
328 lines
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// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "../PassDetail.h"
#include "npcomp/E2E/E2E.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Linalg/IR/LinalgOps.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Linalg/IR/LinalgTypes.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/SCF/SCF.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Shape/IR/Shape.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/StandardOps/IR/Ops.h"
#include "mlir/Pass/Pass.h"
#include "mlir/Pass/PassRegistry.h"
#include "mlir/Transforms/DialectConversion.h"
#include "mlir/Transforms/InliningUtils.h"
#include "npcomp/Conversion/TCFToTCP/TCFToTCP.h"
#include "npcomp/Conversion/TCPToLinalg/TCPToLinalg.h"
#include "npcomp/Dialect/TCP/IR/TCPDialect.h"
#include "npcomp/Dialect/TCP/IR/TCPOps.h"
using namespace mlir;
using namespace mlir::NPCOMP;
static Value allocMemRefForTensor(OpBuilder &builder, Value tensor, Value shape,
Location loc) {
auto tensorType = tensor.getType().cast<RankedTensorType>();
auto memrefType =
MemRefType::get(tensorType.getShape(), tensorType.getElementType());
return builder.create<tcp::AllocMemRefOp>(loc, memrefType, shape);
namespace {
// TODO: Lower to a "buffer version" of tcp::BroadcastTo instead of directly to
// loops.
class LowerBroadcastToToLoopsPattern
: public OpConversionPattern<tcp::BroadcastToOp> {
using OpConversionPattern::OpConversionPattern;
matchAndRewrite(tcp::BroadcastToOp op, ArrayRef<Value> operands,
ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
auto resultType = op.getType().cast<RankedTensorType>();
auto inputType = op.operand().getType().cast<RankedTensorType>();
auto shapedResults = dyn_cast<tcp::ShapedResultsOp>(op.getParentOp());
if (!shapedResults)
return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(op, "parent not tcp.shaped_results");
if (op.getOperation()->getResults() !=
return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(
op, "only limited forms of tcp.shaped_results allowed");
auto resultShape = shapedResults.resultShapes()[0];
Value resultMemref =
allocMemRefForTensor(rewriter, op.result(), resultShape, op.getLoc());
Value inputMemref = operands[0];
SmallVector<Value, 6> outputExtents;
for (int i = 0, e = resultType.getRank(); i < e; i++) {
Value dimIndex = rewriter.create<ConstantIndexOp>(op.getLoc(), i);
Value outputExtent = rewriter.create<shape::GetExtentOp>(
op.getLoc(), rewriter.getIndexType(), resultShape, dimIndex);
int rankDiff = resultType.getRank() - inputType.getRank();
SmallVector<Value, 6> inputDimRequiresBroadcasting;
for (int i = 0, e = inputType.getRank(); i < e; i++) {
// Calculate the relevant extents.
Value inputExtent = rewriter.create<DimOp>(op.getLoc(), op.operand(), i);
rewriter.create<CmpIOp>(op.getLoc(), CmpIPredicate::ne, inputExtent,
outputExtents[rankDiff + i]));
OpBuilder::InsertionGuard guard(rewriter);
Value c0 = rewriter.create<ConstantIndexOp>(op.getLoc(), 0);
Value c1 = rewriter.create<ConstantIndexOp>(op.getLoc(), 1);
SmallVector<Value, 6> inductionVariables;
// Create the (perfectly nested) loops.
// Loop invariant: At the start of iteration `i`, the rewriter insertion
// point is inside `i` nested loops.
for (int i = 0, e = resultType.getRank(); i < e; i++) {
auto loop = rewriter.create<scf::ForOp>(
op.getLoc(), c0, outputExtents[i], c1, ValueRange({}));
Block *body = loop.getBody();
// Leave the insertion point at the beginning of the body.
// Create the inner loop body.
// When reading from the input, clamp any indices for dimensions that are
// being broadcast.
SmallVector<Value, 6> inputIndices;
for (int i = 0, e = inputType.getRank(); i < e; i++) {
auto c0 = rewriter.create<ConstantIndexOp>(op.getLoc(), 0);
auto select = rewriter.create<SelectOp>(
op.getLoc(), inputDimRequiresBroadcasting[i], c0,
inductionVariables[rankDiff + i]);
Value load =
rewriter.create<LoadOp>(op.getLoc(), inputMemref, inputIndices);
rewriter.create<StoreOp>(op.getLoc(), load, resultMemref,
rewriter.replaceOp(op, resultMemref);
return success();
} // namespace
namespace {
class LowerLinalgGenericTensorToMemRef
: public OpConversionPattern<linalg::GenericOp> {
using OpConversionPattern::OpConversionPattern;
matchAndRewrite(linalg::GenericOp op, ArrayRef<Value> operands,
ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
// TODO: Replace this with more generic code operating on named
// structured ops too.
// These checks mirror those in BypassShapes.
if (!llvm::all_of(op.getOperandTypes(),
[](Type type) { return type.isa<RankedTensorType>(); })) {
return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(op, "all operands must be tensors");
if (!llvm::all_of(op.getResultTypes(),
[](Type type) { return type.isa<RankedTensorType>(); })) {
return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(op, "all results must be tensors");
if (!llvm::all_of(op.indexing_maps(), [](Attribute map) {
return map.cast<AffineMapAttr>().getValue().isIdentity();
})) {
return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(
op, "all indexing maps must be identity maps");
if (!llvm::all_of(op.iterator_types(), [](Attribute str) {
return str.cast<StringAttr>().getValue() ==
})) {
return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(
op, "all iterator types must be 'parallel'");
SmallVector<Value, 6> memrefs(operands.begin(), operands.end());
SmallVector<Value, 6> resultMemrefs;
SmallVector<Value, 6> operandShapes;
auto shapedResults = dyn_cast<tcp::ShapedResultsOp>(op.getParentOp());
if (!shapedResults)
return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(op, "parent not tcp.shaped_results");
// TODO: What if there are multiple ops in the tcp.shaped_results region?
