mirror of https://github.com/llvm/torch-mlir
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1016 lines
32 KiB
//===-------------------------------------------------------*- tablegen -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#ifndef TORCH_OPS
#define TORCH_OPS
include "npcomp/Dialect/Torch/IR/TorchTypes.td"
include "npcomp/Interfaces/Traits.td"
include "mlir/IR/OpAsmInterface.td"
include "mlir/IR/SymbolInterfaces.td"
include "mlir/Interfaces/CastInterfaces.td"
include "mlir/Interfaces/ControlFlowInterfaces.td"
include "mlir/Interfaces/InferTypeOpInterface.td"
include "mlir/Interfaces/SideEffectInterfaces.td"
class Torch_Op<string mnemonic, list<OpTrait> traits = []>
: Op<Torch_Dialect, mnemonic, traits> {
include "npcomp/Dialect/Torch/IR/GeneratedAtenOps.td"
include "npcomp/Dialect/Torch/IR/GeneratedPrimOps.td"
include "npcomp/Dialect/Torch/IR/GeneratedQuantizedOps.td"
// TorchScript `torch.nn.Module` object instantiation ops.
def Torch_NnModuleOp : Torch_Op<"nn_module", [
SingleBlockImplicitTerminator<"::mlir::NPCOMP::Torch::NnModuleTerminatorOp">]> {
let summary = "Constructs a torch.nn.Module";
let description = [{
This op is used to represent a torch.nn.Module when importing a
graph of Python objects.
This op returns a new torch.nn.Module as an SSA value, with a set of
declaratively specified properties.
%2 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "b", %bool_true : !torch.bool
torch.slot "i", %int3 : !torch.int
torch.slot "f", %float : !torch.float
torch.slot "t", %t : !torch.tensor
torch.slot "submodule", %1 : !torch.nn.Module
} : !torch.nn.Module<"my_class_name">
This op is tightly coupled to the `torch.class_type` op named in the
`!torch.nn.Module<"my_class_name">` type. Each slot must match precisely
with the corresponding `torch.attr` in the `torch.class_type`.
See the documentation for `torch.class_type` for information.
let arguments = (ins);
let results = (outs Torch_NnModuleType:$result);
let regions = (region SizedRegion<1>:$region);
let verifier = "return ::verify(*this);";
let assemblyFormat = "$region attr-dict `:` type($result)";
let extraClassDeclaration = [{
StringRef getClassName() { return getType().getClassName(); }
ClassTypeOp getClassType(::mlir::SymbolTable &symbolTable) {
return symbolTable.lookup<ClassTypeOp>(getClassName());
def Torch_NnModuleTerminatorOp : Torch_Op<"nn_module_terminator", [Terminator,
HasParent<"::mlir::NPCOMP::Torch::NnModuleOp">]> {
let summary = "Implicit terminator for torch.nn_module";
let arguments = (ins);
let results = (outs);
let assemblyFormat = "attr-dict";
def Torch_SlotOp : Torch_Op<"slot", [
HasParent<"::mlir::NPCOMP::Torch::NnModuleOp">]> {
let summary = "Define the value of a slot of a torch.nn.Module";
let description = [{
This op specifies that the initial value of the slot `name` of the
parent torch.nn_module should be `value`, which is allowed to be an
arbitrary Torch-compatible SSA value, including other !torch.nn.Module's.
let arguments = (ins StrAttr:$name, AnyTorchType:$value);
let results = (outs);
let assemblyFormat = [{
$name `,` $value attr-dict `:` type($value)
// Modeling of TorchScript class types
def Torch_ClassTypeOp : Torch_Op<"class_type", [
SingleBlockImplicitTerminator<"::mlir::NPCOMP::Torch::ClassTypeTerminatorOp">]> {
let summary = "Constructs a torch.ClassType";
let description = [{
Declares a class type. Class types are the types used to describe
TorchScript `torch.nn.Module`'s. The terminology "class type" is for
consistency with TorchScript (a better name in our context might be
"nn module subtype"). The `syn_name` of this op is the same string
as in the `!torch.nn.Module<"...">` type.
