* llvm-project: b5924a8e27536d19dd5c4d302db29fb6163d5faa
* mhlo: 848ca244d20f045b7921da55a98a04d95ef94f0e
* Multiple breakages that need to be fixed.
* Refactor dialect registration
* Remove all kindof methods (Casting functionality has been added upstream and is implicitly
available, see https://llvm.discourse.group/t/removing-kinds-from-attributes-and-types/1547.)
* Update dialect registration to comply with https://reviews.llvm.org/D85495.
* Remove type kinds and update some changed dialect signatures.
* Upgrade ATen dialect to match upstream needs.
* Move dialect registration to tablegen.
* Register the ListType in tablegen.
* Change dialect initialization signature.
* Use TypeSwitch in MlirIr location printer.
* Remove global registry depends from npcomp-opt.
* Change LowerToLLVM to pass an MLIRContext vs an LLVMDialect for type creation.
* Remove dep on MLIREDSCInterface that is removed upstream.
* Thread through the DialectRegistry for opt and python-like tools.
* Modernize pass registration (This was forced because the GEN_PASS_REGISTRATION code now generates inline functions vs literal pass registration statements)
Co-authored-by: Marius Brehler <marius.brehler@iml.fraunhofer.de>
Mostly this is CMake cleanup. Several library dependencies are missing, which
is often revealed with shared library builds. Also, it's generally bad to
link directly against LLVM libraries because it fails when using
LLVM_LINK_LLVM_DYLIB. MLIR will pull in libLLVM.so, and there will be
duplicate linkage with the the explicit libraries. There may need to be more
refactoring here.
* Since the manylinux images do not hard-link against python libs (resolving them at runtime), the module must be built without resolving undefined references.
* For some reason, builds on this platform are stricter, exposing dependency ordering issues.
* The CMake bits to build the extension are still somewhat of a mess. I have better versions both upstream and in IREE and will be reconciling. For now, don't look too closely.
* These were separated originally for layering reasons that no longer apply.
* Most of the python extension code is under lib/ with just the module setup in python/.
* Enables e2e test.
* With what I've learned in upstream about test directory layout, I can consolidate most of the separate directories we have for these things. Will do that in a followup.
* Not pleased with the LLVM global initialization depends but serviceable for now.