// RUN: npcomp-opt -split-input-file %s | npcomp-opt | FileCheck --dump-input=fail %s // ----- // CHECK-LABEL: @builtin_ufunc func @builtin_ufunc(%arg0 : tensor<3xf64>, %arg1 : tensor<3xf64>) -> tensor<3xf64> { %0 = numpy.builtin_ufunc_call<"numpy.add"> (%arg0, %arg1) : (tensor<3xf64>, tensor<3xf64>) -> tensor<3xf64> return %0 : tensor<3xf64> } // CHECK-LABEL: @ndarray_tensor_bridging func @ndarray_tensor_bridging(%arg0: !numpy.ndarray<[2,3]:f32>, %arg1: !numpy.ndarray<[2,3]:f32>, %arg2: tensor<2x3xf32>) { // CHECK-NEXT: numpy.copy_to_tensor %t = numpy.copy_to_tensor %arg1 : (!numpy.ndarray<[2,3]:f32>) -> tensor<2x3xf32> // CHECK-NEXT: numpy.create_array_from_tensor %a = numpy.create_array_from_tensor %arg2 : (tensor<2x3xf32>) -> !numpy.ndarray<[2,3]:f32> // CHECK-NEXT: numpy.overwrite_array numpy.overwrite_array %arg2 overwrites %arg0 : tensor<2x3xf32>, !numpy.ndarray<[2,3]:f32> return } // CHECK-LABEL: @static_info_cast func @static_info_cast(%arg0: !numpy.ndarray<[2,3]:f32>, %arg1: !numpy.ndarray<[?,3]:f32>, %arg2: !numpy.ndarray<*:f32>) { // CHECK-NEXT: numpy.static_info_cast %arg0 : !numpy.ndarray<[2,3]:f32> to !numpy.ndarray<*:!numpy.any_dtype> %0 = numpy.static_info_cast %arg0 : !numpy.ndarray<[2,3]:f32> to !numpy.ndarray<*:!numpy.any_dtype> // CHECK-NEXT: numpy.static_info_cast %arg1 : !numpy.ndarray<[?,3]:f32> to !numpy.ndarray<[7,3]:f32> %1 = numpy.static_info_cast %arg1 : !numpy.ndarray<[?,3]:f32> to !numpy.ndarray<[7,3]:f32> // CHECK-NEXT: numpy.static_info_cast %arg2 : !numpy.ndarray<*:f32> to !numpy.ndarray<[?,?]:f32> %2 = numpy.static_info_cast %arg2 : !numpy.ndarray<*:f32> to !numpy.ndarray<[?,?]:f32> return } // CHECK-LABEL: @tensor_static_info_cast func @tensor_static_info_cast(%arg0: tensor<2x3xf32>, %arg1: tensor, %arg2: tensor<*xf32>) { // CHECK-NEXT: numpy.tensor_static_info_cast %arg0 : tensor<2x3xf32> to tensor<*x!numpy.any_dtype> %0 = numpy.tensor_static_info_cast %arg0 : tensor<2x3xf32> to tensor<*x!numpy.any_dtype> // CHECK-NEXT: numpy.tensor_static_info_cast %arg1 : tensor to tensor<7x3xf32> %1 = numpy.tensor_static_info_cast %arg1 : tensor to tensor<7x3xf32> // CHECK-NEXT: numpy.tensor_static_info_cast %arg2 : tensor<*xf32> to tensor %2 = numpy.tensor_static_info_cast %arg2 : tensor<*xf32> to tensor return }