// A simple empty torch.class_type, with corresponding torch.nn_module.
torch.class_type @empty {}
%submodule = torch.nn_module {} : !torch.nn.Module<"empty">
// A class type with many members.
torch.class_type @test {
torch.attr "b" : !torch.bool
torch.attr "i" : !torch.int
torch.attr "f" : !torch.float
torch.attr "t" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr "submodule" : !torch.nn.Module<"empty">
torch.method "method", @f
torch.nn_module {
// These must match the order and names in the `torch.class_type`.
torch.slot "b", %bool_true : !torch.bool
torch.slot "i", %int3 : !torch.int
torch.slot "f", %float : !torch.float
torch.slot "t", %t : !torch.tensor
torch.slot "submodule", %submodule : !torch.nn.Module<"empty">
} : !torch.nn.Module<"test">
let arguments = (ins SymbolNameAttr:$sym_name);
let results = (outs);
let regions = (region SizedRegion<1>:$region);
let verifier = "return ::verify(*this);";
let assemblyFormat = "$sym_name $region attr-dict";
def Torch_ClassTypeTerminatorOp : Torch_Op<"class_type_terminator", [Terminator,
HasParent<"::mlir::NPCOMP::Torch::ClassTypeOp">]> {
let summary = "Implicit terminator for torch.class_type";
let arguments = (ins);
let results = (outs);
let assemblyFormat = "attr-dict";
def Torch_MethodOp : Torch_Op<"method", [
]> {
let summary = "Declare a method of a torch.class_type";
let description = [{
This op declaratively specifies that the parent torch.class_type has a
method `name` which calls `function`. `function` is an unbound function.
That is, it explicitly takes the torch.nn.Module as a parameter (no implicit
"self" object).
If `private` is present, it indicates that external calls cannot be made
to this method.
// We don't use sym_visibility because that only applies to Symbol's, and
// some of the related concepts like "nested" visibility are specific to
// symbols.
let arguments = (ins
// `private` is a C++ keyword, so use `isPrivate`.
let results = (outs);
let assemblyFormat = [{
(`private` $isPrivate^)? $name `,` $function attr-dict
def Torch_AttrOp : Torch_Op<"attr", [
]> {
let summary = "Declare an attribute of a torch.class_type";
let description = [{
This op declaratively specifies that torch.nn.Module's of the parent
torch.class_type must have an attribute `name` of type `type`.
If `private` is present, it indicates that the value of this attribute
cannot be accessed externally.
// We don't use sym_visibility because that only applies to Symbol's, and
// some of the related concepts like "nested" visibility are specific to
// symbols.
let arguments = (ins
// `private` is a C++ keyword, so use `isPrivate`
let results = (outs);
let assemblyFormat = [{
(`private` $isPrivate^)? $name `:` $type attr-dict
// Global slot ops
// TODO: Should these be in a separate dialect?
// At this point, they are fairly specific to torch types, but their get/set
// semantics follow Python.
def Torch_GlobalSlotOp : Torch_Op<"global_slot", [
]> {
let summary = "A slot with global storage";
let description = [{
Represents a slot with global storage. The slot semantics are the same
as Python's: getting or setting a slot is done by object identity.
The `typeBound` is a type that the contained type is a subtype of.
let arguments = (ins
let results = (outs);
let regions = (region SizedRegion<1>:$initializer);
let assemblyFormat = [{
($sym_visibility^)? $sym_name attr-dict `:` $typeBound ($initializer^)?
def Torch_GlobalSlotInitOp : Torch_Op<"global_slot.init", [
HasParent<"::mlir::NPCOMP::Torch::GlobalSlotOp">]> {
let summary = "yield-like terminator for torch.global_slot initializer region";
let description = [{
The operand to this op becomes the initial value of the parent
let arguments = (ins AnyTorchType:$initialValue);
let results = (outs);
// This bulider creates an illegal op, but is needed to appease
// ensureTerminator in the default builders for SingleBlockImplicitTerminator
// on the parent torch.global_slot op.
