This patch adds basic support for lowering graphs with per-channel
quantization. Per-channel quantized ops have to be excluded from
`FuseQuantizedOps` for now but can be used in QDQ quantized form.
Using this patch, we're able to import and execute (on the linalg
backend) graphs with per-channel quantization applied using the "new"
PyTorch 2.0 Export Quantization.
This patch adds a few misc pad op related changes:
1. Addresses issue <>
2. Addresses issue <>
3. Fixes the padding order for asymmetrically padded onnx.Conv ops
4. Enables passing quantization through those onnx.Conv op pre-paddings
5. Modifies the torch-to-linalg lowering of AtenReplicationPad2d op to
enable support for input rank != 4
Unfortunately, even with all of these changes, the e2e tests for the
ReplicationPad2d still fail the onnx config, since the torch export
procedure for rearranging the pad order is complicated enough that the
padding ints end up not being able to fold back to constants.
This addresses 7 of the model failures I'm seeing in the test suite. See
[Shark-Turbine issue
Need the op ```linalg.conv_2d_ngchw_gfchw_q``` to be added upstream
before merging this. See [llvm-project PR #92136
A small additional expansion to operand quantization is included in this
patch to address a model failure that occurs when unblocking the
quantized group convolutions in one of these onnx models.
After running the model tests in SHARK-TestSuite, I noticed a few model
failures due to half-fusion.
Notably, RDN_pytorch_vaiq_int8 had a depth=5 convolution chain with
multiple AtenViewOp's.
This change enables more customization with operand quantization, and
generalizes the patterns QuantizeOperands and QuantizeTransposeOperands
to QuantizeOperandsPastCommutingOps.
This allows for passing quantization through operations which are
functionally unaffected by quantization, such as view-like ops. The
purpose of this change is to address a myriad of quantization issues
seen in quantized onnx models that have some reshape-like operations
sandwiched in between a dequant and something like a matmul (whose other
operand is immediately quantizable).
A choice was made to quantize the return type of Relu with a scale and
zero point copied from the input's quantization scheme. With this
choice, the torch-to-linalg conversion of quantized Relu essentially
computes max(input, zeroPoint) in the elementwise payload.
1. onnx.MatMulInteger now converts to aten.matmul instead of
2. aten.matmul, for ranks >=2, now allows quantized inputs and will
lower to linalg::quantized_matmul or linalg::quantized_batch_matmul.
3. added AtenMatmulOp to the FuseQuantizeOps rewrite patters
QuantizeOperands, QuantizeTransposedOperands, and QuantizeAccumulator
4. added several tests, including some to test AtenMmOp with varying
quantization signed-ness.
5. a quantized matmul mat-vec test is added to verify the failure to
lower to linalg; cleaned of out-of-date code related to common
torch-mlir lowering xfails.
6. in debugging a real model with quantized matmuls, I found a bug on
the scalarize-shapes pass which resulted from the aten.full op folder
returning an incompatible result type. This is fixed by the small change
here to
See the related issues here:
1. Adds uint8 casting to onnx.Cast op
2. Fixes an issue with onnx.DequantizeLinear when the scale comes with
shape [1].
3. Adds support for unsigned types in an AtenItemOp folder
4. Adds a simpler quantized model for easier debugging
5. Adds a fusion pass to convert [quant -> dequant -> transpose -> mm]
patterns to [transpose -> quant -> mm].
6. Moved some xfails that are still not passing, but for different
reasons than onnx.cast failures.
Leaning on the QDQ functionality in torch we can support the QLinearConv
operation by piggybacking through `torch.Convolution`. This includes
some changes such as allowing the `onnx` rewriter to run recursively.
Doing so allows `QLinearConv` to decopmose to `onnx.Convolution` which
is then lowered to `torch`.
Linalg has quantized specific operations. We can lower to these
operations when there is a known zeropoint and scale operations. This
allows the `convolution` to occur with lower bitwidth's, improving the
overall performance.
This includes custom op matching for decomposed operations and fusing
dequantization into dense operations. As a validation we compare
to the dequant+mm torch implementation.