// RUN: not npcomp-run-mlir %s \ // RUN: -invoke conv_2d_nchw \ // RUN: -arg-value="dense<0.0> : tensor<1x1x2x2xf32>" \ // RUN: -arg-value="dense<0.0> : tensor<1x2x2x2xf32>" \ // RUN: -shared-libs=%npcomp_runtime_shlib 2>&1 \ // RUN: | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHANNELS // RUN: not npcomp-run-mlir %s \ // RUN: -invoke conv_2d_nchw \ // RUN: -arg-value="dense<0.0> : tensor<1x1x2x2xf32>" \ // RUN: -arg-value="dense<0.0> : tensor<1x1x3x2xf32>" \ // RUN: -shared-libs=%npcomp_runtime_shlib 2>&1 \ // RUN: | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=HEIGHT // RUN: not npcomp-run-mlir %s \ // RUN: -invoke conv_2d_nchw \ // RUN: -arg-value="dense<0.0> : tensor<1x1x2x2xf32>" \ // RUN: -arg-value="dense<0.0> : tensor<1x1x2x3xf32>" \ // RUN: -shared-libs=%npcomp_runtime_shlib 2>&1 \ // RUN: | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=WIDTH // CHANNELS: NPCOMP: aborting: input and filter in-channels must be equal // HEIGHT: NPCOMP: aborting: input height must be greater than or equal to filter KH-dimension // WIDTH: NPCOMP: aborting: input width must be greater than or equal to filter KW-dimension func @conv_2d_nchw(%arg0: tensor, %arg1: tensor) -> tensor { %0 = tcf.conv_2d_nchw %arg0, %arg1 : (tensor, tensor) -> tensor return %0 : tensor }