// TODO: Have a SingleBlockExplicitTerminator trait.
let builders = [OpBuilder<(ins), [{ /*nothing to do */ }]>];
let assemblyFormat = "$initialValue attr-dict `:` type($initialValue)";
def Torch_GlobalSlotGetOp : Torch_Op<"global_slot.get", []> {
let summary = "Get the value stored in a torch.global_slot";
let arguments = (ins
let results = (outs AnyTorchType:$result);
let assemblyFormat = [{
$slot attr-dict `:` type($result)
def Torch_GlobalSlotSetOp : Torch_Op<"global_slot.set", []> {
let summary = "Set the value stored in a torch.global_slot";
let arguments = (ins
let results = (outs);
let assemblyFormat = [{
$slot `=` $value attr-dict `:` type($value)
// TorchScript interpreter builtin ops.
// These don't correspond to a `torch::jit::Operator`, so they don't appear
// in the registry and cannot be autogenerated.
// Most of these correspond 1:1 to interpreter opcodes, though some
// (like control flow being lowered to raw branches) are not directly mapped.
// See `torch/csrc/jit/runtime/instruction.h`.
def Torch_PrimListUnpackOp: Torch_Op<"prim.ListUnpack",
[AllowsTypeRefinement]> {
let summary = "TorchScript prim::ListUnpack op";
let arguments = (ins AnyTorchType:$operand);
let results = (outs Variadic<AnyTorchType>:$results);
let assemblyFormat = [{
$operand attr-dict `:` type($operand) `->` type($results)
def Torch_PrimTupleConstructOp: Torch_Op<"prim.TupleConstruct", [
TypesMatchWith<"contained types correspond to operand types",
"elements", "result", "Torch::TupleType::get($_ctxt, llvm::to_vector<6>($_self))">
]> {
let summary = "TorchScript prim::TupleConstruct op";
let description = [{
Note: This op does not allow trivial type refinement, because the
operand types and the result types must be in correspondence.
let arguments = (ins
let results = (outs
let assemblyFormat = [{
$elements attr-dict `:` type($elements)
def Torch_PrimListConstructOp: Torch_Op<"prim.ListConstruct", [
]> {
let summary = "TorchScript prim::ListConstruct op";
let arguments = (ins
let results = (outs
let verifier = "return ::verify(*this);";
let assemblyFormat = [{
$elements attr-dict `:` functional-type(operands, results)
def Torch_PrimGetAttrOp : Torch_Op<"prim.GetAttr", []> {
let summary = "TorchScript prim::GetAttr op";
let arguments = (ins StrAttr:$name, Torch_NnModuleType:$receiver);
let results = (outs AnyTorchType:$result);
let assemblyFormat = [{
$receiver `[` $name `]` attr-dict `:` type($receiver) `->` type($result)
def Torch_PrimSetAttrOp : Torch_Op<"prim.SetAttr", []> {
let summary = "TorchScript prim::SetAttr op";
let arguments = (ins
let results = (outs);
let assemblyFormat = [{
$receiver `[` $name `]` `=` $value attr-dict `:` type($receiver) `,` type($value)
def Torch_PrimCallMethodOp : Torch_Op<"prim.CallMethod", []> {
let summary = "TorchScript prim::CallMethod op";
let arguments = (ins
let results = (outs AnyTorchType:$result);
let assemblyFormat = [{
$receiver `[` $name `]` `(` $operands `)` attr-dict `:` type($receiver) `,` functional-type($operands, $result)
def Torch_PrimLoopOp : Torch_Op<"prim.Loop", [
DeclareOpInterfaceMethods<RegionBranchOpInterface, ["getSuccessorEntryOperands"]>]> {
let summary = "TorchScript prim::Loop op";
let description = [{
This op (together with prim.Loop.condition) define a looping construct
that combines `for` and `while` behavior.
