The updated LLVM code includes a patch to create bfloat16 array
attributes, thus enabling a different patch to torch-mlir to flesh out
support for the bfloat16 type.
Effectively, this mode works by compiling op by op as the NN is eagerly executed by PyTorch. Entailed in that compilation is building a representation of the op that can be `torch.jit.script`ed, importing using `ModuleBuilder`, and then executing (e.g., with `RefBackendLinalgOnTensorsBackend`). This mode includes a fallback to conventional PyTorch if anything in the torch-mlir compilation process fails (e.g., unsupported op).
Currently, all e2e tests pass execpt for two that involve an upstream PyTorch bug (
High priority next steps:
1. A compile cache in order to speed up reruns of the same NN.
2. Integration with IREE (though not in this repo).
3. Integration with `torch.distributed`.