# Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. # See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception # Also available under a BSD-style license. See LICENSE. import argparse import os import pickle import re import sys from torch_mlir_e2e_test.torchscript.framework import TestConfig, run_tests from torch_mlir_e2e_test.torchscript.reporting import report_results from torch_mlir_e2e_test.torchscript.registry import GLOBAL_TEST_REGISTRY # Available test configs. from torch_mlir_e2e_test.torchscript.configs import ( LinalgOnTensorsBackendTestConfig, NativeTorchTestConfig, TorchScriptTestConfig, TosaBackendTestConfig ) from torch_mlir_e2e_test.linalg_on_tensors_backends.refbackend import RefBackendLinalgOnTensorsBackend from torch_mlir_e2e_test.tosa_backends.linalg_on_tensors import LinalgOnTensorsTosaBackend from .xfail_sets import REFBACKEND_XFAIL_SET, TOSA_PASS_SET, COMMON_TORCH_MLIR_LOWERING_XFAILS # Import tests to register them in the global registry. # Make sure to use `tools/torchscript_e2e_test.sh` wrapper for invoking # this script. from . import basic from . import vision_models from . import mlp from . import conv from . import batchnorm from . import quantized_models from . import elementwise from . import type_promotion from . import type_conversion from . import backprop from . import reduction from . import argmax from . import matmul from . import view from . import scalar from . import squeeze from . import slice_like from . import nll_loss from . import index_select from . import arange from . import constant_alloc from . import threshold from . import histogram_binning_calibration from . import table_batch_embedding def _get_argparse(): config_choices = ['native_torch', 'torchscript', 'refbackend', 'tosa', 'external'] parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Run torchscript e2e tests.') parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', choices=config_choices, default='refbackend', help=f''' Meaning of options: "refbackend": run through torch-mlir's RefBackend. "tosa": run through torch-mlir's default TOSA backend. "native_torch": run the torch.nn.Module as-is without compiling (useful for verifying model is deterministic; ALL tests should pass in this configuration). "torchscript": compile the model to a torch.jit.ScriptModule, and then run that as-is (useful for verifying TorchScript is modeling the program correctly). "external": use an external backend, specified by the `--external-backend` option. ''') parser.add_argument('--external-config', help=f''' Specifies a path to a Python file, which will be `exec`'ed. The file has the following contract: - The global variable `config` should be set to an instance of `TestConfig`. - `xfail_set` should be set to a set of test unique identifiers that are expected to fail. The global `COMMON_TORCH_MLIR_LOWERING_XFAILS` provides a common set of xfails that won't work on backends because torch-mlir itself does not handle them. ''') parser.add_argument('-f', '--filter', default='.*', help=''' Regular expression specifying which tests to include in this run. ''') parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', default=False, action='store_true', help='report test results with additional detail') parser.add_argument('--serialized-test-dir', default=None, type=str, help=''' The directory containing serialized pre-built tests. Right now, these are additional tests which require heavy Python dependencies to generate (or cannot even be generated with the version of PyTorch used by torch-mlir). See `build_tools/torchscript_e2e_heavydep_tests/generate_serialized_tests.sh` for more information on building these artifacts. ''') return parser def main(): args = _get_argparse().parse_args() all_tests = list(GLOBAL_TEST_REGISTRY) if args.serialized_test_dir: for root, dirs, files in os.walk(args.serialized_test_dir): for filename in files: with open(os.path.join(root, filename), 'rb') as f: all_tests.append(pickle.load(f).as_test()) all_test_unique_names = set(test.unique_name for test in all_tests) # Find the selected config. if args.config == 'refbackend': config = LinalgOnTensorsBackendTestConfig(RefBackendLinalgOnTensorsBackend()) xfail_set = REFBACKEND_XFAIL_SET if args.config == 'tosa': config = TosaBackendTestConfig(LinalgOnTensorsTosaBackend()) xfail_set = all_test_unique_names - TOSA_PASS_SET elif args.config == 'native_torch': config = NativeTorchTestConfig() xfail_set = {} elif args.config == 'torchscript': config = TorchScriptTestConfig() xfail_set = {} elif args.config == 'external': with open(args.external_config, 'r') as f: code = compile(f.read(), args.external_config, 'exec') exec_globals = { 'COMMON_TORCH_MLIR_LOWERING_XFAILS': COMMON_TORCH_MLIR_LOWERING_XFAILS} exec(code, exec_globals) config = exec_globals.get('config') xfail_set = exec_globals.get('xfail_set') if config is None or not isinstance(config, TestConfig): print( f'ERROR: the script {args.external_config} did not set a global variable `config`' ) sys.exit(1) if xfail_set is None: print( f'ERROR: the script {args.external_config} did not set a global variable `xfail_set`' ) sys.exit(1) # Find the selected tests, and emit a diagnostic if none are found. tests = [ test for test in all_tests if re.match(args.filter, test.unique_name) ] if len(tests) == 0: print( f'ERROR: the provided filter {args.filter!r} does not match any tests' ) print('The available tests are:') for test in all_tests: print(test.unique_name) sys.exit(1) # Run the tests. results = run_tests(tests, config) # Report the test results. failed = report_results(results, xfail_set, args.verbose) sys.exit(1 if failed else 0) if __name__ == '__main__': main()