//===- mlir_edsc.cpp - MLIR EDSC bindings ---------------------------------===// // // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include #include #include #include #include #include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h" #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h" #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h" #include "mlir-c/Core.h" #include "mlir/Conversion/LoopToStandard/ConvertLoopToStandard.h" #include "mlir/Conversion/StandardToLLVM/ConvertStandardToLLVMPass.h" #include "mlir/Dialect/Affine/EDSC/Intrinsics.h" #include "mlir/Dialect/StandardOps/EDSC/Intrinsics.h" #include "mlir/EDSC/Builders.h" #include "mlir/EDSC/Intrinsics.h" #include "mlir/IR/AffineExpr.h" #include "mlir/IR/AffineMap.h" #include "mlir/IR/Attributes.h" #include "mlir/IR/Function.h" #include "mlir/IR/Module.h" #include "mlir/IR/Types.h" #include "mlir/Pass/Pass.h" #include "mlir/Pass/PassManager.h" #include "mlir/Target/LLVMIR.h" #include "mlir/Transforms/Passes.h" namespace py = pybind11; using mlir::edsc::intrinsics::AffineIndexedValue; using namespace mlir; using namespace mlir::edsc; namespace mlir { namespace edsc { struct CustomValueBuilder { CustomValueBuilder(StringRef name, ArrayRef operands, ArrayRef resultTypes, ArrayRef attributes = {}) { OperationState state(ScopedContext::getLocation(), name); SmallVector ops(operands.begin(), operands.end()); state.addOperands(ops); state.addTypes(resultTypes); for (const auto &attr : attributes) state.addAttribute(attr.first, attr.second); Operation *op = ScopedContext::getBuilder().createOperation(state); if (op->getNumResults() != 1) llvm_unreachable("unsupported operation, use an OperationHandle instead"); value = op->getResult(0); } operator Value() { return value; } Value value; }; struct PythonAttribute; struct PythonAttributedType; struct PythonBindable; struct PythonExpr; struct PythonFunctionContext; struct PythonStmt; struct PythonBlock; struct PythonAffineExpr; struct PythonAffineMap; struct PythonType { PythonType() : type{nullptr} {} PythonType(mlir_type_t t) : type{t} {} operator mlir_type_t() const { return type; } PythonAttributedType attachAttributeDict( const std::unordered_map &attrs) const; std::string str() { mlir::Type f = mlir::Type::getFromOpaquePointer(type); std::string res; llvm::raw_string_ostream os(res); f.print(os); return res; } mlir_type_t type; }; struct PythonValueHandle { PythonValueHandle(const PythonValueHandle &other) = default; PythonValueHandle(const mlir::Value &other) : value(other) {} PythonValueHandle(mlir::edsc::CustomValueBuilder vb) : value(vb) {} template PythonValueHandle(mlir::edsc::ValueBuilder vb) : value(vb) {} operator mlir::Value() const { return value; } operator mlir::Value &() { return value; } std::string str() const { return std::to_string( reinterpret_cast(value.getAsOpaquePointer())); } PythonValueHandle call(const std::vector &args) { std::vector argValues; argValues.reserve(args.size()); for (auto arg : args) argValues.push_back(arg.value); return mlir::edsc::ValueBuilder(value, argValues); } PythonType type() const { return PythonType(value.getType().getAsOpaquePointer()); } mlir::Value value; }; struct PythonFunction { PythonFunction() : function{nullptr} {} PythonFunction(mlir_func_t f) : function{f} {} PythonFunction(mlir::FuncOp f) : function(const_cast(f.getAsOpaquePointer())) {} operator mlir_func_t() { return function; } std::string str() { mlir::FuncOp f = mlir::FuncOp::getFromOpaquePointer(function); std::string res; llvm::raw_string_ostream os(res); f.print(os); return res; } // If the function does not yet have an entry block, i.e. if it is a function // declaration, add the entry block, transforming the declaration into a // definition. Return true if the block was added, false otherwise. bool define() { auto f = mlir::FuncOp::getFromOpaquePointer(function); if (!f.getBlocks().empty()) return false; f.addEntryBlock(); return true; } PythonValueHandle arg(unsigned index) { auto f = mlir::FuncOp::getFromOpaquePointer(function); assert(index < f.getNumArguments() && "argument index out of bounds"); return PythonValueHandle(f.getArgument(index)); } mlir_func_t function; }; /// Trivial C++ wrappers make use of the EDSC C API. struct PythonMLIRModule { PythonMLIRModule() : mlirContext(), module(mlir::ModuleOp::create(mlir::UnknownLoc::get(&mlirContext))), symbolTable(*module) {} PythonType makeMemRefType(PythonType elemType, std::vector sizes) { return ::makeMemRefType(mlir_context_t{&mlirContext}, elemType, int64_list_t{sizes.data(), sizes.size()}); } PythonType makeIndexType() { return ::makeIndexType(mlir_context_t{&mlirContext}); } PythonType makeType(const std::string &type) { return ::mlirParseType(type.c_str(), mlir_context_t{&mlirContext}, nullptr); } // Declare a function with the given name, input types and their attributes, // output types, and function attributes, but do not define it. PythonFunction declareFunction(const std::string &name, const py::list &inputs, const std::vector &outputTypes, const py::kwargs &funcAttributes); // Declare a function with the given name, input types and their attributes, // output types, and function attributes. PythonFunction makeFunction(const std::string &name, const py::list &inputs, const std::vector &outputTypes, const py::kwargs &funcAttributes) { auto declaration = declareFunction(name, inputs, outputTypes, funcAttributes); declaration.define(); return declaration; } // Create a custom op given its name and arguments. PythonExpr op(const std::string &name, PythonType type, const py::list &arguments, const py::list &successors, py::kwargs attributes); // Creates an integer attribute. PythonAttribute integerAttr(PythonType type, int64_t value); // Creates a boolean attribute. PythonAttribute boolAttr(bool value); // Creates a float attribute. PythonAttribute floatAttr(float value); // Creates a string atrribute. PythonAttribute stringAttr(const std::string &value); // Creates an Array attribute. PythonAttribute arrayAttr(const std::vector &values); // Creates an AffineMap attribute. PythonAttribute affineMapAttr(PythonAffineMap value); // Creates a dictionary attribute. PythonAttribute dictionaryAttr( const std::unordered_map &attrs); // Creates an affine constant expression. PythonAffineExpr affineConstantExpr(int64_t value); // Creates an affine symbol expression. PythonAffineExpr affineSymbolExpr(unsigned position); // Creates an affine dimension expression. PythonAffineExpr affineDimExpr(unsigned position); // Creates a single constant result affine map. PythonAffineMap affineConstantMap(int64_t value); // Creates an affine map. PythonAffineMap affineMap(unsigned dimCount, unsigned symbolCount, const std::vector &results); std::string getIR() { std::string res; llvm::raw_string_ostream os(res); module->print(os); return res; } PythonFunction getNamedFunction(const std::string &name) { return symbolTable.lookup(name); } PythonFunctionContext makeNewFunctionContext( const std::string &name, const py::list &inputs, const std::vector &outputs, const py::kwargs &attributes); PythonFunctionContext makeFunctionContext( PythonFunction f); private: mlir::MLIRContext mlirContext; // One single module in a python-exposed MLIRContext for now. mlir::OwningModuleRef module; mlir::SymbolTable symbolTable; }; struct PythonFunctionContext { PythonFunctionContext(PythonFunction f) : function(f) {} PythonFunctionContext(PythonMLIRModule &module, const std::string &name, const py::list &inputs, const std::vector &outputs, const py::kwargs &attributes) { auto function = module.declareFunction(name, inputs, outputs, attributes); function.define(); } PythonFunction enter() { assert(function.function && "function is not set up"); auto mlirFunc = mlir::FuncOp::getFromOpaquePointer(function.function); contextBuilder.emplace(mlirFunc.getBody()); context = new mlir::edsc::ScopedContext(*contextBuilder, mlirFunc.getLoc()); return function; } void exit(py::object, py::object, py::object) { delete context; context = nullptr; contextBuilder.reset(); } PythonFunction function; mlir::edsc::ScopedContext *context; llvm::Optional contextBuilder; }; PythonFunctionContext PythonMLIRModule::makeNewFunctionContext( const std::string &name, const py::list &inputs, const std::vector &outputs, const py::kwargs &attributes) { auto func = declareFunction(name, inputs, outputs, attributes); func.define(); return PythonFunctionContext(func); } PythonFunctionContext PythonMLIRModule::makeFunctionContext( PythonFunction f) { return PythonFunctionContext(f); } struct PythonBlockHandle { PythonBlockHandle() : value(nullptr) {} PythonBlockHandle(const PythonBlockHandle &other) = default; PythonBlockHandle(const mlir::edsc::BlockHandle &other) : value(other) {} operator mlir::edsc::BlockHandle() const { return value; } PythonType type(int index) { return types[index].getAsOpaquePointer(); } PythonValueHandle arg(int index) { return arguments[index]; } std::string str() { std::string s; llvm::raw_string_ostream os(s); value.getBlock()->print(os); return os.str(); } mlir::edsc::BlockHandle value; std::vector types; std::vector arguments; }; struct PythonOperationHandle { PythonOperationHandle() : value(nullptr) {} PythonOperationHandle(const