
202 lines
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//===- MlirIr.h - MLIR IR Bindings ----------------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "PybindUtils.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Block.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Builders.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Identifier.h"
#include "mlir/IR/MLIRContext.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Module.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Operation.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Region.h"
#include "mlir/IR/SymbolTable.h"
namespace mlir {
struct PyContext;
// Utility types
template <typename ListTy, typename ItemWrapperTy> class PyIpListWrapper {
using ThisTy = PyIpListWrapper<ListTy, ItemWrapperTy>;
static void bind(py::module m, const char *className);
PyIpListWrapper(ListTy &list) : list(list) {}
ListTy &list;
// Wrapper types
/// Wrapper around an Operation*.
struct PyBaseOperation {
virtual ~PyBaseOperation();
static void bind(py::module m);
virtual Operation *getOperation() = 0;
/// Wrapper around Module, capturing a PyContext reference.
struct PyModuleOp : PyBaseOperation {
PyModuleOp(std::shared_ptr<PyContext> context, ModuleOp moduleOp)
: context(context), moduleOp(moduleOp) {
static void bind(py::module m);
Operation *getOperation() override;
std::string toAsm(bool enableDebugInfo, bool prettyForm,
int64_t largeElementLimit);
std::shared_ptr<PyContext> context;
ModuleOp moduleOp;
/// Wrapper around an Operation*.
struct PyOperationRef : PyBaseOperation {
PyOperationRef(Operation *operation) : operation(operation) {
PyOperationRef(Operation &operation) : operation(&operation) {}
static void bind(py::module m);
Operation *getOperation() override;
Operation *operation;
/// Wrapper around SymbolTable.
struct PySymbolTable {
PySymbolTable(SymbolTable &symbolTable) : symbolTable(symbolTable) {}
static void bind(py::module m);
SymbolTable &symbolTable;
/// Wrapper around Value.
struct PyValue {
PyValue(Value value) : value(value) { assert(value); }
static void bind(py::module m);
operator Value() { return value; }
Value value;
/// Wrapper around Identifier.
struct PyIdentifier {
PyIdentifier(Identifier identifier) : identifier(identifier) {}
static void bind(py::module m);
Identifier identifier;
/// Wrapper around Attribute.
struct PyAttribute {
PyAttribute(Attribute attr) : attr(attr) { assert(attr); }
static void bind(py::module m);
Attribute attr;
/// Wrapper around MLIRContext.
struct PyContext : std::enable_shared_from_this<PyContext> {
static void bind(py::module m);
PyModuleOp parseAsm(const std::string &asm_text);
MLIRContext context;
/// Wrapper around a Block&.
struct PyBlockRef {
PyBlockRef(Block &block) : block(block) {}
static void bind(py::module m);
Block &block;
/// Wrapper around a Region&.
struct PyRegionRef {
PyRegionRef(Region &region) : region(region) {}
static void bind(py::module m);
Region &region;
struct PyType {
PyType() = default;
PyType(Type type) : type(type) {}
static void bind(py::module m);
operator Type() { return type; }
Type type;
/// Wrapper around an OpBuilder reference.
/// This class is inherently dangerous because it does not track ownership
/// of IR objects that it may be operating on and incorrect usage can cause
/// memory access errors, just as it can in C++. It is intended for use by
/// higher level constructs that are specifically coded to satisfy object
/// lifetime needs.
class PyBaseOpBuilder {
virtual ~PyBaseOpBuilder();
static void bind(py::module m);
virtual OpBuilder &getBuilder(bool requirePosition = false) = 0;
MLIRContext *getContext() { return getBuilder(false).getContext(); }
// For convenience, we track the current location at the builder level
// to avoid lots of parameter passing.
void setCurrentLoc(Location loc) { currentLoc = loc; }
Location getCurrentLoc() {
if (currentLoc) {
return Location(currentLoc);
} else {
return UnknownLoc::get(getBuilder(false).getContext());
LocationAttr currentLoc;
/// Wrapper around an instance of an OpBuilder.
class PyOpBuilder : public PyBaseOpBuilder {
PyOpBuilder(PyContext &context) : builder(&context.context) {}
~PyOpBuilder() override;
static void bind(py::module m);
OpBuilder &getBuilder(bool requirePosition = false) override;
OpBuilder builder;
// Custom types
/// Helper for creating (possibly dialect specific) IR objects. This class
/// is intended to be subclassed on the Python side (possibly with multiple
/// inheritance) to provide Python level APIs for custom dialects. The base
/// class contains helpers for std types and ops.
class PyDialectHelper {
PyDialectHelper(PyContext &context, PyOpBuilder &builder)
: context(context), pyOpBuilder(builder) {}
static void bind(py::module m);
MLIRContext *getContext() { return pyOpBuilder.getContext(); }
PyContext &context;
PyOpBuilder &pyOpBuilder;
} // namespace mlir