//===- CPASupport.h - Support types and utilities for CPA -----------------===// // // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // Support types and utilities for the Cartesian Product Algorithm for // Type Inference. // // See: // http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi= // http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi= //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "mlir/IR/Types.h" #include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h" #include "llvm/ADT/ilist.h" #include "llvm/Support/Allocator.h" #include "llvm/Support/Casting.h" #ifndef NPCOMP_TYPING_CPASUPPORT_H #define NPCOMP_TYPING_CPASUPPORT_H namespace mlir { namespace npcomp { namespace typing { namespace CPA { class Context; /// A uniqued string identifier. class Identifier { public: StringRef getValue() const { return value; } private: Identifier(StringRef value) : value(value) {} StringRef value; friend class Context; }; /// Base class for the CPA type hierarchy. class ObjectBase { public: enum class Kind { // Type FIRST_TYPE, TypeBase = FIRST_TYPE, TypeVar, CastType, ReadType, WriteType, // ValueType FIRST_VALUE_TYPE, ValueType = FIRST_VALUE_TYPE, IRValueType, ObjectValueType, LAST_VALUE_TYPE = ObjectValueType, LAST_TYPE = TypeVar, // Constraint Constraint, ConstraintSet, TypeVarSet, }; ObjectBase(Kind kind) : kind(kind) {} Kind getKind() const { return kind; } private: const Kind kind; }; /// Base class for types. /// This type hierarchy is adapted from section 2.1 of: /// Precise Constraint-Based Type Inference for Java /// /// Referred to as: 'τ' (tau) class TypeBase : public ObjectBase { public: using ObjectBase::ObjectBase; bool classof(const ObjectBase *tb) { return tb->getKind() >= Kind::FIRST_TYPE && tb->getKind() <= Kind::LAST_TYPE; } }; /// A unique type variable. /// Both the pointer and the ordinal will be unique within a context. /// Referred to as 't' class TypeVar : public TypeBase { public: TypeVar(int ordinal) : TypeBase(Kind::TypeVar), ordinal(ordinal) {} bool classof(const ObjectBase *tb) { return tb->getKind() == Kind::TypeVar; } int getOrdinal() { return ordinal; } private: int ordinal; }; /// A type-cast type. /// Referred to as: 'cast(δ, t)' class CastType : public TypeBase { public: bool classof(const ObjectBase *tb) { return tb->getKind() == Kind::CastType; } Identifier *getTypeIdentifier() { return typeIdentifier; } TypeVar *getTypeVar() { return typeVar; } private: CastType(Identifier *typeIdentifier, TypeVar *typeVar) : TypeBase(Kind::CastType), typeIdentifier(typeIdentifier), typeVar(typeVar) {} Identifier *typeIdentifier; TypeVar *typeVar; friend class Context; }; /// Type representing a read-field operation. /// Referred to as: 'read τ' class ReadType : public TypeBase { public: bool classof(const ObjectBase *tb) { return tb->getKind() == Kind::ReadType; } TypeBase *getType() { return type; } private: ReadType(TypeBase *type) : TypeBase(Kind::ReadType), type(type) {} TypeBase *type; friend class Context; }; /// Type representing a read-field operation. /// Referred to as: 'read τ' class WriteType : public TypeBase { public: bool classof(const ObjectBase *tb) { return tb->getKind() == Kind::WriteType; } TypeBase *getType() { return type; } private: WriteType(TypeBase *type) : TypeBase(Kind::WriteType), type(type) {} TypeBase *type; friend class Context; }; /// A legal value type in the language. We represent this as one of: /// IRValueType: Wraps a primitive MLIR type /// ObjectValueType: Defines an object. /// Referred to as 'τv' (tau-v) class ValueType : public TypeBase { public: using TypeBase::TypeBase; bool classof(ObjectBase *ob) { return ob->getKind() >= Kind::FIRST_VALUE_TYPE && ob->getKind() <= Kind::LAST_VALUE_TYPE; } }; /// Concrete ValueType that wraps an MLIR Type. class IRValueType : public ValueType { public: IRValueType(mlir::Type irType) : ValueType(Kind::IRValueType), irType(irType) {} bool classof(ObjectBase *ob) { return ob->getKind() == Kind::IRValueType; } mlir::Type getIrType() { return irType; } private: const mlir::Type irType; }; /// ValueType for an object. /// Referred to as 'obj(δ, [ li : τi ])' class ObjectValueType : public ValueType { public: bool classof(ObjectBase *ob) { return ob->getKind() == Kind::ObjectValueType; } Identifier *getTypeIdentifier() { return typeIdentifier; } size_t getFieldCount() { return fieldCount; } llvm::ArrayRef getFieldIdentifiers() { return llvm::ArrayRef(fieldIdentifiers, fieldCount); } llvm::ArrayRef getFieldTypes() { return llvm::ArrayRef(fieldTypes, fieldCount); } private: ObjectValueType(Identifier *typeIdentifier, size_t fieldCount, Identifier **fieldIdentifiers, TypeBase **fieldTypes) : ValueType(Kind::ObjectValueType), typeIdentifier(typeIdentifier), fieldCount(fieldCount), fieldIdentifiers(fieldIdentifiers), fieldTypes(fieldTypes) {} Identifier *typeIdentifier; size_t fieldCount; Identifier **fieldIdentifiers; TypeBase **fieldTypes; friend class Context; }; /// A Constraint between two types. /// Referred to as: 'τ1 <: τ2' class Constraint : public ObjectBase, public llvm::ilist_node { public: bool classof(ObjectBase *ob) { return ob->getKind() == Kind::Constraint; } TypeBase *getT1() { return t1; } TypeBase *getT2() { return t2; } private: Constraint(TypeBase *t1, TypeBase *t2) : ObjectBase(Kind::Constraint), t1(t1), t2(t2) {} TypeBase *t1; TypeBase *t2; friend class Context; }; /// A set of constraints. /// Referred to as: 'C' class ConstraintSet : public ObjectBase { public: bool classof(ObjectBase *ob) { return ob->getKind() == Kind::ConstraintSet; } llvm::simple_ilist &getConstraints() { return constraints; } private: ConstraintSet() : ObjectBase(Kind::ConstraintSet){}; llvm::simple_ilist constraints; friend class Context; }; /// A set of TypeVar. /// Referred to as 't_bar' class TypeVarSet : public ObjectBase { public: bool classof(ObjectBase *ob) { return ob->getKind() == Kind::TypeVarSet; } llvm::simple_ilist &getTypeVars() { return typeVars; } private: TypeVarSet() : ObjectBase(Kind::TypeVarSet) {} llvm::simple_ilist typeVars; friend class Context; }; /// Manages instances and containers needed for the lifetime of a CPA /// analysis. class Context { public: TypeVar *newTypeVar() { return allocator.Allocate(++typeVarCounter); } /// Gets a uniqued IRValueType for the IR Type. IRValueType *getIRValueType(Type irType) { auto it = irValueTypeMap.find(irType); if (it != irValueTypeMap.end()) return it->second; auto *irv = allocator.Allocate(1); new (irv) IRValueType(irType); irValueTypeMap[irType] = irv; return irv; } /// Creates a new ObjectValueType. /// Object value types are not uniqued. ObjectValueType * newObjectValueType(Identifier *typeIdentifier, llvm::ArrayRef fieldIdentifiers) { size_t n = fieldIdentifiers.size(); Identifier **allocFieldIdentifiers = allocator.Allocate(n); std::copy_n(fieldIdentifiers.begin(), n, allocFieldIdentifiers); TypeBase **allocFieldTypes = allocator.Allocate(n); std::fill_n(allocFieldTypes, n, nullptr); auto *ovt = allocator.Allocate(1); new (ovt) ObjectValueType(typeIdentifier, n, allocFieldIdentifiers, allocFieldTypes); return ovt; } /// Gets a uniqued Identifier for the given value. Identifier *getIdentifier(StringRef value) { auto it = identifierMap.find(value); if (it != identifierMap.end()) return it->second; auto *chars = allocator.Allocate(value.size()); std::memcpy(chars, value.data(), value.size()); StringRef uniquedValue(chars, value.size()); Identifier *id = allocator.Allocate(1); new (id) Identifier(uniquedValue); identifierMap[uniquedValue] = id; return id; } /// Gets a CastType. CastType *getCastType(Identifier *typeIdentifier, TypeVar *typeVar) { auto *ct = allocator.Allocate(1); new (ct) CastType(typeIdentifier, typeVar); return ct; } /// Gets a ReadType. ReadType *getReadType(TypeBase *type) { auto *rt = allocator.Allocate(1); new (rt) ReadType(type); return rt; } /// Gets a WriteType. WriteType *getWriteType(TypeBase *type) { auto *wt = allocator.Allocate(1); new (wt) WriteType(type); return wt; } /// Gets a Constraint. Constraint *getConstraint(TypeBase *t1, TypeBase *t2) { auto *c = allocator.Allocate(1); new (c) Constraint(t1, t2); return c; } /// Creates a new ConstraintSet. ConstraintSet *newConstraintSet() { auto *cs = allocator.Allocate(1); new (cs) ConstraintSet(); return cs; } /// Creates a new TypeVarSet. TypeVarSet *newTypeVarSet() { auto *tvs = allocator.Allocate(1); new (tvs) TypeVarSet(); return tvs; } private: llvm::BumpPtrAllocator allocator; llvm::DenseMap irValueTypeMap; llvm::DenseMap identifierMap; int typeVarCounter = 0; }; } // namespace CPA } // namespace typing } // namespace npcomp } // namespace mlir #endif