PythonOperationHandle &other) = default; PythonOperationHandle(const mlir::edsc::OperationHandle &other) : value(other) {} operator OperationHandle() const { return value; } operator OperationHandle &() { return value; } PythonValueHandle getResult(int index) const { return value.getOperation()->getResult(index); } std::string str() const { std::string s; llvm::raw_string_ostream os(s); value.getOperation()->print(os); return os.str(); } PythonOperationHandle call(const std::vector &args) { std::vector argValues; argValues.reserve(args.size()); for (auto arg : args) argValues.push_back(arg.value); return OperationHandle::create(argValues[0], argValues); } mlir::edsc::OperationHandle value; }; struct PythonLoopContext { PythonLoopContext(PythonValueHandle lb, PythonValueHandle ub, int64_t step) : lb(lb), ub(ub), step(step) {} PythonLoopContext(const PythonLoopContext &) = delete; PythonLoopContext(PythonLoopContext &&) = default; PythonLoopContext &operator=(const PythonLoopContext &) = delete; PythonLoopContext &operator=(PythonLoopContext &&) = default; ~PythonLoopContext() { assert(!builder && "did not exit from the context"); } PythonValueHandle enter() { mlir::Value iv; builder = new AffineLoopNestBuilder(&iv, lb.value, ub.value, step); return iv; } void exit(py::object, py::object, py::object) { (*builder)({}); // exit from the builder's scope. delete builder; builder = nullptr; } PythonValueHandle lb, ub; int64_t step; AffineLoopNestBuilder *builder = nullptr; }; struct PythonLoopNestContext { PythonLoopNestContext(const std::vector &lbs, const std::vector &ubs, const std::vector steps) : lbs(lbs), ubs(ubs), steps(steps) { assert(lbs.size() == ubs.size() && lbs.size() == steps.size() && "expected the same number of lower, upper bounds, and steps"); } PythonLoopNestContext(const PythonLoopNestContext &) = delete; PythonLoopNestContext(PythonLoopNestContext &&) = default; PythonLoopNestContext &operator=(const PythonLoopNestContext &) = delete; PythonLoopNestContext &operator=(PythonLoopNestContext &&) = default; ~PythonLoopNestContext() { assert(!builder && "did not exit from the context"); } std::vector enter() { if (steps.empty()) return {}; std::vector handles(steps.size()); builder = new AffineLoopNestBuilder( handles, std::vector(lbs.begin(), lbs.end()), std::vector(ubs.begin(), ubs.end()), steps); return std::vector(handles.begin(), handles.end()); } void exit(py::object, py::object, py::object) { (*builder)({}); // exit from the builder's scope. delete builder; builder = nullptr; } std::vector lbs; std::vector ubs; std::vector steps; AffineLoopNestBuilder *builder = nullptr; }; struct PythonBlockAppender { PythonBlockAppender(const PythonBlockHandle &handle) : handle(handle) {} PythonBlockHandle handle; }; struct PythonBlockContext { public: PythonBlockContext() { createBlockBuilder(); clearBuilder(); } PythonBlockContext(const std::vector &argTypes) { handle.arguments.reserve(argTypes.size()); for (const auto &t : argTypes) { auto type = Type::getFromOpaquePointer(reinterpret_cast(t.type)); handle.types.emplace_back(type); handle.arguments.push_back(Value()); } createBlockBuilder(); clearBuilder(); } PythonBlockContext(const PythonBlockAppender &a) : handle(a.handle) {} PythonBlockContext(const PythonBlockContext &) = delete; PythonBlockContext(PythonBlockContext &&) = default; PythonBlockContext &operator=(const PythonBlockContext &) = delete; PythonBlockContext &operator=(PythonBlockContext &&) = default; ~PythonBlockContext() { assert(!builder && "did not exit from the block context"); } // EDSC maintain an implicit stack of builders (mostly for keeping track of // insertion points); every operation gets inserted using the top-of-the-stack // builder. Creating a new EDSC Builder automatically puts it on the stack, // effectively entering the block for it. void createBlockBuilder() { if (handle.value.getBlock()) builder = new BlockBuilder(handle.value, mlir::edsc::Append()); else builder = new BlockBuilder(&handle.value, handle.types, handle.arguments); } PythonBlockHandle enter() { createBlockBuilder(); return handle; } void exit(py::object, py::object, py::object) { clearBuilder(); } PythonBlockHandle getHandle() { return handle; } // EDSC maintain an implicit stack of builders (mostly for keeping track of // insertion points); every operation gets inserted using the top-of-the-stack // builder. Calling operator() on a builder pops the builder from the stack, // effectively resetting the insertion point to its position before we entered // the block. void