This script (make sure to `source` it!) defines a number of handy
aliases which make compiler development more convenient.
Please feel free to add anything you find useful here.
The code isn't super clean, but is a useful incremental step
establishing most of the boilerplate for future enhancements.
We can't print or return tensors yet so correctness TBD, but I've
stepped into the running code in the debugger so I know it definitely is
This is the first step to building out an npcomp mini-runtime. The
mini-runtime doesn't have to be fancy or complex, but it should at least
be layered nicely (which this code and the current compiler interaction
with the "runtime" code is not). Now that we have boilerplate for e2e
execution in some form, we can build that out.
We should look into having a `ninja check-npcomp` that runs everything
with lit so that we get decent test multithreading.
We can look to how LLVM does its gtest tests ("unittests") for