See: https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/master/torch/csrc/jit/OVERVIEW.md#loops
let arguments = (ins
let results = (outs Variadic<AnyTorchType>:$results);
let regions = (region SizedRegion<1>:$region);
let assemblyFormat = [{
$maxTripCount `,` $initialCondition `,` `init` `(` $iterArgsInit `)` $region
attr-dict `:` functional-type(operands, results)
let verifier = [{ return RegionBranchOpInterface::verifyTypes(*this); }];
def Torch_PrimLoopConditionOp : Torch_Op<"prim.Loop.condition", [
HasParent<"::mlir::NPCOMP::Torch::PrimLoopOp">]> {
let summary = "yield-like terminator for torch.prim.Loop";
let description = [{
Does not correspond to any torch prim op directly (the way that they model
blocks has a built-in notion of yield-like terminator).
let arguments = (ins
let results = (outs);
let assemblyFormat = [{
$shouldContinue `,`
`iter` `(` ($iterArgs^ `:` type($iterArgs))? `)` attr-dict
def Torch_PrimIfOp : Torch_Op<"prim.If", [
DeclareOpInterfaceMethods<RegionBranchOpInterface>]> {
let summary = "TorchScript prim::If op";
let description = [{
This op (together with prim.If.yield) define a conditional control flow
construct. It is analogous to `scf.if` for MLIR folks that are familiar
with that. The main differences from that op are:
- `!torch.bool` condition value.
- The "else" region is always present. This is reflective of invariants of
the TorchScript IR.
- No special prettiness for the "no yielded values" case. These are
interesting for modeling mostly-non-SSA programs, but TorchScript IR
is already in SSA form.
See: https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/master/torch/csrc/jit/OVERVIEW.md#if
let arguments = (ins Torch_BoolType:$condition);
let results = (outs Variadic<AnyTorchType>:$results);
let regions = (region SizedRegion<1>:$thenRegion, SizedRegion<1>:$elseRegion);
let printer = [{ return ::print(p, *this); }];
let parser = [{ return ::parsePrimIfOp(parser, result); }];
let verifier = [{ return RegionBranchOpInterface::verifyTypes(*this); }];
let hasCanonicalizer = 1;
def Torch_PrimIfYieldOp : Torch_Op<"prim.If.yield", [
HasParent<"::mlir::NPCOMP::Torch::PrimIfOp">]> {
let summary = "yield-like terminator for torch.prim.If";
let description = [{
Does not correspond to any torch prim op directly (the way that they model
blocks has a built-in notion of yield-like terminator).
let arguments = (ins
let results = (outs);
let assemblyFormat = [{
attr-dict ($results^ `:` type($results))?
// Ops corresponding to prim::Constant
def Torch_ConstantNoneOp : Torch_Op<"constant.none",
[ConstantLike, NoSideEffect, DeclareOpInterfaceMethods<OpAsmOpInterface>]> {
let summary = "Get the singleton None value.";
let description = [{
Not to be confused with the `mlir::NoneType`. Be careful to use
`Torch::NoneType` to avoid namespace ambiguity.
let arguments = (ins);
let results = (outs Torch_NoneType:$result);
let assemblyFormat = "attr-dict";
let hasFolder = 1;
def Torch_ConstantStrOp : Torch_Op<"constant.str",
[ConstantLike, NoSideEffect, DeclareOpInterfaceMethods<OpAsmOpInterface>]> {
let summary = "Materialize a constant str value.";
let description = [{
Note: Strings in Python (and TorchScript) are immutable.
let arguments = (ins
let results = (outs
let assemblyFormat = "$value attr-dict";
let hasFolder = 1;
def Torch_ConstantIntOp : Torch_Op<"constant.int",
[ConstantLike, NoSideEffect, DeclareOpInterfaceMethods<OpAsmOpInterface>]> {
let summary = "Materialize a constant `int` value.";
let description = [{
Note: TorchScript represents integers as 64-bit signed values, unlike
Python where they are arbitrary precision.