clearBuilder() { (*builder)({}); // exit from the builder's scope. delete builder; builder = nullptr; } PythonBlockHandle handle; BlockBuilder *builder = nullptr; }; struct PythonAttribute { PythonAttribute() : attr(nullptr) {} PythonAttribute(const mlir_attr_t &a) : attr(a) {} PythonAttribute(const PythonAttribute &other) = default; operator mlir_attr_t() { return attr; } operator Attribute() const { return Attribute::getFromOpaquePointer(attr); } std::string str() const { if (!attr) return "##null attr##"; std::string res; llvm::raw_string_ostream os(res); Attribute().print(os); return res; } mlir_attr_t attr; }; struct PythonAttributedType { PythonAttributedType() : type(nullptr) {} PythonAttributedType(mlir_type_t t) : type(t) {} PythonAttributedType( PythonType t, const std::unordered_map &attributes = std::unordered_map()) : type(t), attrs(attributes) {} operator mlir_type_t() const { return type.type; } operator PythonType() const { return type; } // Return a vector of named attribute descriptors. The vector owns the // mlir_named_attr_t objects it contains, but not the names and attributes // those objects point to (names and opaque pointers to attributes are owned // by `this`). std::vector getNamedAttrs() const { std::vector result; result.reserve(attrs.size()); for (const auto &namedAttr : attrs) result.push_back({namedAttr.first.c_str(), namedAttr.second.attr}); return result; } std::string str() { mlir::Type t = mlir::Type::getFromOpaquePointer(type); std::string res; llvm::raw_string_ostream os(res); t.print(os); if (attrs.empty()) return os.str(); os << '{'; bool first = true; for (const auto &namedAttr : attrs) { if (first) first = false; else os << ", "; os << namedAttr.first << ": " << namedAttr.second.str(); } os << '}'; return os.str(); } private: PythonType type; std::unordered_map attrs; }; // Wraps mlir::AffineExpr. struct PythonAffineExpr { PythonAffineExpr() : affine_expr() {} PythonAffineExpr(const AffineExpr &a) : affine_expr(a) {} PythonAffineExpr(const PythonAffineExpr &other) = default; operator AffineExpr() const { return affine_expr; } operator AffineExpr &() { return affine_expr; } AffineExpr get() const { return affine_expr; } std::string str() const { std::string res; llvm::raw_string_ostream os(res); affine_expr.print(os); return res; } private: AffineExpr affine_expr; }; // Wraps mlir::AffineMap. struct PythonAffineMap { PythonAffineMap() : affine_map() {} PythonAffineMap(const AffineMap &a) : affine_map(a) {} PythonAffineMap(const PythonAffineMap &other) = default; operator AffineMap() const { return affine_map; } operator AffineMap &() { return affine_map; } std::string str() const { std::string res; llvm::raw_string_ostream os(res); affine_map.print(os); return res; } private: AffineMap affine_map; }; struct PythonIndexedValue { explicit PythonIndexedValue(const AffineIndexedValue &other) : indexed(other) {} PythonIndexedValue(PythonValueHandle handle) : indexed(handle.value) {} PythonIndexedValue(const PythonIndexedValue &other) = default; // Create a new indexed value with the same base as this one but with indices // provided as arguments. PythonIndexedValue index(const std::vector &indices) { std::vector handles(indices.begin(), indices.end()); return PythonIndexedValue(AffineIndexedValue(indexed(handles))); } void store(const std::vector &indices, PythonValueHandle value) { // Uses the overloaded `operator=` to emit a store. index(indices).indexed = value.value; } PythonValueHandle load(const std::vector &indices) { // Uses the overloaded cast to `mlir::Value` to emit a load. return static_cast(index(indices).indexed); } AffineIndexedValue indexed; }; template ListTy makeCList(SmallVectorImpl &owning, const py::list &list) { for (auto &inp : list) { owning.push_back(Ty{inp.cast()}); } return ListTy{owning.data(), owning.size()}; } PythonFunction PythonMLIRModule::declareFunction( const std::string &name, const py::list &inputs, const std::vector &outputTypes, const py::kwargs &funcAttributes) { std::vector attributedInputs; attributedInputs.reserve(inputs.size()); for (const auto &in : inputs) { std::string className = py::str(in.get_type()); if (className.find(".Type'") != std::string::npos) attributedInputs.emplace_back(in.cast()); else attributedInputs.push_back(in.cast()); } // Create the function type. std::vector ins(attributedInputs.begin(), attributedInputs.end()); std::vector outs(outputTypes.begin(), outputTypes.end()); auto funcType = ::makeFunctionType( mlir_context_t{&mlirContext}, mlir_type_list_t{ins.data(), ins.size()}, mlir_type_list_t{outs.data(), outs.size()}); // Build the list of