Our new dependency management solution relies:
- on the C++ side with the public iree-dialects project, which we
include and are using as representative of some missing upstream
ops (so we treat them "as if" they were upstream, with the hope of
upstreaming them after some codevelopment has happened)
- on the Python side, with simple PYTHONPATH manipulation or installed
Python packages. No CMake stuff required.
This allows building NPCOMP as an external project of LLVM, similar to
how CIRCT can be built: https://github.com/llvm/circt/pull/227.
The CMake options to use this build style look like this:
-DLLVM_EXTERNAL_NPCOMP_SOURCE_DIR=/path/to/mlir-npcomp \
* Uses local configs and unsupported annotation to disable optional tests.
* This separation was just an artifact of having initial trouble getting lit setup.