let arguments = (ins
let results = (outs
let printer = [{ return ::print(p, *this); }];
let parser = [{ return ::parseConstantIntOp(parser, result); }];
let hasFolder = 1;
def Torch_ConstantFloatOp : Torch_Op<"constant.float",
[ConstantLike, NoSideEffect, DeclareOpInterfaceMethods<OpAsmOpInterface>]> {
let summary = "Materialize a constant `float` value.";
let description = [{
Note: TorchScript represents `float` as 64-bit floating point values.
TODO: Add a `!torch.float` type.
let arguments = (ins
let results = (outs
let assemblyFormat = "$value attr-dict";
let hasFolder = 1;
def Torch_ConstantBoolOp : Torch_Op<"constant.bool",
[ConstantLike, NoSideEffect, DeclareOpInterfaceMethods<OpAsmOpInterface>]> {
let summary = "Materialize a constant `bool` value.";
let description = [{
let arguments = (ins
let results = (outs
let assemblyFormat = "$value attr-dict";
let hasFolder = 1;
// Conversions to builtin types.
def Torch_ToBuiltinTensorOp : Torch_Op<"to_builtin_tensor", [
]> {
let summary = "Convert a `!torch.vtensor` to a `tensor`";
let description = [{
This op only operates on ValueTensorType, to avoid conflating conversions
between value-semantic and non-value-semantic types.
let arguments = (ins
let results = (outs
let assemblyFormat = [{
$operand attr-dict `:` type($operand) `->` type($result)
def Torch_FromBuiltinTensorOp : Torch_Op<"from_builtin_tensor", [
]> {
let summary = "Convert a `tensor` to a `!torch.vtensor`";
let description = [{
This op only operates on ValueTensorType, to avoid conflating conversions
between value-semantic and non-value-semantic types.
let arguments = (ins
let results = (outs
let assemblyFormat = [{
$operand attr-dict `:` type($operand) `->` type($result)
def Torch_ToI1Op : Torch_Op<"to_i1", [
]> {
let summary = "Convert a `!torch.bool` to an `i1`";
let description = [{
This op is primarily useful as a materialization during dialect conversion.
let arguments = (ins
let results = (outs
let assemblyFormat = [{
$operand attr-dict
def Torch_FromI1Op : Torch_Op<"from_i1", [
]> {
let summary = "Convert an `i1` to a `!torch.bool`";
let description = [{
This op is primarily useful as a materialization during dialect conversion.
let arguments = (ins
let results = (outs
let assemblyFormat = [{
$operand attr-dict
def Torch_ToI64Op : Torch_Op<"to_i64", [
]> {
let summary = "Convert a `!torch.int` to an `i64`";
let description = [{
This op is primarily useful as a materialization during dialect conversion.
let arguments = (ins
let results = (outs
let assemblyFormat = [{
$operand attr-dict
def Torch_FromI64Op : Torch_Op<"from_i64", [
]> {
let summary = "Convert an `i64` to a `!torch.int`";
let description = [{
This op is primarily useful as a materialization during dialect conversion.
let arguments = (ins
let results = (outs
let assemblyFormat = [{
$operand attr-dict
def Torch_ToF64Op : Torch_Op<"to_f64", [
]> {
let summary = "Convert a `!torch.float` to an `f64`";
let description = [{
This op is primarily useful as a materialization during dialect conversion.
let arguments = (ins
let results = (outs
let assemblyFormat = [{
$operand attr-dict
def Torch_FromF64Op : Torch_Op<"from_f64", [
]> {
let summary = "Convert an `f64` to a `!torch.float`";
let description = [{
This op is primarily useful as a materialization during dialect conversion.
