mirror of https://github.com/llvm/torch-mlir
64 lines
2.1 KiB
64 lines
2.1 KiB
# No shebang, please `source` this file!
# For example, add this to your `.bashrc`:
# ```
# source $WHERE_YOU_CHECKED_OUT_NPCOMP/build_tools/docker_shell_funcs.sh
# ```
__npcomp_dir="$(realpath $(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/..)"
# Build the docker images for npcomp:
# npcomp:build-pytorch-nightly
# me/npcomp:build-pytorch-nightly (additional dev packages and current user)
function npcomp_docker_build() {
if ! [ -f "docker/pytorch-nightly/Dockerfile" ]; then
echo "Please run out of mlir-npcomp/ source directory..."
return 1
echo "Building out of $(pwd)..."
docker build docker/pytorch-nightly --tag npcomp:build-pytorch-nightly
npcomp_docker_build_for_me npcomp:build-pytorch-nightly
# Start a container named "npcomp" in the background with the current-user
# dev image built above.
function npcomp_docker_start() {
local host_src_dir="${1-$__npcomp_dir}"
if ! [ -d "$host_src_dir" ]; then
echo "mlir-npcomp source directory not found:"
echo "Pass path to host source directory as argument (default=$host_src_dir)."
return 1
docker volume create npcomp-build
docker run -d --rm --name "npcomp" \
--mount source=npcomp-build,target=/build \
--mount type=bind,source=$host_src_dir,target=/src/mlir-npcomp \
me/npcomp:build-pytorch-nightly tail -f /dev/null
# Stop the container named "npcomp".
function npcomp_docker_stop() {
docker stop npcomp
# Get an interactive bash shell to the "npcomp" container.
function npcomp_docker_login() {
docker exec --user $USER -it npcomp /bin/bash
### Implementation helpers below.
# From a root image, build an image just for me, hard-coded with a user
# matching the host user and a home directory that mirrors that on the host.
function npcomp_docker_build_for_me() {
local root_image="$1"
echo "
FROM $root_image
USER root
RUN apt install -y sudo byobu git procps lsb-release
RUN addgroup --gid $(id -g $USER) $USER
RUN mkdir -p $(dirname $HOME) && useradd -m -d $HOME --gid $(id -g $USER) --uid $(id -u $USER) $USER
RUN echo '$USER ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' >> /etc/sudoers
" | docker build --tag me/${root_image} -