Add boolean/logical operations (and, or, not).

* Adds a new to_boolean op to evaluate a value as a truthy i1
* Uses cascading scf.if ops to properly evaluate and/or sequences (short-circuit and original value returning)
* Adds a helper to construct select ops and uses it to implement 'not'
Stella Laurenzo 2020-06-09 00:01:21 -07:00
parent b0a80e04f1
commit e18e8e0a96
6 changed files with 152 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -240,6 +240,19 @@ def Basicpy_SingletonOp : Basicpy_Op<"singleton", [
let assemblyFormat = "attr-dict `:` type($result)";
def Basicpy_ToBooleanOp : Basicpy_Op<"to_boolean", [NoSideEffect]> {
let summary = "Evaluates an input to an i1 boolean value";
let description = [{
Applies the rules for interpreting a type as a boolean, returning an i1
indicating the truthiness of the operand. Since the output of this op
is intended to drive lower-level control flow, the i1 type is used (not
the user level BoolType).
let arguments = (ins AnyType:$operand);
let results = (outs I1:$result);
let assemblyFormat = "$operand attr-dict `:` type($operand)";
def Basicpy_UnknownCastOp : Basicpy_Op<"unknown_cast", [NoSideEffect]> {
let summary = "Casts to and from the UnknownType";
let arguments = (ins AnyType:$input);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
# RUN: %PYTHON %s | npcomp-opt -split-input-file | FileCheck %s --dump-input=fail
from npcomp.compiler.frontend import *
def import_global(f):
fe = ImportFrontend()
print("// -----")
return f
# CHECK-LABEL: func @logical_and
def logical_and():
# CHECK: %[[X:.*]] = constant 1
# CHECK: %[[Y:.*]] = constant 0
# CHECK: %[[Z:.*]] = constant 2
x = 1
y = 0
z = 2
# CHECK: %[[XBOOL:.*]] = basicpy.to_boolean %[[X]]
# CHECK: %[[IF0:.*]] = scf.if %[[XBOOL]] -> (!basicpy.UnknownType) {
# CHECK: %[[YBOOL:.*]] = basicpy.to_boolean %[[Y]]
# CHECK: %[[IF1:.*]] = scf.if %[[YBOOL]] -> (!basicpy.UnknownType) {
# CHECK: %[[ZCAST:.*]] = basicpy.unknown_cast %[[Z]]
# CHECK: scf.yield %[[ZCAST]]
# CHECK: } else {
# CHECK: %[[YCAST:.*]] = basicpy.unknown_cast %[[Y]]
# CHECK: scf.yield %[[YCAST]]
# CHECK: }
# CHECK: %[[IF1CAST:.*]] = basicpy.unknown_cast %[[IF1]]
# CHECK: scf.yield %[[IF1CAST]]
# CHECK: } else {
# CHECK: %[[XCAST:.*]] = basicpy.unknown_cast %[[X]]
# CHECK: scf.yield %[[XCAST]]
# CHECK: }
return x and y and z
# CHECK-LABEL: func @logical_or
def logical_or():
# CHECK: %[[X:.*]] = constant 0
# CHECK: %[[Y:.*]] = constant 1
# CHECK: %[[Z:.*]] = constant 2
# CHECK: %[[XBOOL:.*]] = basicpy.to_boolean %[[X]]
# CHECK: %[[IF0:.*]] = scf.if %[[XBOOL]] -> (!basicpy.UnknownType) {
# CHECK: %[[XCAST:.*]] = basicpy.unknown_cast %[[X]]
# CHECK: scf.yield %[[XCAST]]
# CHECK: } else {
# CHECK: %[[YBOOL:.*]] = basicpy.to_boolean %[[Y]]
# CHECK: %[[IF1:.*]] = scf.if %[[YBOOL]] -> (!basicpy.UnknownType) {
# CHECK: %[[YCAST:.*]] = basicpy.unknown_cast %[[Y]]
# CHECK: scf.yield %[[YCAST]]
# CHECK: } else {
# CHECK: %[[ZCAST:.*]] = basicpy.unknown_cast %[[Z]]
# CHECK: scf.yield %[[ZCAST]]
# CHECK: }
# CHECK: %[[IF1CAST:.*]] = basicpy.unknown_cast %[[IF1]]
# CHECK: scf.yield %[[IF1CAST]]
# CHECK: }
x = 0
y = 1
z = 2
return x or y or z
# CHECK-LABEL: func @logical_not
def logical_not():
# CHECK: %[[X:.*]] = constant 1
x = 1
# CHECK-DAG: %[[TRUE:.*]] = basicpy.bool_constant 1
# CHECK-DAG: %[[FALSE:.*]] = basicpy.bool_constant 0
# CHECK-DAG: %[[CONDITION:.*]] = basicpy.to_boolean %[[X]]
# CHECK-DAG: %{{.*}} = select %[[CONDITION]], %[[FALSE]], %[[TRUE]] : !basicpy.BoolType
return not x