let arguments = (ins
let results = (outs
let assemblyFormat = [{
$operand attr-dict
// Additional ops used to model TorchScript's Graph's / Node's.
def Torch_DerefineOp : Torch_Op<"derefine", [
]> {
let summary = "De-refine a type";
let description = [{
In terms of IR structure, TorchScript allows types to vary in many
circumstances where MLIR requires pointer-identical types. In particular,
it is valid to pass any subtype in place of a type. For example, if an
`Optional[int]` is required somewhere in the IR, it is legal to pass a
value of just `int` (but not the other way around; see
`torch.prim.unchecked_cast`). In effect, every *use* can have a different
This op bridges that impedance mismatch. This op allows casting a value
from one type to a type that it is a subtype of to model this behavior.
This op uses the TorchScript notion of subtype, which matches the
Python notion of subtype presented in PEP 483.
let arguments = (ins AnyTorchType:$operand);
let results = (outs AnyTorchType:$result);
let assemblyFormat = [{
$operand attr-dict `:` type($operand) `to` type($result)
let hasCanonicalizer = 1;
def Torch_OperatorOp : Torch_Op<"operator", [
]> {
let summary = "Opaque torch operator";
let description = [{
Represents an invocation of a `torch::jit::Operator` for which we don't
have a registered MLIR operation.
The `name` attribute contains the name that the MLIR op would have
(excluding `torch.`) if we did have it registered, which allows easy
cross referencing with `JITOperatorRegistryDump.txt`.
let arguments = (ins StrAttr:$name, Variadic<AnyTorchType>:$operands);
let results = (outs Variadic<AnyTorchType>:$results);
let assemblyFormat = [{
$name `(` $operands `)` attr-dict `:` functional-type($operands, $results)
def Torch_LinearParamsCreateOp : Torch_Op<"linear_params.create", [
]> {
let summary = "Create a `!torch.LinearParams`";
let arguments = (ins
let results = (outs Torch_LinearParamsType:$result);
let assemblyFormat = [{
$weight (`,` $bias^)? attr-dict `:` type($weight) (`,` type($bias)^)?
def Torch_PerTensorAffineCreateOp : Torch_Op<"per_tensor_affine.create", [
]> {
let summary = "Create a per-tensor-affine quantized tensor";
let description = [{
Create a quantized tensor.
Quantization formula is:
Q(x, scale, zero_point) = round(x/scale + zero_point)
let arguments = (ins
// TODO: Limit to quantized dtypes (e.g. !torch.qint8).
let results = (outs AnyTorchTensorType:$result);
let assemblyFormat = [{
$int_repr `,` $scale `,` $offset attr-dict
`:` type($int_repr) `,` type($scale) `,` type($offset) `->` type($result)
def Torch_NonValueTensorLiteralOp : Torch_Op<"tensor.literal", [
DeclareOpInterfaceMethods<InferTypeOpInterface, ["isCompatibleReturnTypes"]>,
]> {
let summary = "Create a value of !torch.tensor type from a literal";
let description = [{
%0 = torch.tensor.literal(dense<0.0> : tensor<3x5xf32>) : !torch.tensor
%1 = torch.tensor.literal(dense<0.0> : tensor<3xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[3],f32>
This op covers a typical frontend use case of creating a type-erased
`!torch.tensor`. Inside the compiler, we decompose it into
`torch.vtensor.literal` which is easier to analyze and transform.
