name: Roll PyTorch on: schedule: - cron: '0 13 * * *' workflow_dispatch: jobs: build_linux: name: Manylinux Build runs-on: a100 # Don't run this in everyone's forks. if: github.repository == 'llvm/torch-mlir' steps: - name: Prepare workspace run: | # Clear the workspace directory so that we don't run into errors about # existing lock files. sudo rm -rf $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/* - name: Get torch-mlir uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: submodules: 'false' token: ${{ secrets.WORKFLOW_INVOCATION_TOKEN }} - name: Get LLVM and StableHlo submodules run: | set -eo pipefail cd ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE} # Fetching the submodules concurrently may cause problems, so we fetch # them one after another. rm -f .git/modules/externals/llvm-project/index.lock rm -f .git/modules/externals/stablehlo/index.lock git submodule update --init --recursive externals/llvm-project git submodule update --init --recursive externals/stablehlo - name: Setup ccache uses: ./.github/actions/setup-build with: cache-suffix: 'rollPyTorch' - name: Determine nightly PyTorch version run: | set -eo pipefail cd ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE} python -m pip install wheel sudo apt-get install unzip # Fetch the most recent nightly torchvision release VISION_RELEASE=$(python -m pip index versions -f --pre torchvision | grep "Available versions" | tr ' ' '\n' | grep "^[0-9]" | sort --version-sort --reverse | head -n1 | tr -d ',' | sed 's/\([^+]*\).*/\1/') echo "Found torchvision release ${VISION_RELEASE}" # Fetch the whl file associated with the nightly torchvision release rm -f torch*.whl python -m pip download -f --pre "torchvision==${VISION_RELEASE}" # Downloading the torchvision WHL also downloads the PyTorch WHL file # Read the version from the downloaded whl file without extracting it PT_RELEASE=$(unzip -p torch-*.whl 'torch-*/METADATA' | grep "^Version:" | awk '{ print $2 }' | sed 's/\([^+]*\).*/\1/') echo "Found torch release ${PT_RELEASE}" printf -- "-f\n--pre\ntorch==%s\n" "${PT_RELEASE}" > pytorch-requirements.txt printf -- "-f\n--pre\ntorchvision==%s\n" "${VISION_RELEASE}" > torchvision-requirements.txt # Read the commit hash from the downloaded whl file without extracting it PT_HASH=$(unzip -p torch-"${PT_RELEASE}"*.whl torch/ | grep git_version | awk '{ print $3 }' | tr -d "'") echo "Found torch commit hash ${PT_HASH}" PT_HASH_CHANGED=0 echo "${PT_HASH}" | cmp - pytorch-hash.txt --quiet || PT_HASH_CHANGED=$? echo "${PT_HASH}" > pytorch-hash.txt rm torch-"${PT_RELEASE}"*.whl # Write the release and hash to the environment file so that we can # retrieve them when creating a PR echo "PT_HASH=${PT_HASH}" >> ${GITHUB_ENV} echo "PT_RELEASE=${PT_RELEASE}" >> ${GITHUB_ENV} echo "PTVISION_RELEASE=${VISION_RELEASE}" >> ${GITHUB_ENV} echo "PT_HASH_CHANGED=${PT_HASH_CHANGED}" >> ${GITHUB_ENV} - name: Build and test (out-of-tree), also update ODS and abstract interpretation library if: env.PT_HASH_CHANGED != '0' run: | cd ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE} TM_PACKAGES="out-of-tree" TM_USE_PYTORCH_BINARY="OFF" \ TORCH_MLIR_SRC_PYTORCH_BRANCH="${{ env.PT_HASH }}" \ TORCH_MLIR_SRC_PYTORCH_RELEASE="${{ env.PT_RELEASE }}" \ TM_UPDATE_ODS_AND_ABSTRACT_INTERP_LIB="ON" \ ./build_tools/python_deploy/ - name: Post issue comment on build failure if: failure() uses: peter-evans/create-or-update-comment@v2 with: issue-number: 1690 body: | The RollPyTorch action has failed. See [CI log](${{ github.server_url }}/${{ github.repository }}/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }}) for details. The following information may come handy when fixing the code. ``` torch version: ${{ env.PT_RELEASE }} torch commit hash: ${{ env.PT_HASH }} torchvision version: ${{ env.PTVISION_RELEASE }} ``` - name: Update PyTorch Build Cache (if running on main branch) if: github.ref_name == 'main' id: cache-pytorch uses: actions/cache@v3 with: path: ${{ github.workspace }}/build_tools/python_deploy/wheelhouse key: ${{ runner.os }}-pytorch-${{ env.PT_HASH }} - name: Commit changes locally if: env.PT_HASH_CHANGED != '0' run: | cd ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE} git config "" git config "Roll PyTorch Action" git fetch --recurse-submodules=no git checkout main git pull origin main - name: Create pull request uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v5.0.1 with: author: Roll PyTorch Action branch: rollpytorch body: | torch version: ${{ env.PT_RELEASE }} torch commit hash: ${{ env.PT_HASH }} torchvision version: ${{ env.PTVISION_RELEASE }} commit-message: | update PyTorch version to ${{ env.PT_RELEASE }} - torch version: ${{ env.PT_RELEASE }} - torch commit hash: ${{ env.PT_HASH }} - torchvision version: ${{ env.PTVISION_RELEASE }} committer: Roll PyTorch Action title: update PyTorch version to ${{ env.PT_RELEASE }} token: ${{ secrets.ROLLPYTORCH_TOKEN0 }}