Add hopefully short-lived mnist-playground utility.

This unblocks backend progress while the PyTorch frontend work is coming
online. Hopefully we can delete this soon.

See tools/mnist-playground/ for more context on what this tool
is for, next steps, and current status.
Sean Silva 2020-10-02 14:57:35 -07:00
parent 8022dfaf1a
commit dd1fa2607f
6 changed files with 415 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
add_subdirectory(npcomp-opt) add_subdirectory(npcomp-opt)
add_subdirectory(npcomp-run-mlir) add_subdirectory(npcomp-run-mlir)

View File

@ -28,6 +28,19 @@ npcomp-run-mlir() {
-shared-libs="${build_dir}/lib/" "$@" -shared-libs="${build_dir}/lib/" "$@"
} }
mnist-playground() {
# Helper for building and invoking mnist-playground
# This also automatically builds and adds the npcomp runtime shared
# library.
# Usage:
# $ mnist-playground <regular mnist-playground options>
ninja -C "$build_dir" mnist-playground NPCOMPCompilerRuntimeShlib 1>&2 || return 1
$build_dir/tools/mnist-playground/mnist-playground \
-shared-libs="${build_dir}/lib/" "$@"
# Go to the root of your npcomp checkout. # Go to the root of your npcomp checkout.
alias npd="cd $td" alias npd="cd $td"
# Handy so that `npctest -v` runs lit with -v and thus prints out errors, # Handy so that `npctest -v` runs lit with -v and thus prints out errors,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
# TODO: This is copied from frontends/pytorch/csrc/c10_dispatch/CMakeLists.txt
# What is the idiomatic way of sharing this in CMake?
get_property(dialect_libs GLOBAL PROPERTY MLIR_DIALECT_LIBS)
get_property(conversion_libs GLOBAL PROPERTY MLIR_CONVERSION_LIBS)
target_link_libraries(mnist-playground PRIVATE