function attributes. std::vector attrs; attrs.reserve(funcAttributes.size()); for (const auto &named : funcAttributes) attrs.emplace_back( Identifier::get(std::string(py::str(named.first)), &mlirContext), mlir::Attribute::getFromOpaquePointer(reinterpret_cast( named.second.cast().attr))); // Build the list of lists of function argument attributes. std::vector inputAttrs; inputAttrs.reserve(attributedInputs.size()); for (const auto &in : attributedInputs) { std::vector inAttrs; for (const auto &named : in.getNamedAttrs()) inAttrs.emplace_back(Identifier::get(named.name, &mlirContext), mlir::Attribute::getFromOpaquePointer( reinterpret_cast(named.value))); inputAttrs.emplace_back(inAttrs); } // Create the function itself. auto func = mlir::FuncOp::create( UnknownLoc::get(&mlirContext), name, mlir::Type::getFromOpaquePointer(funcType).cast(), attrs, inputAttrs); symbolTable.insert(func); return func; } PythonAttributedType PythonType::attachAttributeDict( const std::unordered_map &attrs) const { return PythonAttributedType(*this, attrs); } PythonAttribute PythonMLIRModule::integerAttr(PythonType type, int64_t value) { return PythonAttribute(::makeIntegerAttr(type, value)); } PythonAttribute PythonMLIRModule::boolAttr(bool value) { return PythonAttribute(::makeBoolAttr(&mlirContext, value)); } PythonAttribute PythonMLIRModule::floatAttr(float value) { return PythonAttribute(::makeFloatAttr(&mlirContext, value)); } PythonAttribute PythonMLIRModule::stringAttr(const std::string &value) { return PythonAttribute(::makeStringAttr(&mlirContext, value.c_str())); } PythonAttribute PythonMLIRModule::arrayAttr( const std::vector &values) { std::vector mlir_attributes(values.begin(), values.end()); auto array_attr = ArrayAttr::get( llvm::ArrayRef(mlir_attributes), &mlirContext); return PythonAttribute(array_attr.getAsOpaquePointer()); } PythonAttribute PythonMLIRModule::affineMapAttr(PythonAffineMap value) { return PythonAttribute(AffineMapAttr::get(value).getAsOpaquePointer()); } PythonAttribute PythonMLIRModule::dictionaryAttr( const std::unordered_map &attribute_map) { std::vector attributes; attributes.reserve(attribute_map.size()); for (const auto &pair : attribute_map) { attributes.emplace_back(Identifier::get(pair.first, &mlirContext), Attribute::getFromOpaquePointer(pair.second.attr)); } auto dictionaryAttribute = DictionaryAttr::get(attributes, &mlirContext); return PythonAttribute(dictionaryAttribute.getAsOpaquePointer()); } PythonAffineExpr PythonMLIRModule::affineConstantExpr(int64_t value) { return PythonAffineExpr(getAffineConstantExpr(value, &mlirContext)); } PythonAffineExpr PythonMLIRModule::affineSymbolExpr(unsigned position) { return PythonAffineExpr(getAffineSymbolExpr(position, &mlirContext)); } PythonAffineExpr PythonMLIRModule::affineDimExpr(unsigned position) { return PythonAffineExpr(getAffineDimExpr(position, &mlirContext)); } PythonAffineMap PythonMLIRModule::affineConstantMap(int64_t value) { return PythonAffineMap(AffineMap::getConstantMap(value, &mlirContext)); } PythonAffineMap PythonMLIRModule::affineMap( unsigned dimCount, unsigned SymbolCount, const std::vector &results) { std::vector mlir_results(results.begin(), results.end()); return PythonAffineMap( AffineMap::get(dimCount, SymbolCount, llvm::ArrayRef(mlir_results), &mlirContext)); } void defineMlirEdscModule(py::module m) { m.doc() = "Python bindings for MLIR Embedded Domain-Specific Components (EDSCs)"; m.def("version", []() { return "EDSC Python extensions v1.0"; }); py::class_( m, "LoopContext", "A context for building the body of a 'for' loop") .def(py::init()) .def("__enter__", &PythonLoopContext::enter) .def("__exit__", &PythonLoopContext::exit); py::class_(m, "LoopNestContext", "A context for building the body of a the " "innermost loop in a nest of 'for' loops") .def(py::init &, const std::vector &, const std::vector &>()) .def("__enter__", &PythonLoopNestContext::enter) .def("__exit__", &PythonLoopNestContext::exit); m.def("constant_index", [](int64_t val) -> PythonValueHandle { return mlir::edsc::ValueBuilder(val); }); m.def("constant_int", [](int64_t val, int width) -> PythonValueHandle { return mlir::edsc::ValueBuilder(val, width); }); m.def("constant_float", [](double val, PythonType type) -> PythonValueHandle { FloatType floatType = Type::getFromOpaquePointer(type.type).cast(); assert(floatType); auto value = APFloat(val); bool lostPrecision; value.convert(floatType.getFloatSemantics(), APFloat::rmNearestTiesToEven, &lostPrecision); return mlir::edsc::ValueBuilder(value, floatType); }); m.def("constant_function", [](PythonFunction