Note: This op is not called "constant" because the created tensor is not
"constant" in any meaning of that word.
let arguments = (ins ElementsAttr:$value);
let results = (outs Torch_NonValueTensorType:$result);
let assemblyFormat = [{
`(` $value `)` attr-dict `:` type($result)
let extraClassDeclaration = [{
// InferTypeOpInterface:
static bool isCompatibleReturnTypes(TypeRange inferred, TypeRange actual);
def Torch_ValueTensorLiteralOp : Torch_Op<"vtensor.literal", [
]> {
let summary = "Create a value of !torch.vtensor type from a literal";
let description = [{
%0 = torch.vtensor.literal(dense<0.0> : tensor<3x5xf32>) : !torch.vtensor<[3,5],f32>
%1 = torch.vtensor.literal(dense<0.0> : tensor<3xf32>) : !torch.vtensor<[3],f32>
Unlike `torch.tensor.literal`, which covers a typical frontend use case
and allows type refinement, this op always has a maximally resolved type
(which is always possible, because it is created from a literal). This
has a stronger set of invariants that better fit the needs of the
compiler internals.
let arguments = (ins ElementsAttr:$value);
let results = (outs Torch_ValueTensorType:$result);
let assemblyFormat = [{
`(` $value `)` attr-dict `:` type($result)
let hasFolder = 1;
def Torch_TensorStaticInfoCastOp : Torch_Op<"tensor_static_info_cast", [
NoSideEffect]> {
let summary = "Adds/removes static information from a tensor type.";
let description = [{
This op does not imply any runtime code. Semantically it is an identity
function. However, it statically annotates (or erases) shape and dtype
information from a tensor type.
This op *cannot* be used to add/remove value semantics from a tensor.
For converting between the value-semantic and non-value-semantic domains,
use `torch.copy.to_tensor` and `torch.copy.from_tensor`. This op is kept
separate to prevent canonicalizations from accidentally dropping static
information. In most cases, after running the `torch-refine-types` pass,
this op becomes a no-op (the pass will incorporate the static information
into other ops that allow type refinement).
let arguments = (ins
let results = (outs
let assemblyFormat = [{
$operand attr-dict `:` type($operand) `to` type($result)
def Torch_CopyToNonValueTensorOp : Torch_Op<"copy.to_tensor", [
TypesMatchWith<"operand is corresponding !torch.vtensor",
"result", "operand",
]> {
let summary = "Create a !torch.tensor with the same contents as the operand";
let description = [{
This op is used to convert from !torch.vtensor to !torch.tensor.
It does so by allocating a new !torch.tensor and filling it with
the contents of the operand.
However, this op *does not* allow adding/removing static information about
sizes/dtype. For that, use `torch.tensor_static_info_cast`.
This op does not have the AllowsTypeRefinement trait because the operand
and result types are coupled. Only places that know how to simultaneously
update both types should be changing the type of this op.
let arguments = (ins
let results = (outs
let assemblyFormat = [{
$operand attr-dict `:` type($result)
let verifier = "return ::verify(*this);";
def Torch_CopyToValueTensorOp : Torch_Op<"copy.to_vtensor", [
TypesMatchWith<"operand is corresponding !torch.tensor",
"result", "operand",
]> {
let summary = "Create a !torch.vtensor with the same contents as the operand";
let description = [{
This op is used to convert from !torch.tensor to !torch.vtensor.
However, this op *does not* allow adding/removing static information about
sizes/dtype. For that, use `torch.tensor_static_info_cast`.
This op does not have the AllowsTypeRefinement trait because the operand
and result types are coupled. Only places that know how to simultaneously
update both types should be changing the type of this op.
let arguments = (ins
let results = (outs
let assemblyFormat = [{
$operand attr-dict `:` type($result)
let verifier = "return ::verify(*this);";
def Torch_OverwriteTensorOp : Torch_Op<"overwrite.tensor", [
]> {
let summary = "Ovewrite the contents of tensor with values from another.";
let description = [{
Replaces the contents of `overwritten` with corresponding values from
Immediately after this op has completed, indexing `overwritten` will result
in identical values as indexing into `value`. Of course, later ops
might mutate `overwritten`, so this relationship need not hold for the
entire program.
This op has undefined behavior if the two tensors have different
shapes or dtypes.
let arguments = (ins
let results = (outs
let assemblyFormat = [{
$value `overwrites` $overwritten attr-dict
`:` type($value) `,` type($overwritten)
#endif // TORCH_OPS