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
# mnist-playground
This is intended to be a short-lived "playground" for doing various experiments, guided by a real model use case, for improving the npcomp reference backend.
It's expected that utilities developed here will graduate to a more general utility or that this utility will be obsoleted by Python-driven flows once those come online.
## Goals:
- Obtain a performance-grounded analysis of the TCF/TCP design + reference backend design, and improve the designs.
- Make forward progress on TCF/TCP + reference backend while the PyTorch frontend is being brought up.
## Rough sketch of how we intend to get there:
1. Link against PyTorch, and write a simple routine to do inference on a simple FC MNIST.
2. Write a similar routine in TCF, extending TCF and the reference backend as needed for functional completeness. The PyTorch code serves as a numerical correctness reference.
3. Run and profile the reference backend and obtain a set of action items for design improvements, both to performance and stability. The PyTorch code serves as a performance baseline.
4. Implement important action items on a priority basis, and document remaining major design issues that don't make sense to address at this time, along with a justification for why the current design doesn't prevent us from eventually solving them. Iterate the previous step and this one as makes sense.
5. (Stretch) Add support for convolutional MNIST and/or training.
## Current Status
Step 1. DONE
Step 2. MOSTLY DONE. Still need to improve the op set to make the FC MNIST more complete. In particular, implementing functionality for reshape and softmax.
Step 3. STARTING. Initial performance on 10x784x100 (10 FC feature, batch 100) is 66x off from PyTorch. No profiling done yet.
Example command line (the .mlir file and `-invoke` are similar to npcomp-run-mlir):
$ mnist-playground tools/mnist-playground/fc.mlir -invoke fc
PyTorch: numRuns: 16384 nsPerRun: 3.947563e+05
RefE2E: numRuns: 256 nsPerRun: 2.471073e+07
Ratio (RefE2E / PyTorch): 62.5974
There is currently a fragile dependency between hardcoded `at::` function calls in the .cpp file and the TCF code in the `.mlir` file. A correctness check is done to make sure they agree. Once we have a PyTorch frontend and/or ATen roundrip ATen backend oneline, we can avoid this fragility.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
func @fc(
// TODO: Implement "reshape" so that %image can be passed as batch of 2D tensors.
%image: tensor<?x?xf32>,
%weights: tensor<?x?xf32>,
%biases: tensor<?x?xf32>)
-> (
) {
%0 = tcf.matmul %weights, %image : (tensor<?x?xf32>, tensor<?x?xf32>) -> tensor<?x?xf32>
%1 = tcf.add %0, %biases : (tensor<?x?xf32>, tensor<?x?xf32>) -> tensor<?x?xf32>
// TODO: Implement softmax for classification.
// For now, this returns a not-terribly useful number.
return %1 : tensor<?x?xf32>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
//===- mnist-playground.cpp -------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// This file is licensed under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "mlir/Dialect/StandardOps/IR/Ops.h"
#include "mlir/ExecutionEngine/OptUtils.h"
#include "mlir/IR/AsmState.h"
#include "mlir/InitAllDialects.h"
#include "mlir/InitAllPasses.h"
#include "mlir/Parser.h"
#include "mlir/Pass/PassManager.h"
#include "npcomp/InitAll.h"
#include "npcomp/JITRuntime/JITModule.h"
#include "llvm/Support/InitLLVM.h"
#include "llvm/Support/TargetSelect.h"
#include <torch/torch.h>
#include <chrono>
using namespace mlir;
using llvm::Error;
using llvm::ErrorOr;
using llvm::Expected;
using llvm::StringError;
using llvm::Twine;
// Utilities
/// Wrap a string into an llvm::StringError.
static Error make_string_error(const Twine &message) {
return llvm::make_error<StringError>(message.str(),
createJITModule(std::string mlirFile, mlir::DialectRegistry &registry,
ArrayRef<StringRef> sharedLibs, bool optimize) {
MLIRContext context;
OwningModuleRef moduleRef = parseSourceFile(mlirFile, &context);
if (!moduleRef)
return make_string_error(Twine("could not open ") + mlirFile);
ModuleOp module = *moduleRef;
// Compile.
PassManager pm(module.getContext(), /*verifyPasses=*/true);
npcomp::JITModule::buildBackendCompilationPipeline(pm, optimize);
if (failed(
return make_string_error(Twine("error compiling to jit backend"));
return npcomp::JITModule::fromCompiledModule(module, sharedLibs);
// Benchmarking / correctness-testing code.
static Expected<std::vector<at::Tensor>>
invokeJITModuleWithATenTensors(npcomp::JITModule &jitModule,
StringRef invokeFunction,
std::vector<at::Tensor> &args) {
// Do a bit of checking. We don't handle all possible tensors right now.
std::vector<at::TensorArg> tensorArgs;
for (auto arg : llvm::enumerate(args))
tensorArgs.push_back(at::TensorArg(arg.value(), "arg", arg.index()));
at::CheckedFrom c = "converting to npcomprt::Tensor";
for (auto &tensorArg : tensorArgs)
at::checkScalarType(c, tensorArg, at::ScalarType::Float);
at::checkAllContiguous(c, tensorArgs);
SmallVector<npcomprt::Ref<npcomprt::Tensor>, 6> npcomprtInputs;
for (at::Tensor arg : args) {
SmallVector<int32_t, 6> extents(arg.sizes().begin(), arg.sizes().end());
float *data =<float>();
// This does a deep copy of the data. Let's see if it shows up on the
// profile.
npcomprt::ArrayRef<int32_t>(, extents.size()),
npcomprt::ElementType::F32, data));
// Invoke the RefE2E function.
