>, ! -> !\n"
" %5 = %3, %2 : !, ! -> !torch.bool\n"
" %6 = torch.prim.If %5 -> (!torch.bool) {\n"
" %8 = %4, %2 : !, ! -> !torch.bool\n"
" torch.prim.If.yield %8 : !torch.bool\n"
" } else {\n"
" torch.prim.If.yield %false : !torch.bool\n"
" }\n"
" torch.prim.If %6 -> () {\n"
" torch.prim.If.yield\n"
" } else {\n"
" torch.prim.RaiseException %str, %none : !torch.str, !torch.none\n"
" torch.prim.If.yield\n"
" }\n"
" %7 = call @__torch__.pad_shape_fn(%arg0, %arg1) : (!torch.list<int>, !torch.list<int>) -> !torch.list<int>\n"
" return %7 : !torch.list<int>\n"
" }\n"
" func.func @\"__torch_mlir_shape_fn.aten.index.Tensor\"(%arg0: !torch.list<int>, %arg1: !torch.list<optional<list<int>>>) -> !torch.list<int> {\n"
" %0 = call @__torch__.index_tensor_like(%arg0, %arg1) : (!torch.list<int>, !torch.list<optional<list<int>>>) -> !torch.list<int>\n"
" return %0 : !torch.list<int>\n"
@ -8952,6 +8987,21 @@ StringRef mlir::torch::Torch::getAbstractInterpLibrary() {
" %0:2 = torch.prim.TupleUnpack %arg0 : !torch.tuple<int, int> -> !, !\n"
" return %0#1 : !\n"
" }\n"
" func.func @\"__torch_mlir_dtype_fn.aten.reflection_pad1d\"(%arg0: !torch.tuple<int, int>, %arg1: !torch.list<int>) -> ! {\n"
" %none = torch.constant.none\n"
" %str = torch.constant.str \"AssertionError: padding size expected to be 2\"\n"
" %int2 = 2\n"
" %0:2 = torch.prim.TupleUnpack %arg0 : !torch.tuple<int, int> -> !, !\n"
" %1 = torch.aten.len.t %arg1 : !torch.list<int> -> !\n"
" %2 = %1, %int2 : !, ! -> !torch.bool\n"
" torch.prim.If %2 -> () {\n"
" torch.prim.If.yield\n"
" } else {\n"
" torch.prim.RaiseException %str, %none : !torch.str, !torch.none\n"
" torch.prim.If.yield\n"
" }\n"
" return %0#1 : !\n"
" }\n"
" func.func @\"__torch_mlir_dtype_fn.aten.contiguous\"(%arg0: !torch.tuple<int, int>, %arg1: ! -> ! {\n"
" %0:2 = torch.prim.TupleUnpack %arg0 : !torch.tuple<int, int> -> !, !\n"
" return %0#1 : !\n"

View File

@ -1271,6 +1271,21 @@ def atenconstant_pad_nd〡shape(self: List[int], pad: List[int], value: float
def atenpad〡shape(self: List[int], pad: List[int], mode: str = "constant", value: Optional[float] = None) -> List[int]:
return pad_shape_fn(self, pad)
#Padding size must be smaller than the size of the last dimension
@check_shape_function([ErrorInvocation(TensorOfShape(1, 2, 4), padding=[4,1]),
Invocation(TensorOfShape(1, 2, 4), padding=[3,3]),
ErrorInvocation(TensorOfShape(1, 2, 4), padding=[1,4]),
ErrorInvocation(TensorOfShape(1, 4), padding=[4,1]),
Invocation(TensorOfShape(1, 4), padding=[3,3]),
ErrorInvocation(TensorOfShape(1, 4), padding=[1,4])])
def atenreflection_pad1d〡shape(self: List[int], padding: List[int]) -> List[int]:
assert len(self) >= 2
hdim = self[-1]
padding_left = padding[0]
padding_right = padding[1]
assert padding_left < hdim and padding_right < hdim
return pad_shape_fn(self, padding)
# TODO: upstream this
def index_tensor_like(self: List[int], indices: List[Optional[List[int]]]) -> List[int]:
assert len(indices) <= len(self), "More indices than dimensions to index"
@ -1804,6 +1819,18 @@ def atenconstant_pad_nd〡dtype(self_rank_dtype: Tuple[int, int], pad: List[i
self_rank, self_dtype = self_rank_dtype
return self_dtype
@check_dtype_function([ErrorInvocation(TensorOfShape(2, 3, 4), padding=1),
ErrorInvocation(TensorOfShape(2, 3, 4), padding=[]),
ErrorInvocation(TensorOfShape(2, 3, 4), padding=[2]),
Invocation(TensorOfShape(2, 3, 4), padding=[2,1]),
Invocation(TensorOfShape(5, 5, 4), padding=[1,2]),
ErrorInvocation(TensorOfShape(2, 3, 4), padding=[3,2,1])])
def atenreflection_pad1d〡dtype(self_rank_dtype: Tuple[int, int], padding: List[int]) -> int:
self_rank, self_dtype = self_rank_dtype
assert len(padding) == 2, 'padding size expected to be 2'
return self_dtype
def atencontiguous〡dtype(self_rank_dtype: Tuple[int, int], memory_format: int = 0) -> int:
self_rank, self_dtype = self_rank_dtype

View File

@ -541,6 +541,7 @@ def emit_ops(emitter_td: TextEmitter, registry: Registry):
# Misc tensor ops.
emit("aten::constant_pad_nd : (Tensor, int[], Scalar) -> (Tensor)")
emit("aten::reflection_pad1d : (Tensor, int[]) -> (Tensor)")
emit("aten::pad : (Tensor, int[], str, float?) -> (Tensor)")
emit("aten::squeeze.dim : (Tensor, int) -> (Tensor)", has_folder=True)
emit("aten::squeeze : (Tensor) -> (Tensor)", has_folder=True)

View File

@ -552,8 +552,80 @@ def ConstantPadNdPartialStaticModule_basic(module, tu: TestUtils):
# ==============================================================================
class ReflectionPad1dModule3dInput(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
([1, 2, 4], torch.float32, True),
def forward(self, x):
return torch.ops.aten.reflection_pad1d(x, (3,1))
@register_test_case(module_factory=lambda: ReflectionPad1dModule3dInput())
def ReflectionPad1dModule3dInput_basic(module, tu: TestUtils):
class ReflectionPad1dModule2dInput(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
([2, 4], torch.float32, True),
def forward(self, x):
return torch.ops.aten.reflection_pad1d(x, (3,2))
@register_test_case(module_factory=lambda: ReflectionPad1dModule2dInput())
def ReflectionPad1dModule2dInput_basic(module, tu: TestUtils):
class ReflectionPad1dModule3dInputLeft(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
([1, 4, 5], torch.float32, True),
def forward(self, x):
return torch.ops.aten.reflection_pad1d(x, (2,0))
@register_test_case(module_factory=lambda: ReflectionPad1dModule3dInputLeft())
def ReflectionPad1dModule3dInput_Left(module, tu: TestUtils):
class ReflectionPad1dModule2dInputRight(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
([3, 6], torch.float32, True),
def forward(self, x):
return torch.ops.aten.reflection_pad1d(x, (0,3))
@register_test_case(module_factory=lambda: ReflectionPad1dModule2dInputRight())
def ReflectionPad1dModule2dInput_Right(module, tu: TestUtils):
# ==============================================================================
class TransposeIntModule(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self):