View File

@ -237,6 +237,41 @@ class ExpressionImporter(BaseNodeVisitor):
ir_h.basicpy_UnknownType, left, right,
def visit_BoolOp(self, ast_node):
ir_h = self.fctx.ir_h
if isinstance(ast_node.op, ast.And):
return_first_true = False
elif isinstance(ast_node.op, ast.Or):
return_first_true = True
self.fctx.abort("unknown bool op %r" % (ast.dump(ast_node.op)))
def emit_next(next_nodes):
next_node = next_nodes[0]
next_nodes = next_nodes[1:]
next_value = self.sub_evaluate(next_node)
if not next_nodes:
return next_value
condition_value = ir_h.basicpy_to_boolean_op(next_value).result
if_op, then_ip, else_ip = ir_h.scf_if_op([ir_h.basicpy_UnknownType],
condition_value, True)
orig_ip = ir_h.builder.insertion_point
# Short-circuit return case.
ir_h.builder.insertion_point = then_ip if return_first_true else else_ip
next_value_casted = ir_h.basicpy_unknown_cast_op(ir_h.basicpy_UnknownType,
# Nested evaluate next case.
ir_h.builder.insertion_point = else_ip if return_first_true else then_ip
nested_value = emit_next(next_nodes)
nested_value_casted = next_value_casted = ir_h.basicpy_unknown_cast_op(
ir_h.basicpy_UnknownType, nested_value).result
ir_h.builder.insertion_point = orig_ip
return if_op.result
self.value = emit_next(ast_node.values)
def visit_Compare(self, ast_node):
# Short-circuit comparison (degenerates to binary comparison when just
# two operands).
@ -284,6 +319,20 @@ class ExpressionImporter(BaseNodeVisitor):
self.fctx.abort("Local variable '%s' has not been assigned" %
self.value = value
def visit_UnaryOp(self, ast_node):
ir_h = self.fctx.ir_h
op = ast_node.op
operand_value = self.sub_evaluate(ast_node.operand)
if isinstance(op, ast.Not):
# Special handling for logical-not.
condition_value = ir_h.basicpy_to_boolean_op(operand_value).result
true_value = ir_h.basicpy_bool_constant_op(True).result
false_value = ir_h.basicpy_bool_constant_op(False).result
self.value = ir_h.select_op(condition_value, false_value,
self.fctx.abort("Unknown unary op %r", (ast.dump(op)))
if sys.version_info < (3, 8, 0):
# <3.8 breaks these out into separate AST classes.
def visit_Num(self, ast_node):

View File

@ -90,6 +90,9 @@ class DialectHelper(_BaseDialectHelper):
attrs = c.dictionary_attr({"value": c.string_attr(value.encode("utf-8"))})
return self.op("basicpy.str_constant", [self.basicpy_StrType], [], attrs)
def basicpy_to_boolean_op(self, value):
return self.op("basicpy.to_boolean", [self.i1_type], [value])
def basicpy_unknown_cast_op(self, result_type, operand):
return self.op("basicpy.unknown_cast", [result_type], [operand])

View File

@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ public:
py::arg("cond"), py::arg("result_types"),
py::arg("result_types"), py::arg("cond"),
py::arg("with_else_region") = false);

View File

@ -248,6 +248,15 @@ void PyDialectHelper::bind(py::module m) {
R"(Creates a new `func` op, optionally creating an entry block.
If an entry block is created, the builder will be positioned
to its start.)")
[](PyDialectHelper &self, PyValue conditionValue, PyValue trueValue,
PyValue falseValue) -> PyOperationRef {
OpBuilder &opBuilder = self.pyOpBuilder.getBuilder(true);
Location loc = self.pyOpBuilder.getCurrentLoc();
return PyOperationRef(opBuilder.create<SelectOp>(
loc, conditionValue, trueValue, falseValue));
py::arg("condition"), py::arg("true_value"), py::arg("false_value"))
[](PyDialectHelper &self, std::vector<PyValue> pyOperands) {
OpBuilder &opBuilder = self.pyOpBuilder.getBuilder(true);