// The IREE solution is "they have to be fused and create no allocations
// ultimately". The non-IREE solution is to just not bypass shapes in the
// first place.
if (op.getResults() !=
return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(
op, "only limited forms of tcp.shaped_results allowed");
for (auto t : llvm::zip(op.getResults(), shapedResults.resultShapes())) {
auto tensor = std::get<0>(t);
auto shape = std::get<1>(t);
auto memref = allocMemRefForTensor(rewriter, tensor, shape, op.getLoc());
auto newGeneric = rewriter.create<linalg::GenericOp>(
op.getLoc(), llvm::None, ValueRange(memrefs), op.getAttrs());
BlockAndValueMapping mapper;
op.region().cloneInto(&newGeneric.region(), mapper);
for (auto memref : resultMemrefs) {
rewriter.replaceOp(op, resultMemrefs);
return success();
} // namespace
namespace {
// TODO: Linalg and shape don't implement the inliner interface, which blocks us
// from using mlir::inlineRegion. Locally override it here.
class LocallyOverrideLegalityInlinerInterface : public InlinerInterface {
using InlinerInterface::InlinerInterface;
bool isLegalToInline(Operation *op, Region *dest,
BlockAndValueMapping &valueMapping) const final {
return true;
bool isLegalToInline(Region *dest, Region *src,
BlockAndValueMapping &valueMapping) const final {
return true;
} // namespace
namespace {
// This pass is responsible for lowering regions wrapped by
// tcp.shaped_results (which operate on tensors) to memrefs.
// This includes any ops potentially contained within them.
// This is somewhat analogous to IREE's backend compilation of a single dispatch
// region, except that for now, we only allow a single op in the
// tcp.shaped_results, and we don't have any notion of "backend" layered at all.
// Nor is it clear if we really want any of that here.
// The tcp.shaped_results ops provide precisely the information needed to
// allocate output buffers when converting to memref.
// For now, this process eliminates the original tcp.shaped_results op since we
// don't have any host/device distinction or other structure that would require
// retaining that sort of IR structure.
// TODO: Do "shape_of" resolution while still on tensors.
// Here we spew out tons of shape_of and rely on dim ops on descriptors to make
// it work. The key difference is that we need tcp.shaped_results (or its
// successor / something it gets lowered to) to not be IsolatedFromAbove, and
// explicitly capture all input tensors along with their shapes. That allows
// shape_of ops on inputs to be trivially resolved. Unfortunately, this opens up
// the whole "dispatch region formation" can of worms like exists in IREE --
// once you have multiple ops inside a "dispatch region", you need to somehow
// lower them without allocating intermediate buffers.
// TODO: Don't hardcode the lowering for every op in this one pass.
class LowerShapedResultsToMemref
: public LowerShapedResultsToMemrefBase<LowerShapedResultsToMemref> {
void runOnOperation() {
auto func = getOperation();
auto *context = &getContext();
TypeConverter typeConverter;
typeConverter.addConversion([](Type type) { return type; });
typeConverter.addConversion([](RankedTensorType type) -> Type {
return MemRefType::get(type.getShape(), type.getElementType());
typeConverter.addSourceMaterialization([](OpBuilder &builder,
RankedTensorType type,
ValueRange inputs, Location loc) {
assert(inputs.size() == 1);
return (Value)builder.create<tcp::MemrefToTensorOp>(loc, type, inputs[0]);
typeConverter.addTargetMaterialization([](OpBuilder &builder,
MemRefType type,
ValueRange inputs, Location loc) {
assert(inputs.size() == 1);
return (Value)builder.create<tcp::TensorToMemrefOp>(loc, type, inputs[0]);
OwningRewritePatternList patterns;
ConversionTarget target(*context);
// The shaped results ops themselves. They have to be legal since we delete
// them later after the conversion process.
// All lowering to buffers involves tcp.alloc_memref ops.
// The casting ops are introduced by the type converter, so we should mark
// them legal.
patterns.insert<LowerLinalgGenericTensorToMemRef>(typeConverter, context);
target.addDynamicallyLegalOp<linalg::GenericOp>([](linalg::GenericOp op) {
if (llvm::any_of(op.getOperandTypes(), [](Type type) {
return type.isa<RankedTensorType>();
})) {
return false;
if (llvm::any_of(op.getResultTypes(), [](Type type) {
return type.isa<RankedTensorType>();
})) {
return false;
return true;
patterns.insert<LowerBroadcastToToLoopsPattern>(typeConverter, context);
SmallVector<Operation *, 6> shapedResultsOps;
func.walk([&](tcp::ShapedResultsOp op) { shapedResultsOps.push_back(op); });
if (failed(applyFullConversion(shapedResultsOps, target, patterns)))
return signalPassFailure();
// Now inline the tcp.shaped_results ops.
// This can't be done as part of the conversion since conversion visits
// ops in preorder, and we need the tcp.shaped_results ops to be present
// so that inner ops can get their shape.
LocallyOverrideLegalityInlinerInterface interface(context);
for (Operation *shapedResultsOp : shapedResultsOps) {
auto op = cast<tcp::ShapedResultsOp>(shapedResultsOp);
if (failed(inlineRegion(interface, &op.body(), op, ValueRange({}),
op.getResults(), /*inlineLoc=*/llvm::None,
/*shouldCloneInlinedRegion=*/false))) {
op.emitError() << "could not inline body";
return signalPassFailure();
} // namespace
mlir::NPCOMP::createLowerShapedResultsToMemrefPass() {
return std::make_unique<LowerShapedResultsToMemref>();