func) -> PythonValueHandle { auto function = FuncOp::getFromOpaquePointer(func.function); auto attr = SymbolRefAttr::get(function.getName(), function.getContext()); return mlir::edsc::ValueBuilder(function.getType(), attr); }); m.def("appendTo", [](const PythonBlockHandle &handle) { return PythonBlockAppender(handle); }); m.def( "ret", [](const std::vector &args) { std::vector values(args.begin(), args.end()); (intrinsics::std_ret(ArrayRef{values})); // vexing parse return PythonValueHandle(mlir::Value()); }, py::arg("args") = std::vector()); m.def( "br", [](const PythonBlockHandle &dest, const std::vector &args) { std::vector values(args.begin(), args.end()); intrinsics::std_br(dest, values); return PythonValueHandle(mlir::Value()); }, py::arg("dest"), py::arg("args") = std::vector()); m.def( "cond_br", [](PythonValueHandle condition, const PythonBlockHandle &trueDest, const std::vector &trueArgs, const PythonBlockHandle &falseDest, const std::vector &falseArgs) -> PythonValueHandle { std::vector trueArguments(trueArgs.begin(), trueArgs.end()); std::vector falseArguments(falseArgs.begin(), falseArgs.end()); intrinsics::std_cond_br(condition, trueDest, trueArguments, falseDest, falseArguments); return PythonValueHandle(mlir::Value()); }); m.def("index_cast", [](PythonValueHandle element, PythonType type) -> PythonValueHandle { return mlir::edsc::ValueBuilder( element.value, Type::getFromOpaquePointer(type.type)); }); m.def("select", [](PythonValueHandle condition, PythonValueHandle trueValue, PythonValueHandle falseValue) -> PythonValueHandle { return mlir::edsc::ValueBuilder( condition.value, trueValue.value, falseValue.value); }); m.def("op", [](const std::string &name, const std::vector &operands, const std::vector &resultTypes, const py::kwargs &attributes) -> PythonValueHandle { std::vector operandHandles(operands.begin(), operands.end()); std::vector types; types.reserve(resultTypes.size()); for (auto t : resultTypes) types.push_back(Type::getFromOpaquePointer(t.type)); std::vector attrs; attrs.reserve(attributes.size()); for (const auto &a : attributes) { std::string name = py::str(a.first); auto pyAttr = a.second.cast(); auto cppAttr = Attribute::getFromOpaquePointer(pyAttr.attr); auto identifier = Identifier::get(name, ScopedContext::getContext()); attrs.emplace_back(identifier, cppAttr); } return mlir::edsc::CustomValueBuilder(name, operandHandles, types, attrs); }); m.def("multi_result_op", [](const std::string &name, const std::vector &operands, const std::vector &resultTypes, const py::kwargs &attributes) -> PythonOperationHandle { std::vector operandHandles(operands.begin(), operands.end()); std::vector types; types.reserve(resultTypes.size()); for (auto t : resultTypes) types.push_back(Type::getFromOpaquePointer(t.type)); std::vector attrs; attrs.reserve(attributes.size()); for (const auto &a : attributes) { std::string name = py::str(a.first); auto pyAttr = a.second.cast(); auto cppAttr = Attribute::getFromOpaquePointer(pyAttr.attr); auto identifier = Identifier::get(name, ScopedContext::getContext()); attrs.emplace_back(identifier, cppAttr); } return OperationHandle::create(name, operandHandles, types, attrs); }); py::class_(m, "Function", "Wrapping class for mlir::FuncOp.") .def(py::init()) .def("__str__", &PythonFunction::str) .def("define", &PythonFunction::define, "Adds a body to the function if it does not already have one. " "Returns true if the body was added") .def("arg", &PythonFunction::arg, "Get the mlir::Value to the indexed argument of the function"); py::class_(m, "Attribute", "Wrapping class for mlir::Attribute") .def(py::init()) .def("__str__", &PythonAttribute::str); py::class_(m, "Type", "Wrapping class for mlir::Type.") .def(py::init()) .def("__call__", &PythonType::attachAttributeDict, "Attach the attributes to these type, making it suitable for " "constructing functions with argument attributes") .def("__str__", &PythonType::str); py::class_( m, "AttributedType", "A class containing a wrapped mlir::Type and a wrapped " "mlir::NamedAttributeList that are used together, e.g. in function " "argument declaration") .def(py::init()) .def("__str__", &PythonAttributedType::str); py::class_( m, "MLIRModule", "An MLIRModule is the abstraction that owns the allocations to support " "compilation of a single mlir::ModuleOp into an ExecutionEngine backed " "by " "the LLVM ORC JIT. A typical flow consists in creating an MLIRModule, " "adding functions, compiling the module to obtain an ExecutionEngine on " "which named functions may be called. For now the only means to retrieve " "the ExecutionEngine is by calling `get_engine_address`. This mode of " "execution is limited to passing the pointer to C++ where the function " "is called. Extending the API to allow calling JIT compiled functions " "directly require integration with a tensor library (e.g. numpy). This " "is left as the prerogative of libraries and frameworks for now.") .def(py::init<>()) .def("boolAttr", &PythonMLIRModule::boolAttr, "Creates an mlir::BoolAttr with the given value") .def( "integerAttr", &PythonMLIRModule::integerAttr, "Creates an mlir::IntegerAttr of the given type with the given value " "in the context associated with this MLIR module.") .def("floatAttr", &PythonMLIRModule::floatAttr, "Creates an mlir::FloatAttr with the given value") .def("stringAttr", &PythonMLIRModule::stringAttr, "Creates an mlir::StringAttr with the given value") .def("arrayAttr", &PythonMLIRModule::arrayAttr, "Creates an mlir::ArrayAttr of the given type with the given values " "in the context associated with this MLIR module.") .def("dictionaryAttr", &PythonMLIRModule::dictionaryAttr, "Creates a dictonary attribute with the given map.") .def("affineMapAttr", &PythonMLIRModule::affineMapAttr, "Creates an mlir::AffineMapAttr of the given type with the given " "value in the context associated with this MLIR module.") .def("declare_function", &PythonMLIRModule::declareFunction, "Declares a new mlir::FuncOp in the current mlir::ModuleOp. The " "function arguments can have attributes. The function has no " "definition and can be linked to an external library.") .def("make_function", &PythonMLIRModule::makeFunction, "Defines a new mlir::FuncOp in the current mlir::ModuleOp.") .def("new_function_context", &PythonMLIRModule::makeNewFunctionContext, "Defines a new mlir::FuncOp in the mlir::ModuleOp and creates the " "function context for building the body of the function.") .def("function_context", &PythonMLIRModule::makeFunctionContext, "Creates a function context for building the body of an existing " "function.") .def("get_function", &PythonMLIRModule::getNamedFunction, "Looks up the function with the given name in the module.") .def("make_memref_type", &PythonMLIRModule::makeMemRefType, "Returns an mlir::MemRefType of an elemental scalar. -1 is used to " "denote symbolic dimensions in the resulting memref shape.") .def("make_index_type", &PythonMLIRModule::makeIndexType, "Returns an mlir::IndexType") .def("make_type", &PythonMLIRModule::makeType, "Returns an mlir::Type defined by the IR passed in as the argument.") .def("get_ir", &PythonMLIRModule::getIR, "Returns a dump of the MLIR representation of the module. This is " "used for serde to support out-of-process execution as well as " "debugging purposes.") .def("affine_constant_expr", &PythonMLIRModule::affineConstantExpr, "Returns an affine constant expression.") .def("affine_symbol_expr", &PythonMLIRModule::affineSymbolExpr, "Returns an affine symbol expression.") .def("affine_dim_expr", &PythonMLIRModule::affineDimExpr, "Returns an affine dim expression.") .def("affine_constant_map", &PythonMLIRModule::affineConstantMap, "Returns an affine map with single constant result.") .def("affine_map", &PythonMLIRModule::affineMap, "Returns an affine map.", py::arg("dimCount"), py::arg("symbolCount"), py::arg("results")) .def("__str__", &PythonMLIRModule::getIR, "Get the string representation of the module"); py::class_( m, "FunctionContext", "A wrapper around mlir::edsc::ScopedContext") .def(py::init()) .def("__enter__", &PythonFunctionContext::enter) .def("__exit__", &PythonFunctionContext::exit); { using namespace mlir::edsc::op; py::class_(m, "Value", "Wraps mlir::Value") .def(py::init()) .def("__add__", [](PythonValueHandle lhs, PythonValueHandle rhs) -> PythonValueHandle { return lhs.value + rhs.value; }) .def("__sub__", [](PythonValueHandle lhs, PythonValueHandle rhs) -> PythonValueHandle { return lhs.value - rhs.value; }) .def("__mul__", [](PythonValueHandle lhs, PythonValueHandle rhs) -> PythonValueHandle { return lhs.value * rhs.value; }) .def("__div__", [](PythonValueHandle lhs, PythonValueHandle rhs) -> PythonValueHandle { return lhs.value / rhs.value; }) .def("__truediv__", [](PythonValueHandle lhs, PythonValueHandle rhs) -> PythonValueHandle { return lhs.value / rhs.value; }) .def("__floordiv__", [](PythonValueHandle lhs, PythonValueHandle rhs) -> PythonValueHandle { return floorDiv(lhs, rhs); }) .def("__mod__", [](PythonValueHandle lhs, PythonValueHandle rhs) -> PythonValueHandle { return lhs.value % rhs.value; }) .def("__lt__", [](PythonValueHandle lhs, PythonValueHandle rhs) -> PythonValueHandle { return