// TODO: The mishmash of terminology "npcomprt", "refe2e", "npcomp" in this
// file is getting out of hand.
auto expectedOutputs = jitModule.invoke(invokeFunction, npcomprtInputs);
if (!expectedOutputs)
return expectedOutputs.takeError();
auto npcomprtOutputs = std::move(*expectedOutputs);
std::vector<at::Tensor> results;
for (auto output : npcomprtOutputs) {
std::vector<int64_t> sizes(output->getExtents().data(),
output->getExtents().data() +
// Make a copy for passing to at::from_blob, which does its own internal
// reference counting.
auto *dataCopy = std::malloc(output->getDataByteSize());
std::memcpy(dataCopy, output->getData(), output->getDataByteSize());
dataCopy, sizes, [](void *p) { std::free(p); }, at::kFloat));
return results;
using InvocationFunction =
struct BenchmarkResult {
int numRuns;
float nsPerRun;
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const BenchmarkResult &result) {
os << "numRuns: " << result.numRuns << " nsPerRun: " << std::scientific
<< result.nsPerRun << std::defaultfloat;
return os;
Expected<BenchmarkResult> benchmark(std::function<Error()> f) {
for (int itersAtATime = 1;; itersAtATime *= 2) {
auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
for (int i = 0; i < itersAtATime; i++) {
auto error = f();
if (error)
return std::move(error);
auto end = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
std::chrono::duration<float> elapsed = end - start;
// If the runtime is longer than 0.5 seconds, it's reliable enough.
if (elapsed.count() > 0.5f) {
BenchmarkResult result;
result.numRuns = itersAtATime;
result.nsPerRun = elapsed.count() * 10e9 / itersAtATime;
return result;
return make_string_error("too short running to benchmark!");
static Error doIt(InvocationFunction ptFunc, InvocationFunction refE2EFunc,
bool doBenchmark, int numCorrectnessTests) {
std::vector<at::Tensor> args;
args.push_back(at::rand({784, 100}));
args.push_back(at::rand({10, 784}));
args.push_back(at::rand({10, 1}));
// Initial correctness check of the two functions.
for (int correctnessTest = 0; correctnessTest < numCorrectnessTests;
correctnessTest++) {
auto expectedPt = ptFunc(args);
auto expectedRefE2E = refE2EFunc(args);
if (!expectedPt)
return expectedPt.takeError();
if (!expectedRefE2E)
return expectedRefE2E.takeError();
auto pt = std::move(*expectedPt);
auto refE2E = std::move(*expectedRefE2E);
if (pt.size() != refE2E.size())
return make_string_error("mismatch in result arity!");
for (int i = 0, e = pt.size(); i < e; i++) {
if (!at::allclose(pt[i], refE2E[i])) {
std::cout << "PyTorch:\n" << pt[i] << "\n";
std::cout << "RefE2E:\n" << refE2E[i] << "\n";
return make_string_error(Twine("mismatch in result contents ") +
Twine(i) + Twine(" on correctness test #") +
if (!doBenchmark)
return Error::success();
// Benchmark the two against each other.
BenchmarkResult ptBenchmarkResult;
BenchmarkResult refE2EBenchmarkResult;
auto expectedResult =
benchmark([&]() -> Error { return ptFunc(args).takeError(); });
if (!expectedResult)
return expectedResult.takeError();
ptBenchmarkResult = std::move(*expectedResult);
auto expectedResult =
benchmark([&]() -> Error { return refE2EFunc(args).takeError(); });
if (!expectedResult)
return expectedResult.takeError();
refE2EBenchmarkResult = std::move(*expectedResult);
std::cout << "PyTorch: " << ptBenchmarkResult << "\n";
std::cout << "RefE2E: " << refE2EBenchmarkResult << "\n";
std::cout << "Ratio (RefE2E / PyTorch): "
<< refE2EBenchmarkResult.nsPerRun / ptBenchmarkResult.nsPerRun
<< "\n";
// TODO: Check for memory leaks?
return Error::success();
// Main-related init and option parsing.
namespace {
namespace cl = llvm::cl;
struct Options {
cl::opt<std::string> inputFile{
cl::Positional, cl::desc("the input .mlir file"), cl::init("-")};
cl::opt<std::string> invokeFunction{"invoke", cl::Required,
cl::desc("function to invoke")};
cl::list<std::string> sharedLibs{"shared-libs", cl::ZeroOrMore,
cl::desc("Libraries to link dynamically")};
cl::opt<bool> optimize{
"optimize", cl::Optional,
cl::desc("whether the e2e pass pipeline should run optimizations"),
cl::opt<bool> benchmark{"benchmark", cl::Optional,
cl::desc("whether to do a benchmark comparison"),
cl::opt<uint32_t> numCorrectnessTests{
"num-correctness-tests", cl::Optional,
cl::desc("how many correctness tests to run (useful for nondeterministic "
"correctness failures"),
} // namespace
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
mlir::DialectRegistry registry;
llvm::InitLLVM y(argc, argv);
Options options;
llvm::cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(argc, argv, "mnist playground utility\n");
SmallVector<StringRef, 6> sharedLibs(options.sharedLibs.begin(),
auto expectedJITModule = createJITModule(options.inputFile, registry,
sharedLibs, options.optimize);
if (Error error = expectedJITModule.takeError())
auto jitModule = std::move(*expectedJITModule);
Error error = doIt(
[](std::vector<at::Tensor> args) {
auto image = args[0];
auto weights = args[1];
auto biases = args[2];
auto v0 = at::matmul(weights, image);
auto v1 = at::add(v0, biases);
return std::vector<at::Tensor>{v1};
[&](std::vector<at::Tensor> args) {
return invokeJITModuleWithATenTensors(*jitModule,
options.invokeFunction, args);
options.benchmark, options.numCorrectnessTests);
int exitCode = EXIT_SUCCESS;
[&exitCode](const llvm::ErrorInfoBase &info) {
llvm::errs() << "Error: ";
llvm::errs() << '\n';
exitCode = EXIT_FAILURE;
return exitCode;