message(STATUS "Enabling onnx_c_importer...") include(FetchContent) find_package(Protobuf) if(NOT Protobuf_FOUND) message(FATAL_ERROR "In order to build C ONNX support, the Protobuf package must be installed " "on the system. Without this ONNX will attempt to build it in the project " "and the dependent ABSEIL build system is incompatible. " "On Ubuntu, install with: " "apt install libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler\n\n" "(or this entire component can be disabled with " "-DTORCH_MLIR_ENABLE_ONNX_C_IMPORTER=OFF)") endif() option(ONNX_DISABLE_EXCEPTIONS "For compatibility with LLVM build" ON) FetchContent_Declare( onnx EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL GIT_REPOSITORY GIT_TAG v1.15.0 GIT_SHALLOW ON GIT_PROGRESS ON ) FetchContent_MakeAvailable(onnx) add_llvm_executable( torch-mlir-import-onnx PARTIAL_SOURCES_INTENDED import-onnx-main.cpp OnnxImporter.h OnnxImporter.cpp ) target_link_libraries( torch-mlir-import-onnx LLVMSupport MLIRCAPIIR TorchMLIRCAPI onnx )