mlir::edsc::ValueBuilder(CmpIPredicate::slt, lhs.value, rhs.value); }) .def("__le__", [](PythonValueHandle lhs, PythonValueHandle rhs) -> PythonValueHandle { return mlir::edsc::ValueBuilder(CmpIPredicate::sle, lhs.value, rhs.value); }) .def("__gt__", [](PythonValueHandle lhs, PythonValueHandle rhs) -> PythonValueHandle { return mlir::edsc::ValueBuilder(CmpIPredicate::sgt, lhs.value, rhs.value); }) .def("__ge__", [](PythonValueHandle lhs, PythonValueHandle rhs) -> PythonValueHandle { return mlir::edsc::ValueBuilder(CmpIPredicate::sge, lhs.value, rhs.value); }) .def("__eq__", [](PythonValueHandle lhs, PythonValueHandle rhs) -> PythonValueHandle { return mlir::edsc::ValueBuilder(CmpIPredicate::eq, lhs.value, rhs.value); }) .def("__ne__", [](PythonValueHandle lhs, PythonValueHandle rhs) -> PythonValueHandle { return mlir::edsc::ValueBuilder(CmpIPredicate::ne, lhs.value, rhs.value); }) .def("__invert__", [](PythonValueHandle handle) -> PythonValueHandle { return negate(handle.value); }) .def("__and__", [](PythonValueHandle lhs, PythonValueHandle rhs) -> PythonValueHandle { return lhs.value && rhs.value; }) .def("__or__", [](PythonValueHandle lhs, PythonValueHandle rhs) -> PythonValueHandle { return lhs.value || rhs.value; }) .def("__call__", &PythonValueHandle::call) .def("type", &PythonValueHandle::type); } py::class_( m, "OperationHandle", "A wrapper around mlir::edsc::OperationHandle") .def(py::init()) .def("__call__", &PythonOperationHandle::call) .def("result", &PythonOperationHandle::getResult); py::class_( m, "BlockAppender", "A dummy class signaling BlockContext to append IR to the given " "block " "instead of creating a new block") .def(py::init()); py::class_(m, "BlockHandle", "A wrapper around mlir::edsc::BlockHandle") .def(py::init()) .def("arg", &PythonBlockHandle::arg); py::class_(m, "BlockContext", "A wrapper around mlir::edsc::BlockBuilder") .def(py::init<>()) .def(py::init &>()) .def(py::init()) .def("__enter__", &PythonBlockContext::enter) .def("__exit__", &PythonBlockContext::exit) .def("handle", &PythonBlockContext::getHandle); py::class_(m, "IndexedValue", "A wrapper around mlir::edsc::IndexedValue") .def(py::init()) .def("load", &PythonIndexedValue::load) .def("store", &PythonIndexedValue::store); py::class_(m, "AffineExpr", "A wrapper around mlir::AffineExpr") .def(py::init()) .def("__add__", [](PythonAffineExpr lhs, int64_t rhs) -> PythonAffineExpr { return PythonAffineExpr(lhs.get() + rhs); }) .def("__add__", [](PythonAffineExpr lhs, PythonAffineExpr rhs) -> PythonAffineExpr { return PythonAffineExpr(lhs.get() + rhs.get()); }) .def("__neg__", [](PythonAffineExpr lhs) -> PythonAffineExpr { return PythonAffineExpr(-lhs.get()); }) .def("__sub__", [](PythonAffineExpr lhs, int64_t rhs) -> PythonAffineExpr { return PythonAffineExpr(lhs.get() - rhs); }) .def("__sub__", [](PythonAffineExpr lhs, PythonAffineExpr rhs) -> PythonAffineExpr { return PythonAffineExpr(lhs.get() - rhs.get()); }) .def("__mul__", [](PythonAffineExpr lhs, int64_t rhs) -> PythonAffineExpr { return PythonAffineExpr(lhs.get() * rhs); }) .def("__mul__", [](PythonAffineExpr lhs, PythonAffineExpr rhs) -> PythonAffineExpr { return PythonAffineExpr(lhs.get() * rhs.get()); }) .def("__floordiv__", [](PythonAffineExpr lhs, uint64_t rhs) -> PythonAffineExpr { return PythonAffineExpr(lhs.get().floorDiv(rhs)); }) .def("__floordiv__", [](PythonAffineExpr lhs, PythonAffineExpr rhs) -> PythonAffineExpr { return PythonAffineExpr(lhs.get().floorDiv(rhs.get())); }) .def("ceildiv", [](PythonAffineExpr lhs, uint64_t rhs) -> PythonAffineExpr { return PythonAffineExpr(lhs.get().ceilDiv(rhs)); }) .def("ceildiv", [](PythonAffineExpr lhs, PythonAffineExpr rhs) -> PythonAffineExpr { return PythonAffineExpr(lhs.get().ceilDiv(rhs.get())); }) .def("__mod__", [](PythonAffineExpr lhs, uint64_t rhs) -> PythonAffineExpr { return PythonAffineExpr(lhs.get() % rhs); }) .def("__mod__", [](PythonAffineExpr lhs, PythonAffineExpr rhs) -> PythonAffineExpr { return PythonAffineExpr(lhs.get() % rhs.get()); }) .def("compose", [](PythonAffineExpr self, PythonAffineMap map) -> PythonAffineExpr { return PythonAffineExpr(self.get().compose(map)); }) .def( "get_constant_value", [](PythonAffineExpr self) -> py::object { auto const_expr = self.get().dyn_cast(); if (const_expr) return py::cast(const_expr.getValue()); return py::none(); }, "Returns the constant value for the affine expression if any, or " "returns None.") .def("__str__", &PythonAffineExpr::str); py::class_(m, "AffineMap", "A wrapper around mlir::AffineMap") .def(py::init()) .def("__str__", &PythonAffineMap::str); } } // namespace edsc } // namespace mlir