
187 lines
8.8 KiB

//===- torch.c - Test of Torch dialect C API ------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM
// Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// RUN: torch-mlir-capi-torch-test 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
#include "mlir-c/BuiltinTypes.h"
#include "torch-mlir-c/Registration.h"
#include "torch-mlir-c/TorchTypes.h"
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
static void printToStderr(MlirStringRef str, void *userData) {
fwrite(, 1, str.length, stderr);
static void testTensor(MlirContext ctx, intptr_t numSizes, int64_t *sizes,
MlirType dType, const char *testName) {
MlirType TTT##Type = \
torchMlirTorch##TTT##TypeGet(ctx, numSizes, sizes, dType); \
bool TTT##hasSizes = torchMlirTorch##TTT##TypeHasSizes(TTT##Type); \
fprintf(stderr, #TTT "Type %s hasSizes: %d\n", testName, TTT##hasSizes); \
bool TTT##hasDtype = torchMlirTorch##TTT##TypeHasDtype(TTT##Type); \
fprintf(stderr, #TTT "Type %s hasDtype: %d\n", testName, TTT##hasDtype); \
if (TTT##hasSizes) { \
fprintf(stderr, #TTT "Type %s rank: %zu\n", testName, \
torchMlirTorch##TTT##TypeGetRank(TTT##Type)); \
int64_t *TTT##Sizes = malloc(sizeof(int64_t) * numSizes); \
torchMlirTorch##TTT##TypeGetSizes(TTT##Type, TTT##Sizes); \
for (int i = 0; i < numSizes; ++i) { \
fprintf(stderr, #TTT "Type %s pos %d size: %ld\n", testName, i, \
TTT##Sizes[i]); \
} \
} \
if (TTT##hasDtype) { \
MlirType TTT##Dtype = torchMlirTorch##TTT##TypeGetDtype(TTT##Type); \
fprintf(stderr, #TTT "Type %s dtype: ", testName); \
mlirTypePrint(TTT##Dtype, printToStderr, NULL); \
fprintf(stderr, "\n"); \
// CHECK-LABEL: testTypeMetaDataAccessors
static void testTypeMetaDataAccessors(MlirContext ctx) {
fprintf(stderr, "testTypeMetaDataAccessors\n");
MlirType i8 = mlirIntegerTypeGet(ctx, 8);
MlirType optionalI8 = torchMlirTorchOptionalTypeGet(i8);
fprintf(stderr, "optionalI8 isa TorchOptional: %d\n",
// CHECK: optionalI8 isa TorchOptional: 1
MlirType containedType = torchMlirTorchOptionalTypeGetContained(optionalI8);
fprintf(stderr, "optionalI8 containedType: ");
mlirTypePrint(containedType, printToStderr, NULL);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
// CHECK: optionalI8 containedType: i8
MlirType f16 = mlirF16TypeGet(ctx);
MlirType f32 = mlirF32TypeGet(ctx);
MlirType _tupleI8[3] = {i8, f16, f32};
MlirType TTT##I8 = torchMlirTorch##TTT##TypeGet(ctx, 3, _tupleI8); \
fprintf(stderr, #TTT "I8 isa " #TTT ": %d\n", \
torchMlirTypeIsATorch##TTT(TTT##I8)); \
fprintf(stderr, #TTT "I8 NumTypes: %zu\n", \
torchMlirTorch##TTT##TypeGetNumTypes(TTT##I8)); \
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { \
fprintf(stderr, #TTT "I8 pos %d type: ", i); \
mlirTypePrint(torchMlirTorch##TTT##TypeGetType(TTT##I8, i), printToStderr, \
NULL); \
fprintf(stderr, "\n"); \
// CHECK: TupleI8 isa Tuple: 1
// CHECK: TupleI8 NumTypes: 3
// CHECK: TupleI8 pos 0 type: i8
// CHECK: TupleI8 pos 1 type: f16
// CHECK: TupleI8 pos 2 type: f32
// CHECK: UnionI8 isa Union: 1
// CHECK: UnionI8 NumTypes: 3
// CHECK: UnionI8 pos 0 type: i8
// CHECK: UnionI8 pos 1 type: f16
// CHECK: UnionI8 pos 2 type: f32
int64_t sizes[3] = {1, 2, 3};
testTensor(ctx, 3, sizes, f32, "has-sizes-dtype");
// CHECK: NonValueTensorType has-sizes-dtype hasSizes: 1
// CHECK: NonValueTensorType has-sizes-dtype hasDtype: 1
// CHECK: NonValueTensorType has-sizes-dtype rank: 3
