
192 lines
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# Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
# See for license information.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
import re
import numpy as np
from ..dialect import Numpy
from ..native.mlir import ir
from .context import *
from ..exporter import *
from ..types import *
class ModuleBuilder:
"""Builds an MLIR module by tracing functions."""
def __init__(self, mlir_context=None):
self.context = context if mlir_context else ir.MLIRContext()
# TODO: Instead of bootstrapping a large module, populate imports
# dynamically.
self.module = Numpy.load_builtin_module(self.context)
self.ops = Numpy.Ops(self.context)
self.types = Numpy.Types(self.context)
def trace(self, export_py_func: ExportPyFunction):
"""Traces and exported python function."""
assert isinstance(export_py_func, ExportPyFunction), (
"Expected an exported python function (from the Exporter class)")
tracer = FunctionTracer(self, export_py_func)
with tracer:
class FunctionTracer(TraceContext):
"""A trace of a single function."""
__slots__ = [
def __init__(self, module_builder: ModuleBuilder, epf: ExportPyFunction):
super().__init__(desc="[trace of %s]" % epf.__name__)
self.module_builder = module_builder
self.epf = epf
self._traced_arrays = {} # Mapping of TracedArray to current consumer value
# Alias some parent members for convenience.
self._mlir_m = module_builder.module
self._mlir_c = module_builder.context
self._ops = module_builder.ops
self._types = module_builder.types
# Extract ArrayParams for all args and results.
self._args_array_params = [
for arg in self.epf.sig.args]
self._python_args = [None] * len(self._args_array_params)
self._result_array_params = ArrayParams.from_constraints(
# Create the MLIR function.
self._f, self._f_types = self._create_mlir_function()
def trace(self):
# Invoke the python function with placeholders.
# TODO: More sophisticated signature merging
# TODO: Multiple results
# TODO: Error reporting
ops = self._ops
py_results = (self.epf.pyfunc(*self._python_args),)
if len(py_results) != len(self._f_types):
raise TracingError(
"Traced function returned != %d results: %r" % (
len(self._f_types), py_results,))
# Narrow all results to the declared return types.
return_operands = []
for py_result, mlir_result_type in zip(py_results, self._f_types):
mlir_result = self.get_traced_array_value(py_result)
if mlir_result is None:
raise TracingError("Unregistered traced array: %r", (py_result,))
# narrow to declared result type.
ops.numpy_narrow(mlir_result_type, mlir_result).results)
def set_traced_array(self, traced_array, value):
"""Sets the current SSA value for a traced_array."""
assert isinstance(traced_array, TracedArray)
self._traced_arrays[traced_array] = value
def get_traced_array_value(self, traced_array):
return self._traced_arrays.get(traced_array)
def _validate(self):
if not all(arg.type_class == TypeClass.NdArray
for arg in self.epf.sig.args):
raise NotImplementedError("Non NdArray args: %r" % (self.epf.sig.args,))
if not self.epf.sig.result.type_class == TypeClass.NdArray:
raise NotImplementedError("Non NdArray result: %r" % (
def _create_mlir_function(self):
mlir_c = self._mlir_c
mlir_m = self._mlir_m
ops = self._ops
types = self._types
epf = self.epf
f_args = [mlir_c.parse_type(ap.mlir_tensor_type_asm)
for ap in self._args_array_params]
f_types = [mlir_c.parse_type(
f_type = types.function(f_args, f_types)
f = ops.func_op(epf.__name__, f_type, create_entry_block=True)
return f, f_types
def _create_trace_roots(self):
entry_block = self._f.first_block
for index, ap in enumerate(self._args_array_params):
if ap is not None:
ta = TracedArray(self)
self.set_traced_array(ta, entry_block.args[index])
self._python_args[index] = ta
def _handle_ufunc(self, ufunc, method, inputs, kwargs):
if method == "__call__":
if kwargs:
raise TracingError("Generic ufunc with kwargs not supported %r" % (
# Map inputs to TracedArrays.
# TODO: Process captures, promotions, etc.
op_inputs = []
for py_input in inputs:
if not isinstance(py_input, TracedArray):
raise TracingError("Unsupported ufunc input: %r", (py_input,))
op_input = self.get_traced_array_value(py_input)
if op_input is None:
raise TracingError("Unregistered traced array: %r", (py_input,))
# Emit op.
types = self._types
mlir_m = self._mlir_m
callee_symbol = _UFUNC_SYMBOL_MAP.get(ufunc)
if not callee_symbol:
raise TracingError("Unsupported ufunc: %r" % ufunc)
op_result_type = types.tensor(types.numpy_any_dtype)
call_op = self._ops.numpy_ufunc_call_op(
callee_symbol, op_result_type, *op_inputs)
op_result = call_op.results[0]
# Wrap returns.
return_array = TracedArray(self)
self.set_traced_array(return_array, op_result)
return return_array
# Unsupported method.
raise TracingError("Unsupported ufunc method %r:%r" % (ufunc, method,))
# TODO: There should be an open registry of ufuncs. But for now, just map
# introspect the numpy package and record them.
def _build_ufunc_symbol_map():
d = {}
for member in dir(np):
ufunc = getattr(np, member)
if isinstance(ufunc, np.ufunc):
d[ufunc] = "numpy." + member
return d
_UFUNC_SYMBOL_MAP = _build_ufunc_symbol_map()
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest