# -*- Python -*- # Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. # See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception # Also available under a BSD-style license. See LICENSE. @LIT_SITE_CFG_IN_HEADER@ import sys config.host_triple = "@LLVM_HOST_TRIPLE@" config.target_triple = "@TARGET_TRIPLE@" config.llvm_src_root = "@LLVM_SOURCE_DIR@" config.llvm_obj_root = "@LLVM_BINARY_DIR@" # TODO: Fix tools dir to find FileCheck. #config.llvm_tools_dir = "@LLVM_TOOLS_DIR@" config.llvm_tools_dir = "@LLVM_BINARY_DIR@/bin" config.llvm_lib_dir = "@LLVM_LIBRARY_DIR@" config.llvm_shlib_dir = "@SHLIBDIR@" config.llvm_shlib_ext = "@SHLIBEXT@" config.llvm_exe_ext = "@EXEEXT@" config.lit_tools_dir = "@LLVM_LIT_TOOLS_DIR@" config.python_executable = "@Python3_EXECUTABLE@" config.gold_executable = "@GOLD_EXECUTABLE@" config.ld64_executable = "@LD64_EXECUTABLE@" config.enable_shared = @ENABLE_SHARED@ config.enable_assertions = @ENABLE_ASSERTIONS@ config.targets_to_build = "@TARGETS_TO_BUILD@" config.native_target = "@LLVM_NATIVE_ARCH@" config.llvm_bindings = "@LLVM_BINDINGS@".split(' ') config.host_os = "@HOST_OS@" config.host_cc = "@HOST_CC@" config.host_cxx = "@HOST_CXX@" # Note: ldflags can contain double-quoted paths, so must use single quotes here. config.host_ldflags = '@HOST_LDFLAGS@' config.llvm_use_sanitizer = "@LLVM_USE_SANITIZER@" config.llvm_host_triple = '@LLVM_HOST_TRIPLE@' config.host_arch = "@HOST_ARCH@" config.torch_mlir_src_root = "@CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR@" config.torch_mlir_obj_root = "@CMAKE_BINARY_DIR@" config.torch_mlir_python_packages_dir = "@TORCH_MLIR_PYTHON_PACKAGES_DIR@" # Support substitution of the tools_dir with user parameters. This is # used when we can't determine the tool dir at configuration time. try: config.llvm_tools_dir = config.llvm_tools_dir % lit_config.params config.llvm_shlib_dir = config.llvm_shlib_dir % lit_config.params except KeyError: e = sys.exc_info()[1] key, = e.args lit_config.fatal("unable to find %r parameter, use '--param=%s=VALUE'" % (key,key)) import lit.llvm lit.llvm.initialize(lit_config, config) # Let the main config do the real work. lit_config.load_config(config, "@CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR@/lit.cfg.py")