// CHECK: NonValueTensorType has-sizes-dtype pos 0 size: 1
// CHECK: NonValueTensorType has-sizes-dtype pos 1 size: 2
// CHECK: NonValueTensorType has-sizes-dtype pos 2 size: 3
// CHECK: NonValueTensorType has-sizes-dtype dtype: f32
// CHECK: ValueTensorType has-sizes-dtype hasSizes: 1
// CHECK: ValueTensorType has-sizes-dtype hasDtype: 1
// CHECK: ValueTensorType has-sizes-dtype rank: 3
// CHECK: ValueTensorType has-sizes-dtype pos 0 size: 1
// CHECK: ValueTensorType has-sizes-dtype pos 1 size: 2
// CHECK: ValueTensorType has-sizes-dtype pos 2 size: 3
// CHECK: ValueTensorType has-sizes-dtype dtype: f32
MlirType nullType = {NULL};
testTensor(ctx, 3, sizes, nullType, "has-sizes-no-dtype");
// CHECK: NonValueTensorType has-sizes-no-dtype hasSizes: 1
// CHECK: NonValueTensorType has-sizes-no-dtype hasDtype: 0
// CHECK: NonValueTensorType has-sizes-no-dtype rank: 3
// CHECK: NonValueTensorType has-sizes-no-dtype pos 0 size: 1
// CHECK: NonValueTensorType has-sizes-no-dtype pos 1 size: 2
// CHECK: NonValueTensorType has-sizes-no-dtype pos 2 size: 3
// CHECK: ValueTensorType has-sizes-no-dtype hasSizes: 1
// CHECK: ValueTensorType has-sizes-no-dtype hasDtype: 0
// CHECK: ValueTensorType has-sizes-no-dtype rank: 3
// CHECK: ValueTensorType has-sizes-no-dtype pos 0 size: 1
// CHECK: ValueTensorType has-sizes-no-dtype pos 1 size: 2
// CHECK: ValueTensorType has-sizes-no-dtype pos 2 size: 3
testTensor(ctx, -1, sizes, f32, "no-sizes-has-dtype");
// CHECK: NonValueTensorType no-sizes-has-dtype hasSizes: 0
// CHECK: NonValueTensorType no-sizes-has-dtype hasDtype: 1
// CHECK: NonValueTensorType no-sizes-has-dtype dtype: f32
// CHECK: ValueTensorType no-sizes-has-dtype hasSizes: 0
// CHECK: ValueTensorType no-sizes-has-dtype hasDtype: 1
// CHECK: ValueTensorType no-sizes-has-dtype dtype: f32
MlirType floatType = torchMlirTorchFloatTypeGet(ctx);
torchMlirTorchDictTypeGetChecked(ctx, f16, floatType);
// CHECK: error: invalid 'f16' for !torch.dict key type
torchMlirTorchDictTypeGetChecked(ctx, i8, floatType);
// CHECK: error: invalid 'i8' for !torch.dict key type
torchMlirTorchDictTypeGetChecked(ctx, floatType, f16);
// CHECK: error: invalid 'f16' for !torch.dict value type
torchMlirTorchDictTypeGetChecked(ctx, floatType, i8);
// CHECK: error: invalid 'i8' for !torch.dict value type
MlirType strType = torchMlirTorchStringTypeGet(ctx);
MlirType dictType1 = torchMlirTorchDictTypeGet(strType, floatType);
fprintf(stderr, "dict keyType: ");
mlirTypePrint(torchMlirTorchDictTypeGetKeyType(dictType1), printToStderr, NULL);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
// CHECK: dict keyType: !torch.str
fprintf(stderr, "dict valueType: ");
mlirTypePrint(torchMlirTorchDictTypeGetValueType(dictType1), printToStderr, NULL);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
// CHECK: dict valueType: !torch.float
MlirType dictType2 = torchMlirTorchDictTypeGet(floatType, strType);
fprintf(stderr, "dict keyType: ");
mlirTypePrint(torchMlirTorchDictTypeGetKeyType(dictType2), printToStderr, NULL);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
// CHECK: dict keyType: !torch.float
fprintf(stderr, "dict valueType: ");
mlirTypePrint(torchMlirTorchDictTypeGetValueType(dictType2), printToStderr, NULL);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
// CHECK: dict valueType: !torch.str
int main(void) {
MlirContext ctx = mlirContextCreate();